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пособие the Internet.doc
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Словарик Юного Интернетчика. Точка, Точка, Запятая - вот и Рожица Кривая

История появления в Интернете забавных рожиц, составлен­ных из точечек, скобочек и запятых, вполне объяснима. Всем хо­роши электронные письма — и составлять их легко, и доходят до адресата они быстро, вот только хранят они лишь сухие компью­терные буквы, даже почерк, по которому можно было бы судить об эмоциях пишущего человека, исчезает. А жаль. Вот и придумали хитроумные компьютерные фанаты целый язык, использующий человеческую мимику. Рожицы, или, как их еще называют, смай­лики (от английского улыбающийся), конструируют из знаков пре­пинания. Только разглядывать их надо под углом 90 градусов.


:( — хмурый

:-| — серьезный

:-) — улыбающийся

:-))) - радостный

;-) — подмигивающий

;( — плачущий

;.(.. — рыдающий

:| — суровый

|-( — усталый и недовольный

8) — большие глаза

|-0 — сонный (зевающий)

8О — вопящий

Task 9. E-mailers also keep their message brief by abbreviating frequently used phrases. Complete these common phrases:

AAMOF as a m... of f...

AFAIK as f... as I k...

FYI for your i...

FYA f... y... am...

IMO in my o...

IOW in o... words

NRN not r... necessary

TTYL talk to y... 1...

FAQ f... a... question(s)

BTW b…t... w...

LOL la... o... loud

KHYF k... ho... y... fe...

IMHO in my h... o...

WYSIWYG what y... see is w... y... g...

Test. Acronyms

1. Read these e-mail messages and write down all the acronyms and what they mean.

For example: 4U- for you

a. Hi my dear friend! I know that U H8 letters and U like to meet F2F, but now we cannot do it because UR far away. How RU? First of all 10x for the last party which U made before your departure. It was GR8!! I know that now UR far away but FYI SOL I will visit U with my new GF certainly if U don’t come back! But I’ll TTYL about her, maybe in the next letter? Oh, I 4got to tell U that I saw your GF. She asked me to tell U that she loved you  and  she asked U to come back sooner! I will wait for your answer and will be glad to know how UR and I KHYF. Buy???

b. Hi, Kate!

I’m glad U wrote me! How RU? I heard about your trip. WB! I hope U had a GR8 time. I need to CU ASAP and tell U something F2F. It will be interesting 4U, U will ROFL!

BTW I went to that café. It was QL, but not everything. AFAIK it is new and not too many PPL know about it. I went there with my BF and he H8ed it. His POV is that the café was too big. IMO it’s nice? The food was GR8, especially ice-cream! But I disliked the service.

Well, ASAP come to me! CU.


2. Write a similar message.

Task 10. Put the proper words into sentences:

multimedia, dominant, spider, netizen, flame, writing, zoom.

1. Please, don’t ... me if you disagree with this.

2... spends an excessive amount of time on the Internet.

3. Windows and Unix operating systems are going to be on the desk­tops and on servers in ... numbers (B. Gates).

4. Hit a video button and ... for a closer look.

5... brings together different types of visual devices: texts, pictures, sounds, animations, speech.

6. … is a person or computer program that searches the web for new links and link them to search engines.

7. Good ... on the Net tends to be clear, vigorous, witty and above all brief: short paragraphs, bulleted lists, one-liners – the units of thought.