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Практичне заняття № 7

з курсу «Історія англійської літератури (Сентименталізм. Романтизм) для студентів 2 курсу Інституту філології та соціальних комунікацій, 24-25а групи, стаціонар, 3 семестр.



  1. Життєвий і творчий шлях поета.

  2. Естетичні погляди Джона Кітса. Ототожнення краси й істини. «Аксіоми поезії».

  3. Розвиток романтичної поеми у творчості Кітса:

3.1. «Ендіміон»: міфологічна основа, алегоричність, майстерність поетичної форми.

3.2. «Гіперіон» як незавершена «міфологічна епопея»; продовження її теми у фрагменті «Падіння Гіперіона».

3.3. «Ізабелла, або Горщик з базиліком»: трактування сюжету Дж. Бокаччо, торжество кохання над смертю.

3.4. «Ламія»: трагедія романтичного кохання.

  1. Жанр сонета в ліриці Кітса. Сонет «Коник і цвіркун» – втілення віри в торжество буття.

  2. Філософська глибина і поетична досконалість од Джона Кітса.


  1. Прочитати твори Джона Кітса, названі в плані практичного заняття.

Джерела: http://lib.ru/POEZIQ/KITS/, http://www.classic-book.ru/lib/sa/author/402, http://www.stihi-xix-xx-vekov.ru/kits.html, http://www.russianplanet.ru/filolog/evropa/england/keats.htm.

  1. Ознайомитися з біографією письменника англійською мовою, переказати її.

  2. Прочитати в оригіналі сонет Кітса «Коник і цвіркун», підготувати його виразне читання, зробити підрядковий переклад і порівняти з художніми перекладами С. Маршака, В.Мисика.

  3. Прочитати уривок з «Кембриджської історії англійської та американської літератури» про художню своєрідність од Кітса, письмово перекласти уривок. Скласти словник нових слів. Підготуватися до обговорення тексту.

Основна література

  1. Аникин Г.В., Михальская Н.П. История английской литературы. – М.: Высшая школа, 1975. – С.241-247 // http://17v-euro-lit.niv.ru/17v-euro-lit/mihalskaya-anikin-angliya/john-keats.htm.

  2. Дьяконова Н.Я. Джон Китс. Стихи и проза // http://lib.ru/POEZIQ/KITS/keats0_1.txt.

  3. История английской литературы. Том 2. Выпуск 1. – М.: АН СССР, 1953. – С.130-152 (чит. зал 1 корп. або http://lit-prosv.niv.ru/lit-prosv/istoriya-anglijskoj-literatury/glava-4-kits-samarin.htm).

  4. Китс Джон // Поэзия английского романтизма. – М.: Художественная литература, 1975. – С.527-598 (чит. зал 1 корп.).

  5. Кітс Джон. Вірші / Перекл. В. Мисик (в електронному вигляді: http://www.ukrlib.com.ua/books-zl/printthebookzl.php?id=204&bookid=0&sort=0).

  6. Наливайко Д.С., Шахова К.О. Зарубіжна література ХІХ сторіччя. Доба романтизму. – К.: Заповіт, 1997. – C.363-375 (5б204, http://freelib.in.ua/publ/ds_nalivajko_ko_shakhova_zarubizhna_literatura_khikh_storichchja_doba_romantizmu/47_dzhon_kits/47-1-0-4121).

Додаткова література

  1. Берковский Н.Я. Лекции и статьи по зарубежной литературе. – СПб: Азбука-классика, 2002. – С.183-191 (5б204).

  2. Дьяконова Н. Я. Английский романтизм. Проблемы эстетики. – М.: Наука, 1978. – С.165-191 (чит. зал 1 корп.).

  3. Дьяконова Н.Я. Джон Китс. Стихи и проза // Китс Дж. Стихотворения. «Ламия», «Изабелла», «Канун св. Агнессы» и другие стихи. – Л.: Наука, 1986 (електронний варіант: http://lib.ru/POEZIQ/KITS/keats0_1.txt).

  4. Елистратова А.А. Наследие английского романтизма и современность. – М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1960. – С.431-493 (чит. зал 1 корп.).

