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political and legal doctrines in the states of Ancient East


oldest political-legal doctrine originated in Egypt, India, Palestine, China and other countries of the ancient East.

In Ancient civilizations of the East formed the earliest type of society, had come to replace primitive. Economically, it is characterized by the domination of patriarchal subsistence farming, sustainability of public ownership of land and communal land tenure is extremely slow development of individual private property. Modern scholars refer to as Oriental Society called local (or river) civilizations such as farming.

Principal mass of the population in the state of the ancient East were peasants, united in rural communities. Slavery, despite the rather broad spread in some countries (eg Egypt, India), in the production not as critical. Privileged position in society occupied by persons belonging to the apparatus of state power, court and property know. On the content of political ideology of theAncient East said before traditionalism of community life, immaturity of classes and class consciousness. Patriarchal rural communities to restrict initiative rights keeping it within the age-old customs. Political thought of the Ancient East a long time to develop on the basis of religious-mythological philosophy, inherited from the tribal system.

Paramount place in the political consciousness of early class societies held myths about divine, supernatural origin of the social order. These myths were closely related tradition of deification of the existing government and its regulations.

kings priests, judges and other authorities to be the descendants or the governors gods and endowed sacred features.

Political views were closely intertwined with obschemirovozzrencheskimi (philosophical) moral and other ideas. The oldest legal prohibitions, for example, were simultaneously obschemirovozzrencheskimi principles (laws of the world), religious precepts and moral precepts. Such views traced in the laws of King Hammurabi, the legal precepts of the Talmud, in the Indian religious books. In the states of the Ancient East and the political legal doctrine has not isolated himself from the myths, not formed in a relatively independent sphere of public consciousness.

Incomplete this process was manifested in the following.

First politico-legal doctrine of the Ancient East remained strictly applied. The main content of these were issues relating to art ( "craft") control mechanism for the exercise of power and justice. In other words, the political doctrines designed not so much theoretical generalizations, as the specific problems of technique and methods of administration of power.

State power while the overwhelming majority of scientists identify with the power of the king or emperor. The reason for that was the inherent tendency of the Ancient East to strengthen the power of sole ruler and the formation of such a form state management of society, like an oriental despot. High ruler was considered the personification of the state, the focus of the entire state life. "The Emperor and his power - these are the main elements of the state" -- said in the Indian treatise Arthashastra ".

Secondly, political doctrines of the Ancient Orient is not separated from morality and represented an ethical and political doctrine. Increased interest in issues of morality in general characteristic of the ideology of the emerging classes. This general pattern throughout history ofpolitical thought, and it manifested itself most clearly at the stage formation of early class societies.

Transformations in society and state in many ancient eastern teachings contacted changes in the morality of people. Art itself is sometimes reduced management to the moral perfection of the sovereign, to control the power of personal example. "If the governor approves its perfection - described in the Chinese book "Shu Ching" - then in all his great nation will not communities intruders "Many social protest took place under the slogans moral content, and were directed against specific carriers or usurpers of power. The masses were mainly for the restoration equity, redistribution of wealth, but not questioned economic and political foundations of society.

Thirdly, for political and legal doctrines of the Ancient Orient is characterized by the fact that they do not only maintained but also developed the religious and mythological beliefs. The predominance of political maneuvers in practical applications and moral subjects resulted in the most general and abstract from the direct practice issues (eg, the origin of the state and law, their historical development) left without a decision or solved with the help of those attitudes that provided religious and mythological consciousness.

Socio-political theory of the Ancient Orient, in short, are complex ideological formation consisting of religious dogma, moral concepts and Applied knowledge of politics and law. The ratio of these elements in different exercise was not the same.

Deployed religious teachings have been established ideology of the ruling classes (the cult Pharaoh in Egypt, the ideology of Brahmanism in India and others). These exercises blessed social inequality, the privileges of the nobility, the power exploitative elite. Fundamentals of society were declared divine institution, and any attempt assault on them was seen as a challenge to the gods to the masses sought to instill awe before the divine power monarch instill humility and obedience.

dominant ideology opposed to the political views of the oppressed. They criticized official religious dogma, sought new forms of faith (for example, early Buddhism), to oppose the oppression and tyranny, making demands on behalf justice. Their ideas had a significant influence on the development of political theory. The ruling circles have always been forced to take into account the ideology of the requirements exploited majority. Some of the ideas of the lower classes, as, say, call the biblical prophet Isaiah swords into plowshares, used in political ideology still.

Due underdevelopment, wars of conquest, and other reasons, many State of the Ancient East have lost independence or death. Difficulties in their political doctrines, as a rule, did not receive further development. Sequential continuity of the history of political and legal thought persisted Only in India and China.

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