- •1.Words to be remembered (Texts: a, b).
- •2. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the worlds in italics.
- •3. Scan text a. Pay attention to the words in bold type.
- •4. Decide whether the following statements are true, false or vague according to text a.
- •5. Read text a and answer these questions.
- •6. Scan text b. Pay attention to the words in bold type.
- •7. Decide whether the following statements are true, false or vague according to text b.
- •8. Read text b and answer these questions.
- •9. Match the verbs with the synonyms.
- •10. Match the same verbs with the antonyms.
- •11. Make sure you know the meanings of these terms. Match them with their definitions.
- •12. Fill in the correct prepositions. Make some of the items more complete.
- •14. Make thorough analysis of the questions given below. Derive a proper rule for making questions. Try to remember the main principles of the famous educators. Compose your own questions:
- •15. Quiz. Match the names with the educators’ deeds, principles and beliefs.
- •16. Translate the main points from Russian into English. Use the dictionaries and encyclopedia.
- •17. Look at the two pictures, one of them showing a famous educator Anton Makarenko with his pupils. Write a small essay: “What m akes a Good Teacher” or “My favourite teacher”.
- •18. Read the text “Teaching: Art or Science” Discuss it in small groups.
- •20. Read all the texts again and make notes under the following headings. Then use your notes to talk or to make reports about them.
- •1. Words to be remembered (Texts: a, b).
- •2. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the words in italics.
- •3. Scan text a paying attention to the words in bold type.
- •4. Decide whether the following statements are true, false or vague according to text a.
- •5. Read text a and answer these questions.
- •6. Scan text b paying attention to the words in bold type.
- •7. Decide whether the following statements are true, false or vague according to text b.
- •8. Read text b and answer these questions.
- •9. Match the adjectives with the synonyms.
- •10. Match the same adjectives with the antonyms.
- •11. Make sure you know the meanings of these words and match them with their definitions.
- •12. Fill in the correct prepositions. Make the sentences complete with the ideas expressed in the texts, and your own ideas.
- •13. Translate the following sentences into English using the above vocabulary.
- •14. A) Study the sentences below presenting comparisons. Derive a rule by yourself or with the help of your tutor.
- •15. Look at the drawings. How do the pictures match with the teachers’ characteristics? Discuss it with your group-mates. Make dialogues.
- •16. A) Investigate the biography.
- •18. Read each statement below carefully. Check either “agree,” “disagree” or vague to show what you think.
- •19. Study the inside information: “Times of Transition.” Discuss it in small groups. Summarise it in a written form.
- •20. Read the text, pay attention to the words in italics and in brackets. Enrich your vocabulary by comparing English and Russian equivalents.
- •21. Read the following dialogues. Define the people’s behaviour-characters. Consult the dictionary.
- •22. Read the texts again and make notes under the following headings. Then use your notes to talk on the topics.
- •1. Words to be remembered (Texts: a, b).
- •2. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the words in italics.
- •3. Scan text a (part 1) carefully paying attention to the words in bold type.
- •4. Scan text a (part 2). Make use of the parts 1 and 2 to give a valid report before the audience: a) with insufficient training, b) with sufficient training.
- •5. Decide whether the following statements are true, false or vague according to text a (parts 1 – 2).
- •6. Read text a (part 1 and 2), answer these questions.
- •7. Scan text b carefully paying attention to the words in bold type.
- •8. Decide whether the following statements are true, false or vague according to text b.
- •9. Read text b and answer these questions.
- •10. Match the words with the synonyms.
- •11. Match the same words with the antonyms.
- •12. Make sure you know the meanings of these words and match them with their definitions.
- •13. Fill in the correct prepositions.
- •15. Translate and use the following words of encouragement with your pupils, friends, parents, colleagues and try to create warm and friendly atmosphere.
- •16. Read the “Open Letter to School Children”. Rewrite the abstract, which you like and appreciate most.
- •17. Special Quiz: Identify the words and ideas, which were not mentioned in text a.
- •18. Read, compare and learn.
- •19. Study “12 Ways to Use Your Power.” Share the results of your studying either with your parents or teachers, or bear it in mind for yourself.
- •20. Read the following dialogues. Define the people’s characters. Consult the dictionary.
- •21. Read the texts again and make notes under the following headings, use your notes to talk on the topics.
- •2. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the words in italics.
- •3. Scan the text a paying attention to the words in bold type.
- •4. Decide whether the following statements are true, false or vague according to text a.
- •5. Read text a and answer these questions.
- •6. Scan text b carefully paying attention to the words in bold type.
- •7. Decide whether the following statements are true, false or vague according to text b.
- •8. Read text b and answer these questions.
- •9. Match the adjectives with the synonyms.
- •10. Match the same adjectives with the antonyms.
- •11. Make sure you know the meanings of these words and match them with their definitions.
- •12. Fill in the correct prepositions. Make the sentences complete.
- •13. Make Russian-English and English-Russian translation.
- •14. Study the text “How Teachers Guide Learning” but first fill in the gaps with necessary word forms derived from the following verbs. Write down the text you’ve made.
