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UNIT 2 (clearcutting systems).doc
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1. Прочитайте вслух стихотворение и найдите глаголы в форме геундия.

Spades for digging; pens for writing;

Ears for hearing; teeth for biting,

Eyes for seeing; legs for walking;

Tongues for tasting and for talking.

Old rhyme

2. Выучите наизусть данный ниже диалог и проинсценируйте его.


J. Nick, what’s there in the corner of your room?

N. Hush! It’s a wire cable, a very useful and valuable thing. Somebody has left it in the corridor.

A. And you have brought it here. What for, I wonder?

N. It can be used for many purposes, such as skidding, hauling, dragging, even transportation.

J. Will you perform all these logging operations by yourself? Aren’t you going to organize a lumbering company?

A. I can help you to get the equipment if you start the collection. I’ve seen a winch in the backyard of the Academy.

N. I know this winch. Unfortunately it’s completely ruined.

J. You can extend its life by repairing. It won’t be difficult. You know the way it’s done.

A. Of course, he does. He is Jack-of-all-trades. I remember Nick’s repairing of my pen. And a very good one it was, too.

N. I’ve bought you another one.

A. As a birthday present.

J. Nick, perhaps you need rails for your logging railroad? I’ve seen one not far from the “St.Petersburg” hotel.

A. In my opinion, Nick, you must stop playing the fool and take the cable where it belongs.

N. But it’s so heavy. John, will you help me/

J. Was it me who’s brought it here?

3. Повторите правила чтения гласного звука /ai/.

/ai/ represented by i and y in open syllables: dine, mine, time, style, pie, nylon, dye, good-bye, side, by, type.

/ai/ represented by i before mb, nd, Id: mind, mild, kind, climb, child, find.

/ai/ represented by igh: sigh, sight, night, right, high, play­wright, bright, slight.

/ai/ represented by uy: buy, guy.

Повторите правила чтения гласного звука /i:/.

/i:/ represented by e in the open syllable: eve, me, these, scene, procede, extreme, complete.

/i:/ represented by ee: steep, meet, keep, street, sweet, deep, green, feet, speed,, -teen, beef, feel, cheek, speech, sleeve, beet, been, breed, reed, heel, steel, week, beech, teeth, geese, see, three, tree, flee, feed.

/i:/ represented by ea: sea, leaf, lean, please, peace, tea, reach, read, repeat, disease, conceal, reveal, eagle, treat, East, least, seat, weak, speak, reason, treason, heat, meat, beat, beach, breathe.

4. Прочитайте вслух новые слова, познакомьтесь с их русскими эквивалентами

clearcutting — сплошно-лесосечная рубка

germination — прорастание, зарождение, развитие, рост

shallow-rooted species — виды, с неглубоким залеганием корней

even-aged forest stand — одновозрастное лесонасаждение

cutover area — вырубка, вырубленная лесосека

overmature forest — перестойный лес

shrub — кустарник

blowdown — ветровал, деревья, поваленные ветром; ветровальный участок (леса)

windfirm — ветроустойчивый

silviculture — лесоводство

sprout — побег, росток; корешок; черенок; отросток

root — корень

stump — пень: дерево с обрезанной верхушкой

coppice — порослевое возобновление леса; молодой порослевый лес; лесной участок, лесосека; рубка в порослевом хозяйстве; ведение низкоствольного порослевого хозяйства

impair- повреждать

Породы деревьев:

Jack pine — сосна Банкса (Pinus banksiana)

Lodgepole pine — сосна скрученная широкохвойная (Pinus contorta)

Douglas fir — лжетсуга тиссолистная (Pseudotsuga taxifolia)

Western larch — лиственница западная (Larix occidentalis)

Black spruce — ель черная (Picea mariana)

Longleaf pine — сосна южная или болотная (Pinus palustris)

Red (Norway) pine — сосна смолистая (Pinus resinosa)

Aspen — тополь, осина

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