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АНГЛИЙСКИЙ для зоо, вет-1 (2008).doc
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IV. Read the text again. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

  1. Dairy cows require more shelter than beef animals.

  2. If dehorning is done while the calf is young, the operation will be severe.

  3. In any case the opera­tion should not be delayed until 7 months.

  4. Attention should be given to the condition of the udder during this period so as to prevent inflammation.

  5. After calving the cow should be kept warm and should be allowed to drink very cold water.

V. Complete the sentences with the information from the text.

  1. Dairy cows require…

  2. Stables for cows should be…

  3. Badly bruised carcasses are usually found in…

  4. Bull calves can be castrated at…

  5. In any case the opera­tion should not be…

  6. The greatest possible milk yield may be…

  7. After calving the cow should be…

VI. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

  1. Dairy cows require more shelter.

  2. Stables for cows should be disinfected regularly.

  3. Bulls can be castrated at any time.

  4. This may be done by excluding the grain ration.

  5. Some cows require the period of rest before calving.

  6. The calf should be allowed to suck the cow for 4 or 5 days.

VII. Insert correct prepositions where necessary.

  1. Cows give less milk when exposed … severe weather than when kept … stables.

  2. Stables … cows should be cleaned and disinfected.

  3. The stable should be … connection with the barn … which the feeding stuffs are stored.

  4. Bull calves can be castrated … any time … a few weeks … 7 months of age.

  5. This may be done … excluding the grain ration.

  6. Attention should be given … the condition … the udder during this period.

  7. He may be separated … the cow and fed … whole milk.

VIII. Write information about yourself according to the plan below.

─ I saw cows in…

─ I touched a calf. It was very…

─ After graduating from the academy I’d like to work…

─ English will be helpful (helpless) in my profession.

Thank you. Good luck.

Вариант 5

I. Active vocabulary:

swine ─ свинья

pork ─ свинина

bacon ─ бекон

breed ─ порода

gilt ─ подсвинок

to come in heat ─ приходить в половую охоту

wean a litter ─ отнимать (отделять) поросят

pregnant sows ─ супоросные свиноматки

farrowing ─ опорос

a productive herd ― продуктивное стадо

Translate the text “Swine”

The word "swine" is used for all domestic animals commonly refer­red to as pigs or hogs. Tow types of pigs are usually distinguished: the pork type that puts on a lot of fat in the early stages and the bacon type that makes more lean meat and fattens later.

Hog breeds vary in colour, size, conformation, shape of head and other points. Early maturity, size, feeding quality of meat and carcass yields have been the main factors in the development of hogs.

Breeding. ─ Gilts become sexually mature when they are from 6 to 8 months of age, and boars at 6 to 7. Well-grown gilts may come in heat at 3 months of age. Sows usually come in heat a few days after weaning a litter, but some come in heat while suckling litters.

The gestation period of the sow takes from 112 to 120 days. Preg­nant sows should be allowed to run in a lot containing plenty of green feed. About a week before farrowing the sow should be separa­ted from the other hogs and put in a pen by herself with a very small amount of bedding. At farrowing time she should be fed only water or thin slop for the first 24 hours. At the end of the week the ration should be gradually increased and should consist of such milk produ­cing foods as bran, peas, milk, etc.

A sow usually produces from 6 to 12 at a litter, and she may have 2 litters a year. Within a week of weaning her litter a sow is normally ready to be mated to the boar again.

At six weeks male pigs in the litter are castrated, which prevents their breeding. The point is that castrated males fatten more easily and give a better carcass when slaughtered.

Such pigs are called barrows.

Management. ─ Proper management is essential for success in swine raising. Careful attention during breeding, farrowing, and rearing pigs to weaning enables us to raise a productive herd. The mortality of the young is much higher with swine than with other kinds of livestock. Since hogs live close to the ground, they are subject to many parasites and diseases. Sanitation is therefore most important in swine raising. Only by avoiding diseases and parasites losses by skillful handling and treatment it is possible to have a highly profitable swine herd.

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