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20 Osman Sabri Kiratli


No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

Notes on contributor

Osman Sabri Kiratli is an assistant professor in the International Trade Department of Bogazici University, Istanbul. His research areas include European integration, foreign policy-making, constructivist theory and International Political Economy. He has publications in various journals including European Integration Online Papers (EIOP) and Southeast European and Black Sea Studies. Email: osmansabrikiratli@boun.edu.tr


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Appendix. list of cited party manifestos and programmes


CDU/CSU (1976) ‘Das Gemeinsame Wahlprogramm der CDU und CSU [CDU/ CSU general election manifesto] 1976’

CDU/CSU (1980) ‘Das Gemeinsame Wahlprogramm der CDU/CSU [CDU/CSU general election manifesto] 1980’

CDU/CSU (1987) ‘Das Wahlprogramm von CDU und CSU fu¨r die Bundestagswahl [CDU/CSU election manifesto for the Bundestag elections] 1987’ CDU/CSU (1994) ‘Regierungsprogramm von CDU und CSU [CDU/CSU government programme] 1994’

CDU/CSU (1994) ‘Principles and program of the CDU. Adopted by the 5th Party Conference Hamburg, 21–23 February 1994’

CDU/CSU (2002) ‘Leistung und Sicherheit: Zeit fu¨r TatenRegierungsprogramm [Performance and safety: time for action]. CDU/CSU general election manifesto 2002’

CDU/CSU (2009) ‘Wir Haben Die Kraft [We got the power]. CDU/CSU general election manifesto 2009’

SPD (1961) ‘Das Regierungsprogramm der SPD [SPD government program] 1961’

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Political discourses on Europe and European integration 23

SPD (1965) Tatsachen und Argumente [Facts and arguments]. Election manifesto 1965’

SPD (1989) ‘Grundsatzprogramm der Socialdemokratischen Partei Deutschland [SPD party program] 1989’

SPD (1990) ‘Der neue weg [The new way]. General election manifesto 1990’ SPD (1997) Parteitag der SPD in Hannover [SPD Hannover party program] 1997’ SPD (2002) ‘Erneuerung and Zusammenhalt [Restoration and cohesion]. General election manifesto 2002’


Conservative Party (1955) ‘United for peace and progress. Conservative Party general election manifesto 1955’

Conservative Party (1959) ‘The next five years. Conservative Party general election manifesto 1959’

Conservative Party (1970) ‘A better tomorrow. Conservative Party general election manifesto 1970’

Conservative Party (October 1974) ‘Putting Britain first. Conservative Party general election manifesto 1974’

Conservative Party (1979) ‘Conservative Party general election manifesto 1979’ Conservative Party (1987) ‘The next moves forward. Conservative Party general election manifesto 1987’

Conservative Party (1992) ‘The best future for Britain. Conservative Party general election manifesto 1992’

Conservative Party (1997) ‘You can only be sure with the Conservatives. Conservative Party general election manifesto 1997’

Conservative Party (2001) ‘Time for common sense. Conservative Party general election manifesto 2001’

Conservative Party (2010) ‘Invitation to join the government of Britain. Conservative Party general election manifesto 2010’

Labour Party (1950) ‘Let us win through together. Labour Party general election manifesto 1950’

Labour Party (1964) ‘The new Britain. Labour Party general election manifesto 1964’ Labour Party (1970) ‘Now Britain’s strong—let’s make it great to live in. Labour Party general election manifesto 1970’

Labour Party (1979) ‘The Labour way is the better way. Labour Party general election manifesto 1979’

Labour Party (1983) ‘The new hope for Britain. Labour Party general election manifesto 1983’

Labour Party (1987) ‘Britain will win with Labour. Labour Party general election manifesto 1987’

Labour Party (1997) ‘New Labour because Britain deserves better. Labour Party general election manifesto 1997’

Labour Party (2001) ‘Ambitions for Britain. Labour Party general election manifesto 2001’

Labour Party (2005) ‘Britain forward, not back. Labour Party general election manifesto 2005’

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Labour Party (2010) ‘A future fair for all. Labour Party general election manifesto 2010’

The Netherlands

CDA (1977) ‘Niet bij brood alleen [Not by bread alone]. CDA Election Manifesto 1977’

CDA (1980) ‘Program van Uitgangspunten van het Christen Democratisch Appe`l [CDA party programme and principles] 1981’

CDA (1981) ‘Programma CDA Tweede-Kamerverkiezingen [CDA election manifesto] 1981’

CDA (1986) ‘Programma CDA Tweede-Kamerverkiezingen [CDA election manifesto] 1986’

CDA (1993) ‘Program van Uitgangspunten CDA [CDA party programme] 1993’ CDA (1994) ‘Wat echt telt: werk, veiligheid, milieu [What really matters: work, safety, environment]. CDA election manifesto 1994’

CDA (1998) ‘Samenleven doe je niet alleen: verkiezingsprogramma [Living together, not alone]. 1998–2002. CDA election manifesto 1998’

CDA (2002) ‘Betrokken samenleving, betrouwbare overheid [Concerned society, reliable government]. CDA election manifesto 2002’

CDA (2006) ‘Vertrouwen in Nederland. Vertrouwen in elkaar [Trust in the Netherlands, trust each other]. CDA election manifesto 2006’

CDA (2010) ‘Slagvaardig en samen [Decided and together]. CDA election manifesto 2010’

CDA (2012) ‘Iedereen: verkiezingsprogramma 2012–2017 [Everyone: election manifesto] 2012’

PvDA (1956) ‘Verkiezingsprogram [Election manifesto] 1956’

PvDA (1982) ‘Programma PvdA Tweede-Kamerverkiezingen [PvDA election manifesto] 1982’

PvDA (1994) ‘Wat mensen bindt: verkiezingsprogramma [What binds people: election manifesto] 1994’

PvDA (2002) ‘Samen voor de toekomst [Together for the future]. PvDA election manifesto 2002’

PvDA (2006) ‘Samen sterker: werken aan een beter Nederland. Verkiezingsprogramma Tweede Kamerverkiezingen [Stronger together: working towards a better Netherlands]. PvDA election manifesto 2006’

PvDA (2012) ‘Nederland sterker & socialer: verkiezingsprogramma [A stronger and social Netherlands]. PvDA election manifesto 2012’

Election manifestos were obtained from the following sources:

. German election manifestos: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fu¨r Sozialforschung (WZB), Manifesto Project Database, ,https://manifesto-project.wzb.eu/ .

. Dutch election manifestos: University of Groningen, Documentation Centre Dutch Political Parties (DNPP), ,http://dnpp.ub.rug.nl/dnpp/.

. British election manifestos (in online text form): ,http://www. politicsresources.net/area/uk/man.htm..

Translations are by the author.