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8.2 Что называется городской территорией?

1. An urban area is a village.

2. An urban area may be cities and towns.

3. An urban area is a metropolis.

8.3 Ответьте на вопросы?

1. What is an urban area?

2. What is larger: a city or a town?

3. What facilitates interaction between people and businesses?


Text 9 Cadastral report

Cadastral report contains official information on the urban cadastre of the city on the basis of the operating Master Plan of the city. It represents a normative document on location, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and rebuilding of objects in the city. All the information in the cadastral report is public and accessible to any customer without limitation. The information resources are formed on the basis of the town-planning and project documentation.

Cadastral report is not permission but a document, which provides both the government bodies and investors with the information base. This information base is necessary for taking justified decisions and it protects the investors against biased actions of authorities.


9.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

восстановление, доступный, ограничение, градостроительство, оправданное решение, необъективные действия властей.

9.2 Что такое кадастровый отчет?

1. Cadastral report is the operating Master Plan.

2. Cadastral report is a document which provides both the government bodies and investors with the information base.

3. Cadastral report is biased actions of authorities.

Text 10

The Cadastral information

Cadastral Information is formed on the basis of the approved materials of the Master Plan of the city development prospects. It contains norms and data necessary for decision-making on distribution, construction, reconstruction, restoration and legal registration of rights to the land plots and property objects related to them.

The Cadastral Information includes fragments of town-planning documentation registered in the State Urban Cadaster (SUC) of the city.

Information resources for the SUC are formed on the basis of the approved town planning documentation.

The SUC information resources are subject to constant supplementation and actualization.

Cadastral Information is a document which provides government bodies and customers with the information.


10.1 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

утвержденный материал, принятие решения, регистрация прав, земельный участок, объект собственности, государственный градостроительный комитет.

10.2 Ответьте на вопросы?

1. What does the Cadastral information include?

2. What are information resources for the SUC formed on?


Text 11

The importance of Cadastral surveys

City, town and village governments conduct cadastral surveys which identify the property owner, type of land. Cadastral surveys also include the preparation of maps and books. The cadastral maps and cadastral books are prepared from the results of cadastral surveys. They are submitted to official registration offices where they replace old maps under the Property Registration Law.

Through cadastral surveys, the cadastre (the most fundamental level of information on land) is clarified. Cadastral surveys also contribute to the protection of land-based assets.

It is necessary to promote cadastral surveys as a matter of urgency, and to produce cadastres (the most basic level of information about land) in order to promote effective land use.

The "Cadastral Information System" provides digitized information for areas where cadastral surveys have been completed. The "Cadastral Information System" also maintains and manages land configuration information. The system provides land and housing surveyors, surveying companies and the general public with cadastral maps on land-lots, integrated cadastral maps.


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