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Open-pit – карьер

Deep-seated – глубоко залегающий

Timber – крепь

Bottom – дно

Stope – вынимать руду, очистной забой

Prospecting – разведка

Orebody – рудное тело

Task 2 Choose right translations of the sentences

1.According to their position mine working may be divided into open-pit and underground.

  1. В соответствие с позицией шахты разработки могут вестись открытым способом и под землёй.

  2. В соответствие с местоположением шахты разработки могут вестись открытым способом и под землёй.

  3. В соответствие с местоположением шахты разработки могут вестись открытым способом и шахтным.

2. The surface bounding an underground working from its top, bottom and sides is called respectively roof, floor and walls.

a) Границы разработок на поверхности и под землей от их вершины, дна и стенок называются соответственно кровля, подошва и стенки.

b) Границы разработок на поверхности и под землей от их вершины, дна и сторон называются соответственно кровля, подошва и стенки.

с) Поверхностные и подземные границы разработок от их вершины, дна и сторон называются соответственно кровля, подошва и стенки.

3. Mine opening may be divided into prospecting and exploitation workings.

a) Вскрышные работы могут быть поделены на исследовательские и разведывательные.

b) Горные работы могут быть поделены на исследовательские и разведывательные.

с)Вскрышные разработки могут быть поделены на исследовательские и разведывательные.

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Only seams lying near the surface would be worked in the early days of coal-mining. At first the coal was got by open­cast working. Where the coal became too deep for opencast working, tunnels were driven from the outcrop to the seam.

Where possible these tunnels were driven on a slight rising gradient to allow of drainage as no pumps were then availa­ble. The coal was carried along the underground roadways to the surface on the backs of women, boys and girls known as bearers. Where the coal was more or less flat but lay at a depth too great for opencast working, shallow pits were sunk. These shallow pits were sunk to the coal seam and then were widened to remove as much coal as possible without supporting the roof, after which the pit was abandoned, and another one sunk nearby,

The coal was still carried by the bearers along the adits and up the shafts until about the middle of the 14th.century, when windlasses or jack rolls, similar to those used for wind­ing water from wells, were introduced for hoisting the coal up the shafts in baskets; this method of winding was employed until the 19th century The coal was got by wooden picks tipped with iron and by iron wedges.

For the sinking of shafts and driving of levels or tunnels in rock, fires were lighted in contact with the rock or stone to be broken, and these fires were extinguished and the rock cooled by water, thus causing it to split.

Little progress was made in mining methods for several centuries largely owing to lack of tools and equipment, and the miners or pit men who were more or less serfs. About the middle of the 17th century horses were employed for winding coal from mine shafts. With deeper and somewhat more extensive area of working around the shafts difficulties of ventilation and drainage arose.