  5. Зарубежная литература ХІХ века: Романтизм: Хрестоматия историко-литературных материалов / Сост. А.С. Дмитриев, Б.И. Колесников, Н.Н. Новикова. – М.: Высшая школа, 1990. – С.289-296 (чит. зал 1 корп.).

  6. Кітс Дж. Поезії // Всесвіт. – 1995. – №7. – С.82-88 (5б208).


John Keats (1795-1821) was born in London as the son of a successful livery-stable manager. He was the oldest of four children, who remained deeply devoted to each other. After their father died in 1804 in a riding accident, Keats's mother, Frances Jennings Keats, remarried but the marriage was soon broken. She moved with the children, John and his sister Fanny and brothers George and Tom, to live with her mother at Edmonton, near London. She died of tuberculosis in 1810.

At school Keats read widely. He was educated at the progressive Clarke's School in Enfield, where he began a translation of the Aeneid. 1811 Keats was apprenticed to a surgeon-apothecary. While studying for the licence, he completed his translation of Aeneid. Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene impressed him deeply and his first poem, written in 1814, was 'Lines in Imitation of Spenser.' In that year he moved to London and resumed his surgical studies in 1815 as a student at Guy's hospital. Next year he became a Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries and was allowed to practice surgery. Before devoting himself entirely to poetry, Keats worked as a dresser and junior house surgeon. In London he had met Leigh Hunt, the editor of the leading liberal magazine of the day, The Examiner. He introduced Keats to other young Romantics, including Shelley, and published in the magazine Keats's sonnet, O Solitude.

Keats's first book, Poems, was published in 1817. Sales were poor. He spent the spring with his brother Tom and friends at Shankin. It was about this time Keats started to use his letters as the vehicle of his thoughts of poetry. They mixed the everyday events of his own life with comments with his correspondence. Among others T.S. Eliot considered the letters in The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism (1933) “certainly the most notable and most important ever written by any English poet,” but also said about Keats's famous Hyperion: “it contains great lines, but I do not know whether it is a great poem.” Endymion, Keats's first long poem appeared, when he was 21. It told in 4000 lines of the love of the moon goddess Cynthia for the young shepherd Endymion.

Keats's greatest works were written in the late 1810s, among them Lamia, The Eve of St. Agnes, the great odes and two versions of Hyperion. He worked briefly as a theatrical critic for The Champion, spent summer of 1818 touring the Lakes, Scotland and Northern Ireland. After returning to London he spent the next three months attending his brother Tom, who was seriously ill with tuberculosis.

After Tom's death in December, Keats moved to Hampstead to live with Charles Brown. Soon he fell in love with Fanny Brown, the daughter of a widowed neighbor, and they were betrothed. In the winter of 1818-19 he worked mainly on Hyperion and The Eve of St Agnes. In 1819 Keats finished Lamia, and wrote another version of Hyperion, called The Fall of Hyperion. His famous poem 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' was inspired by a Wedgwood copy of a Roman copy of a Greek vase.

In 1820 appeared the second volume of Keats poems. It gained a huge critical success. However, Keats was suffering at that time from tuberculosis. His poems were marked with sadness partly because he was too poor to marry Fanny Brawne. Keats broke off his engagement and began what he called a “posthumous existence.” When his condition gradually worsened, he sailed for Italy in September with the painter Joseph Severn, to escape England's cold winter. Declining Shelley's invitation to join him at Pisa, Keats went to Rome, where he took up residence in rooms overlooking the Piazza di Spagna. He died in Rome at the age of 25, on February 23, 1821, and was buried in the Protestant Cemetery.

John Keats. On the Grasshopper and Cricket

The poetry of earth is never dead:

When all the birds are faint with the hot sun,

And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run

From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead;

That is the Grasshopper's – he takes the lead

In summer luxury, – he has never done

With his delights; for when tired out with fun

He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed.

The poetry of earth is ceasing never:

On a lone winter evening, when the frost

Has wrought a silence, from the stove there shrills

The Cricket's song, in warmth increasing ever,

And seems to one in drowsiness half lost,

The Grasshopper's among some grassy hills.