- •16. A) Scan the text “Intelligence”.
- •18. Are you a reliable witness? Study the picture for only twenty seconds. You are going to answer the questions about the picture right now. Do not look back at the photo.
- •20. Read and translate the text “Children and Parents”. Write down the main idea of the text.
- •21. A. Look at the diagram of the story: “Whenever”. Do you find it optimistic, realistic, funny or something else? Think of some endings of your own to complete or compose a fascinating story.
- •I) To understand the subtleties of stereotyping, try to answer the following riddle.
- •II) How could this be, if the father had died in the crash? If you still don’t think you’ve come up with a satisfactory explanation, try another riddle.
- •22. Read the texts again and make notes under the following headings. Then use your notes to talk on the topics.
- •1. Words to be remembered (Texts: a, b).
- •2. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the words in italics.
- •3. Scan text a carefully paying attention to the words in bold type.
- •4. Decide whether the following statements are true, false or vague according to text a.
- •5. Read text a and answer these questions.
- •6. Scan text b paying attention to the words in bold type.
- •7. Decide whether the following statements are true, false or vague according to text b.
- •8. Read text b and answer these questions.
- •9. Match the verbs with the synonyms.
- •10. Match the verbs with the antonyms.
- •11. Make sure you know the meanings of these words and match them with their definitions.
- •12. Fill in the correct prepositions.
- •13. Scan the text: “Let’s communicate.” Memorise the ten golden rules.
- •14. А) Skim the texts bellow; b) Try to explain the underlined grammar peculiarities; c) Choose one of the texts as a topic for discussion, define the professional field it belongs to.
- •15. Test: Find out with the fun quiz: How do you communicate?
- •17. Puzzle: “Stress and rhythm.” Try to fill in the missing words before you hear this rhythmic rhyme, called “Is this the Job For You”? What do you think the job is?
- •18. Scan the text “Creativity in Science.” and summarise it.
- •20. A. Here is a simple trick to try next time you are waiting for a teacher to come into the room.
- •21. Read the texts again and make notes under the following headings. Then use your notes to talk on the topics.
- •1. Words to be remembered (Texts: a, b).
- •2. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the words in italics.
- •3. Read text a carefully paying attention to the words in bold type.
- •4. Decide whether the following statements are true, false or vague according to text a.
- •5. Read text a and answer these questions.
- •6. Read text b carefully paying attention to the words in bold type.
- •7. Decide whether the following statements are true, false or vague according to text b.
- •8. Read text b and answer these questions.
- •9. Match the adjectives with the synonyms.
- •10. Match the same adjectives with the antonyms.
- •11. Make sure you know the meanings of these words and match them with their definitions.
- •12. Fill in the correct prepositions.
- •13. Translate the text into English. Discuss. Give your “for” and “against”.
- •14. Could you use any other modal verbs in these 8 points?
- •16. Match the parts of the sentences.
- •17. Read each statement below carefully. Check either “Yes, I shall” or “No, I shall not” to show future intentions to your future pupils or students.
- •18. Read each statement below carefully. Check either “Yes, I shall” or “No, I shall not” to show your intentions to your future colleagues.
- •19. Imagine you are present at the math lesson. Answer the questions. A) Give your assessment of the lesson. Consult the dictionary.
- •20. Read the following dialogues. Define the people’s behaviour-characters. Choose a proper word from the list below. How would you react to the pupils’ mind in real life? Give advice.
- •1) Angry 2) awful 3) doubting 4) ingenuous 5) lazy 6) witty 7) prudent 8) hopeful
- •21. Read the texts again and make notes under the following headings. Then use your notes to talk on the topics.
- •Vocabulary of educational terms and their usage
- •Inborn intelligence
- •Interpersonal intelligence
- •Inside knowledge
- •Intuitive knowledge
4 |
Unit I. Education (Pedagogy) History…………………………
5 |
Unit II. Unresoved Pedagogical Dilemmas……………………
19 |
Unit III. The Philosophy of Rights and Duties…………….......
32 |
Unit IV. Vision in Science and Education……………………..
46 |
Unit V. The Power of Communication and Creativity…….......
62 |
Unit VI. Ethics in Education……………………………….......
77 |
Unit VII. Supplementary Reading, or Fiction & Poetry Classes
91 |
109 |
Vocabulary of Educational Terms and their Usage……………
111 |
134 |
Пособие предназначено для работы со студентами педагогического профиля, получающими профессиональное образование. Цель пособия – формирование практических умений в различных профессионально-ориентированных видах речевой деятельности на основе смыслового восприятия педагогических и инженерных английских текстов.
Пособие состоит из семи разделов: «История педагогики», «Нерешенные дилеммы», «Философия прав и обязанностей педагогов и инженеров», «Видение в науке и образовании», «Сила общения и творчества», «Этика в образовании», «Педагогика в художественной литературе и поэзии».
