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Text 30 pr in Transport

Transportation is one of the world’s largest industries. Encompassing trucks, airplanes, taxis, trains, ships, barges, pipelines, warehouses and logistics services, it is not surprising that this $1.8 trillion industry employs about 4.5 million Americans. The three major trends in this industry include global evolution, consolidation and technological advances. Transportation will continue to evolve on a global scale. China is a good example, with its transportation investments equaling 9 percent of its annual GDP. Between 1989 and 2008, China expanded its infrastructure from 200 kilometers of expressways to 50,000 kilometers of expressways. Companies have many goals related to their operations in the internal and the external environment. As an important factor in the external environment of the companies, present and the target customers constitute a considerable role in the overall strategies of the companies. Public relations, which is the promotional activity carried out by the use of various communication tools, is one of the important strategies that companies may differentiate themselves from the competitors. With public relations strategies, companies can better communicate their mission, achieve their goals, affirm their values in creative actions, campaigns, programs and build strong relations with customers.

The shipping industry which is very unique on its own with many changing industry dynamics (safety, security-related conventions, price fluctuations, changing supply and demand functions etc.) is an important field to investigate and understand the way the shipping companies interact with their customers and differentiate themselves in fierce competition. Rail PR has been formed by Rupert Brennan Brown who has a wide knowledge and experience of the railway industry. With over 15 years experience in railway Public Relations he has gained an unrivalled knowledge of the industry, those who work within it, write about it, regulate it, lobby for or against it, as well as those who are its stakeholders and paymasters. He is an Advisor to the Association of Community and Rail Partnerships (ACoRP) a Member of the Council of the Institution of Railway Operators (South East Area), Chairman of the Friends of the Derwent Valley Line and a former Chairman of the Railway Forum Shadow Council.

Rail PR offers specialist Public Relations & lobbying skills to companies and organizations within Britain’s Railway Industry.  As well as meeting all your "below the line" communications needs Rail PRs network of strategic partners can deliver the best deals on advertising & print production, website development, event management and even operate special trains.

What they Do:

Media Management: 

If there is good news in your organisation Rail PR can help those in the Trade, Regional and National Press know about it. If there is bad news they can help manage it.

Communications:  The internet has revolutionised the way organisations do business. Whether your on-line offering is "brochure-ware" or "fully transactional" it still needs to be part of joined up communications. With experience of developing and launching at least two award winning websites Rail PR can help you fully utilise the web as a powerful communications tool.

Public Affairs and Lobbying: 

As well as excellent connections in the political world Rail PR also knows those who influence the decision makers. From ACoRP to ASLEF, Transport 2000 to Transport for London we can help make a real difference to your stakeholder communications.

PR Project Management: 

Rail PR has the brains behind this year’s highly successful "Modern Arena" at RailFest. This, and the proven ability to manage effective communications around major engineering works, means that Rail PR alone can lay claim to being the industry’s One-Stop PR Shop!

Advances in technology have helped the transportation industry become exceptionally more productive. As technology develops, the transportation industry becomes more efficient and costs are reduced. The next few years will see extreme growth in technology, providing exciting opportunities for the improvement and further development of efficiencies within the industry. According to a U.S. Department of Transportation estimate, freight shipment volumes will increase by 70 percent between 1998 and 2020 and the amount of foreign goods entering the U.S. will more than double. The transportation industry is constantly growing as its strategies to best serve its consumers evolve and technology advances. At AXIA, a public relations firm, everybody understands the exciting possibilities and trends within the transportation industry and are prepared with the specialized knowledge needed to reach your consumers.


  1. Why is transportation one of the world’s largest industries?

  2. What is the promotional activity of PR?

  3. Why is China supposed to be a good example in evolving on a global scale?

  4. Why is the shipping industry an important field to investigate?

  5. Who is Robert Brennan?

  6. Why has he become to be an advisor?

  7. What is the activity of Rail PR company?

  8. What has helped the transportation industry become exceptionally more productive?

  9. What is the forecast in transportation industry?

  10. What is AXIA?