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VI. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Verbs "to rise" and "to raise"

1. When the temperature rises up to 0°C, the ice begins to melt. 2. If we want to melt the ice we raise the temperature. 3. The mercury in the thermometer was rising as we were raising the temperature. 4. The sun has risen, and it is quite light. 5. The water in the river has risen ten inches. 6. Water is raised in the canals to irrigate the fields. 7. Many children wanted to answer the teacher's questions and raised their arms.

IX. Translate the following word-combinations into Ukrainian

a) current carriers; gas atom; gas molecules; gas pressure; average path, average length; mean length; greater length; a smaller dimension; small dimensioned devices; small spheres; many variables; variable movement

b) to experience few collisions; to enjoy a greater freedom of movement, to rise in magnitude; to assume a new distribution; to assume a new direction; to vary greatly; to vary in dimension; to vary in shape relatively short; relatively long; relatively deep; relatively wide

d) the resulting conduction; the enclosing medium

e) in case; in any case; in that case; in each case

X. Build worlds using the modeles:








to inform

to take

to understand




to fabricate

to strees

to establish

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Text В

Editing computer programs

If, when baking a loaf of bread, you mix in five cups of flour instead of one cup, the bread you produce will be inedible. When writing a computer program, however, you always have a chance to correct your errors. As you may remember, mistakes in programs am called bugs and part of being a good programmer is being able to find and fix all the bugs in your program. The program isn't done until all the bugs have been corrected.

As you type programs on the keyboard, chances are that you will make mistakes. The most common mistakes are typing mistakes. You might type "PIRNT" instead of "PRINT," for example. This kind of mistake is called a syntax error. Syntax errors include mistyping a keyword, leaving out quotation marks, or other misuses of the computer language.

When you make a mistake like this, you can correct it by moving the cursor back and retyping. If you have already pressed RETURN or don't find the error until the program is run, you can correct the error by retyping the line.

When this program is run, the computer would not understand the word "PIRNT." Because this is not a BASIC keyword the computer printed an error message. An error message is put on the screen by the computer to tell you that something is wrong and it cannot continue the program. Different computers have different error messages. The error message "SYNTAX ERROR IN 10' tells you that you made a syntax error. It even tells you the line in which the error was made-line 10.

Text C