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Text 34 Business Etiquette of the jsc Russian Railways

The etiquette of business is the set of written and unwritten rules of conduct that make social interactions run more smoothly. Office etiquette in particular applies to coworker interaction, excluding interactions with external contacts such as customers and suppliers.

As for the company, it usually includes issues about making a deal or appointments, business dress and conversations. In the modern world business etiquette is one of the main factors that develop a company and set a winning image for it.

Joint-stock company Russian Railways improves its corporate governance system by implementing ethical principles throughout the Company. Thus, the Board of Directors at Russian Railways has approved a Code of Ethics which contains company-wide professional and ethical principles, as well as rules governing the action of Russian Railways in preventing and resolving corporate disputes. The Code of Ethics helps to strengthen the corporate spirit at Russian Railways and orients the Company’s employees towards common corporate goals. For example, it states such measures as promotion of sport activities among employees and development of Company’s sports clubs. A lot of ideas such as motivation, fair play, individual accountability and reward, proprietary rights, good will are accepted by the Russian railways in accordance with a set of international business standards as well.

In a word, the code of ethics gives rules that coincide with usual business procedures and

traditions set up internationally. Thus, talking about the sphere of business meeting etiquette, one should remember that appointments are necessary and should be made as far in advance as possible. Another rule of importance is that you should arrive punctually for meetings. You also should have all printed material available in both English and Russian. At the end of the meeting, you are to sign minutes, which is a summary of what was discussed.

Speaking about dress etiquette, you should keep to the rule that business dress is formal and conservative. A businessman’s wardrobe demonstrates the individual’s image as a professional. Businessmen in Russia usually wear suits that are dark and well tailored along with good dress shoes. Women should wear subdued coloured business suits with skirts that cover the knees.

As for business cards, their use is common, and often a necessity. They are usually exchanged after the initial introductions without formal ritual. One side of the business card should be translated into English. In addition to the full name and title, they include any university degrees.


1. What is the etiquette of business?

2. What does office etiquette apply to?

3. What points are usually included into a company’s etiquette?

4. How does Russian Railways improve its corporate governance system?

5. What is the goal of the Code of Ethics that is being implemented by Russian Railways?

6. What ideas are accepted by the company to fit international standards?

7. What are the usual rules of business meeting etiquette?

8. Business dress is formal and conservative, isn’t it?

9. What is the appropriate business dress in Russia?

10. Should your business card be translated into English?