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In his philosophical views Epicurus was a follower atomistic theory of Democritus. Nature, in his view, developing by their own laws without the participation of the gods.

Ethics - a link between its physical and political legal concepts. Ethics of Epicurus is individualistic character. Human freedom - it is his responsibility for the reasonable choice their way of life.

main objective of state power and political grounds communication, according to Epicurus, is to ensure mutual security people to overcome their mutual fear, the avoidance of each other harm. This security is achieved only through the quiet life away from the crowd. Proceeding from this state and the law are treated  Epicurus as a result of agreement between people about their common benefit -- mutual security.

founder of Stoicism was Zeno. Universe in general, according stoicism, is controlled by fate. The fate of both control and dominant principle is also "the mind of the universe, or the law all things in the universe. " Fate in the teachings of the Stoics acts As such "natural law", which is at the same time divine nature and meaning.

At the heart of civic coexistence lies, according to the Stoics, natural inclination of people to each other, their natural relationship between themselves. The state, therefore, acts as a natural association, rather than artificial, conventional, conventional education.

Based on the universality of natural law Stoics justified the notion that all people - citizens a single worldstate, and that man - a citizen of the universe.

teachings of the Stoics had a strong influence on the views of Polybius -- Greek historian and political figure.

It has a gosudarstvennichesky look at the place events, according to which a particular device state is decisive role in all human relationships.

history of statehood and the subsequent change state forms Polybius describes as a natural process perpetrated on the "law of nature. In total there are six major Forms of States, in order of their natural occurrence and change took place within the next complete their life cycle: the kingdom, tyranny, aristocracy, oligarchy, democracy, ochlocracy.

Polybius believed that the "perfect form must be recognized one in which the combined features of the kingdom, aristocracy, democracy ?.

customs and laws are characterized by Polybius as two fundamental principles inherent in each State. He emphasized relationship and correspondence between the good customs and laws, good mores of the people and the right unit of public life.

We see that already in ancient Greece were established socio - political theory, which largely determined the future development of socio-political thought. Greek thinkers were pioneers in many fields of human knowledge.  Therefore, we can talk not only about the contribution of the ancient Greeks in the history philosophical,political and legal Capewhether, but also to establish their foundation and starting the formulation of ideas and concepts in a variety of areas of theory and practice.

Chapter 3. General characteristics of the main directions of political and legal thought in ancient Rome

Ancient History of political and legal thought covers a thousand years and its evolution reflects the significant changes in socio-economic and politico-legal life of ancient Rome.  History of ancient Rome is divided into three periods: the king (754  -510 Years. BC), republican (509 - 28 years. BC. e.) Imperial (27 BC - 476 AD). Moreover, a single Roman empire in 395 BC. e. was divided into West  (the capital - Rome) and Eastern (the capital - Constantinople) empire, and latter (Eastern Roman, Byzantine Empire) lasted to 1453. Political and legal institutions and beliefs in Ancient  Rome evolved over its long history in acute struggle between different sections of the population - the patricians and plebeians, nobility (from the wealthy patricians and plebeians) and the have-nots, Optimates (adherents of the upper society) and popular (the supporters free bottom), free and slaves.

In a slave society, where slaves were not independent actors political and legal life and only the objects remained the property of others, struggle for political power deployed within a privileged minority.

Although the movement of slaves had not expressed any clear and independent political and legal concepts and programs, but they are inflicting painful blows on the foundations of the slave system, no doubt, influenced the development of political and legal ideology of the then society. This influence is also visible in the attention to the "problem of the slaves", which is characteristic of the leading theories  Ancient Rome, for the teachings of Cicero, the Stoics, lawyers, ideologues early Christianity.

ancient Roman political and legal thought there was a noticeable impact of the ancient Greek concepts. Noteworthy that when in the middle of V century BC. e. plebeians demanded preparation written laws in Greece were sent to the Roman emissaries to get acquainted with Greek law, and especially laws of Solon. The results were used to familiarize preparation of an important source of Roman law - known  3akonov XII tables (the first ten tables were taken in 451 to Mr. W., the last two drafted and adopted in 45O - 449 years. BC).

significant impact on the ancient authors had, except addition, the views of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Epicureans, the Stoics,  Polybius, and many other Greek thinkers.

Thus, materialist views of Democritus and Zpikura, Democritus representation of the progressive development of people original natural state before the creation of an orderly political life, and the laws of the State, the thought of Epicurus, the contractual nature of the state and law were taken and developed by Titus

political and legal doctrines in ancient Greece

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