
- •4 Working with the text
- •Vocabulary:
- •Vocabulary:
- •Generals
- •1. Read and memorize the words
- •2.Make up word combinations from two columns
- •3. Read the text and answer the questions
- •4. Answer the questions
- •5. Complete the sentences
- •1 Read the texts and translate them.
- •2 Знайдіть в тексті слова, схожі з українською мовою, які ви зможете зрозуміти без перекладу і які є помилковими друзями перекладача.
- •Знайдіть в тексті речення із вживанням Passive Voice.
- •4 В кожному реченні знайдіть ключове слово, або словосполучення.
- •Vocabulary:
- •1. Read and translate the text, do the tasks after reading.
- •Vocabulary
- •Find the right translation
- •Vocabulary
- •1 Read and translate the text. Pay attention on the following words:
- •Mining coal by water power
- •2 Put the words with their definitions.
- •3 Find all the sentences with the Passive Voice.
- •4 Read and translate the text independently.
- •Read and remember the words:
- •2. Read and translate the text:
- •3. Fill the gaps with the words from the box.
- •4.Choose the best variant.
- •Make up word combinations from two columns
- •3. Read the text and answer the questions Methods used in boring from the surface
- •4.Complete the sentences
- •Read more information about the ways of drilling.
- •Types of excavators
- •Vocabulary:
- •2 Складіть рекламу до тексту, наголошуючи на його інформативній цінності
- •3 Прочитайте текст і дайте йому заголовок.
- •Vocabulary:
- •Розташуйте питання до тексту в логічній послідовності.
- •5 Скоротіть текст за рахунок подробиць.
- •1. Read and translate the text: number of openings
- •2.Складіть словосполучення з поданих слів:
- •Виразіть трьома реченнями зміст даного тексту.
- •Vocabulary:
- •Read the text. Do tasks after reading.
- •Vocabulary. Read and learn by heart:
- •Vocabulary. Read and learn by heart:
- •Read and learn new vocabulary:
- •Write down sentences with the most important information from the text.
- •Make up the plan of the text.
- •Retell the text using new words and plan.
- •1 True or false?
- •2 Read and remember new words.
- •3 Read the text and answer the questions. Support (part 1)
- •3Answer the questions to the text.
- •4 Fill in the text with the necessary words
- •Read and remember new words.
- •Read the text and extract the main information. Support (part 2)
- •2 Перекладіть на українську мову враховуючи префікс re-:
- •3 Прочитайте словосполучення та перекладіть їх на радну мову:
- •4 Визначте значення виділених слів за схожістю їх коренів в українській мові:
- •5 Прочитайте текст. Назвіть основні системи розробки рудних родовищ. Ore Mining
- •6 Прочитайте речення та укажіть які з них відповідають змісту тексту.
- •7 Дайте відповіді на питання
- •8 Знайдіть відповідні еквіваленти українських та англійських слів та словосполучень
- •9 Заповніть пропуски приведеними нижче словами
- •10 Знайдіть слова близькі за значенням.
- •11 Визначте якою частиною мови є виділені слова та перекладіть речення
- •12 Дані у дужках дієслова поставте в необхідну форму
5 Скоротіть текст за рахунок подробиць.
1. Read and translate the text: number of openings
Ventilation and safety demand at least two openings to surface. They are required by law in many countries. In metal mines, stopes reaching the outcrop often afford an adequate second opening; in collieries, rigid ventilation requirements compel at least two openings. Other conditions to be considered are that the required output may be in excess of capacity of a single shaft. This is unusual at ordinary • depths, as a shaft can be designed to handle large tonnages. In deep shafts, the time required to get men on and off shift through a single shaft is serious and this, together with time for handling supplies, greatly reduces coal-transporting capacity. Topographic or other conditions affecting surface transport may prohibit separate openings; conversely, they may show a saving in surface over underground transport which alone will justify a separate shaft. Method of underground haulage is a very important factor in determination number of openings and is connected with method of haulage on levels. Cost of level tramming per ton increases rapidly with distance and there is a limiting length of handling beyond which a new shaft will save its cost as economic limits for mechanical haulage are higher. Tonnage produced per shift on one level affects the method of haulage. Where small, it may be possible to install mechanical haulage on every second or third level, and coal is transferred to the haulage level through winzes
2.Складіть словосполучення з поданих слів:
Safety length
ventilation level
underground haulage
limiting demand
mechanical requirements
haulage transport
Виразіть трьома реченнями зміст даного тексту.
Power drill –механічний бур
pneumatic hammer drill – пневматичний свердлильний молоток
boring bit – бурова коронка
boring rig – бурове знаряддя
to be blasted – бути підірваним
overburden – вскришні роботи
cleavage – кліваж, розщеплення
Read the text. Do tasks after reading.
Drilling. This is important and a lot of time can be wasted in the operation. Power drills of the rotary type will in most cases give quickest results, though the pneumatic hammer drill type is preferred by drifters and sinkers in hard rock. The boring bit must be hard enough and suitable for its work, and dull ones replaced at once by sharp ones. All drill holes shall have a clearance of not less than '/s in. over the diameter of the cartridge to be used.
For very high speed work in hard stone, drifters find the use of suitable boring rig very
The shot-hole should be shorter than the depth of the cut and have a piece of stemming rammed hard at the back of every hole to reinforce it against any break that might be very near. ".
If the coal is too thick to be blasted properly under the 4/?ths rule by one row^ then two or more rows of shots are drilled, but great care and experience are needed in placing shots to obtain the best results, especially in seams having alternating hard and soft bands. The spacing is important; holes should neither be near enough to interfere with each other not yet so far apart as to be overburdened.
The shot-holes should cross the cleavage planes as near the right angle as practicable, and roof and floor damage should be studied and avoided. Once the best available system has been found, all persons concerned should follow it carefully and as near as practicable (Figs. 5 and 6).
Ripping- Here again the Vrths rule should apply, but it may be modified by the presence of hard stone bands. Thick canches will require two or more "lifts" of holes and wide ripping will need more than narrow ones for the same thickness.
Task 2. Find the correct finishing of the following sentences:
Once the best available system has been found, all persons concerned should follow it …
This is important and a lot of time can be wasted …
All drill holes shall have a clearance of not less than '/s in. over …
The spacing is important; holes should neither be near enough to interfere with each other not yet …
The boring bit must be hard enough and suitable for its work, …
a)… the diameter of the cartridge to be used.
b)… and dull ones replaced at once by sharp ones.
c) … carefully and as near as practicable.
d) … so far apart as to be overburdened.
e) … in the operation.
Task 3. Ask questions to the text to make a plan of it.
Drilling Rigs such as HKP are intended for drilling holes of any direction up to 50 m (80 m) in underground conditions.
Rigs perform drilling in medium rocks using pneumatic striker.
Rigs can produce rotative drilling of holes in rock of little hardness for which purpose pneumatic striker is changed for suitable bit.
Rigs can be used for drilling of degassing and drainage holes and for other works.
The Plant produces four modifications of the rig HKP.