Шесть из разделов построены по следующей схеме: словарь для двух текстов, А ‒ В; упражнения на понимание текстов; упражнения на представление и освоение основных грамматических структур; дополнительные творческие задания для индивидуальной работы; юмористические рассказы; заключительные темы для обсуждения. В седьмой раздел вошли небольшие произведения художественной литературы и стихи, посвященные профессии педагога, вопросам взаимоотношения учителя и ученика, детей и родителей. В целом все разделы и приложение нацелены на актуализацию языкового самообразования, использование разнообразных форм, методов и техноглогий обучения, необходимых для осуществления профессиональной деятельности на практике.
Тексты пособия заимствованы из специализированной англоязычной литературы и способствуют развитию всех видов чтения и расширению запаса профессиональной лексики.
Работа над отдельными грамматическими структурами строится на консультативной основе: «преподаватель-студент», «студент-преподаватель» и требует проявления инициативы.
Пособие включает цитатный и иллюстративный материал, словарь по общепедагогической и профессионально ориентированной лексике, который может быть использован для подготовки специалистов сферы менеджмента и психологии.
Авторы выражают благодарность всем тем, кто способствовал созданию и изданию этого пособия.
UNIT I. Education (Pedagogy) History
you start: Think it over. Agree – Disagree
“Education doesn’t mean teaching people what they do not know. It means teaching them to behave as they do not behave. It is a painful, continual and difficult work to be done by kindness, by watching, by percept, and by praise, but above all by example.”
John Ruskin, 1819 - 1900, an English author, art critic and social reformer.
Reading, Vocabulary & Creative Practice
1.Words to be remembered (Texts: a, b).
allure |
apprenticeship |
art |
articulate |
care for |
complete |
conceive |
confine |
consider |
constitute |
curriculum |
dedicate |
distinction |
education |
encourage |
enthuse |
establish |
expand |
facilitate |
fleet |
flexible |
font/fount |
genuine |
innovation |
insight |
insult |
issue |
milestone |
novice |
omniscient |
origin |
patronize |
performance |
respect |
reveal |
rotten |
scribe |
sophisticated |
stimulate |
treat |
2. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the worlds in italics.
1. Pedagogy is the practice of teaching or the study of teaching methods.
2. The teacher encouraged the boy in his studies.
3. Paul is known to be a good football player but a rotten driver.
4. This book insults the reader’s intelligence.
5. My friend has a good sense of humor.
6. Don’t patronize me; I know just as much about it as you do.
7. Before you decide to leave the university, consider the effect it will have on your family.
8. She is sure to be a genuine person.
9. If our industries shy away from innovation, we will never compete successfully with other countries.
10. I am glad to see that you are being well cared for.
11. The number of apprenticeships has declined sharply in recent years.
12. The students couldn’t see the distinction between the two notions.
13. The job offers alluring opportunities.
14. Have some respect for your parents.
15. Your son’s essays show great maturity and sophistication.
16. The teacher hoped her warning would stimulate the pupil to greater efforts.
17. “Treat me nice, treat me good, treat me like you really should, ‘cause I’m not made of wood, and I don’t have a wooden heart.”
3. Scan text a. Pay attention to the words in bold type.
Text A. History of Education
Pedagogy or paedagogy is the art or science of being a teacher. The word comes from the ancient Greek “paidagogas”, the slaves who supervised the education of slave children in whatever given trade they were forced into. The word “paidia” refers to children, which is why some like to make the distinction between pedagogy (teaching children) and andragogy (teaching adults). The Latin-derived word for pedagogy, education, is much more widely used, and often the two are used interchangeably.
The origins of the word “education” reveal one theory of its function: the Latin “educare” comes from roots suggesting a ‘leading out” or “leading forth”, with possible applications of developing innate abilities and of expanding horizons. Formal education occurs when society or a group or an individual sets up a curriculum to educate people, usually the young.
Young people in prehistoric societies were educated through apprenticeship, imitation and rituals. Through apprenticeship a young man learnt how to build a shelter by working with an older, experienced master builder.
About 3000 B.C. the Sumerians (Шумеры) and the Egyptians invented a system of writing and that was the second major milestone in education. Shortly after 3000 B.C. both the Sumerians and the Egyptians established schools to teach boys the newly invented arts of reading and writing. Teachers were priests. Only exceptionally talented boys were allowed to attend school. The training lasted from about the age of 5 to 17. Boys who completed their education formed a separate social class called “scribes.” Scribes were hired for any task that required knowledge of reading, writing and arithmetic. Civilization spread from Sumerians and Egyptians to the eastern shores. Between about 1500 B.C. and 1000 B.C. the first alphabet was developed and it gave education one more valuable tool.
Among the topics investigated in the philosophy of education are the nature of learning, especially in children, and the purpose of education, including the question of whether, educators should attempt to develop or install moral virtues and political values. To an understanding of the material of education, psychology is the chief contributor.
Major figures in the history of the philosophy of education include Aristotle, Plato, Democritus, Confucius, J. J. Rousseau, J. Locke, J. Herbart, E. H. Willard, J. Pestalozzi, M. Montessori, Fr. Froebel, J. A. Komensky, J. Korczak, J. Dewey, B. F. Skinner, L.N.Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky.
Comprehension Check 1