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Unit 1 (logging systems).doc
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UNIT 1. The logging system


1. Прочитайте вслух стихотворение и найдите глаголы в страдательном залоге.


The Moon is made of silver,

The Sun is made of gold,

And Jupiter is made of tin,

So the ancients told.

Venus is made of copper,

Saturn is made of lead,

And Mars is made of iron,

So the ancients said.

But what the Earth was made of

Very long ago

The ancients never told us

Because they didn’t know.

2. Выучите наизусть данные ниже диалоги и проинсценируйте их.

Dialogue 1

John: We’ve heard that Russia is a country rich in forests. Is it really so?

Nick: Yes, it is. Russia possesses more than one third of all the forest resources of the world.

John: Could you tell us what species grow in Russia?

Nick: Both coniferous and deciduous species do.

John: Are your forests of great economic importance?

Nick: They are. Russia is one of the most important timber-producing countries in the world.

Dialogue 2

Ann: I’d like to know what species predominate in Australia.

John: It is Eucalyptus, a hardwood of which there are more than 500 species there.

Nick: Am I to understand that all eucalypts are high?

John: No, it is not so. They include, on the one hand, species which for height have few equals in the world, and, on the other hand, dwarf types.

Ann: What about their commercial importance?

John: The eucalypts meet all Australia’s requirements for strong and durable timber needed in many industries.

Ann: Thank you.

3. Повторите правила чтения гласного звука /ei/.

Буква «A, в открытом слоге читается как гласный звук /ei/: made, tame, sake, Asia, age, mane, pane, sale, tale, male, brake, gate, plane, grate, waste.

Повторите буквосочетания, которые читаются как звук /ei/:

ai: main, rain, chain, remain, again, ex­plain, exclaim, contain, sail, pain, painter, tail, mail, stain, wait, paid, raid, train, laid, raise, afraid, praise, pail, vain, maid, plain, gait, waist.

ea: break, great, steak.

eigh: neighbour, weigh, weight, freight, sleigh.

буква «A, , за которой следует сочетание букв nge, ste: range, strange, arrange, haste, paste, waste.

ay: may, day, way, play, pray, tray.

ei (в середине слова) или ey (в конце): veil, vein, reign, prey.

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