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3. Businessman's working day

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

Jeff Fuller is a salesman. He has a wife and three children and lives in San Francisco. He travels a lot. Every week he goes to New York or Washington or Chicago. He brings home presents for his wife and children.

Last week he had to go to Chicago on business. He left San Francisco on Monday morning. He got to Chicago at noon. He went to the Park Hotel and had lunch. In the afternoon he talked to some businessmen. That evening he called his friend, Carlos, and they had dinner at the hotel.

On Tuesday he worked all morning. In the afternoon he went shopping. He bought toy cars for the children. He got a present for his wife, too. Tuesday evening he was alone. At 7.30 he called his wife. He talked to the children, too. Then he was happy.

On Wednesday morning he got up at 6.00. He took the 8.00 plane to San Francisco. He didn't want breakfast on the plane, but he drank some coffee and read the paper. He got to San Francisco at 9.30. He took a taxi and went home. His wife and daughter were at home. They were glad to see him and their presents.

After breakfast Mr. Fuller went to his office. When he entered the office he found a number of business letters on his desk. Mr. Fuller sat down and began to look through the letters. Suddenly the telephone rang. Mr. Fuller took up the receiver and heard the voice of his chief. The chief asked Mr. Fuller to come over to his office and discuss the results of the trip.

After the talk with the chief Mr. Fuller came back to his office and continued his work.

At 1 o'clock he went out for lunch. In the afternoon he had several visitors. At 5 o'clock he took part in a meeting and made a report on his trip to Chicago.

Mr. Fuller came home later than usual that day. His wife and children were waiting for him. They all had dinner together. After dinner Mr. Fuller told his wife and children about business trip and his friend in Chicago. Then he looked through the papers and watched television. At half past ten he switched off the TV set and went to bed.

Exercise 2. Read the text again and say which of the two statements is true to the text.

1. Jeff Fuller is a busy man.

a) He is an engineer; b) He is a salesman.

2. Jeff left for Chicago

a) on Monday; b) on Tuesday.

3. Jeff got to Chicago

a) in the morning; b) at noon.

4. In the afternoon Jeff

a) talked to some businessmen; b) met his friend Carlos.

5. On Tuesday morning Jeff

a) went shopping; b) worked hard.

6. On Wednesday Jeff got up early

a) at 6.00 a.m. b) at 7.00 a.m.

7. When Jeff got to San Francisco he went straight

a) home; b) to work.

8. When Mr. Fuller came to work

a) his wife rang him up; b) went to a meeting.

9. At 5 o'clock Mr. Fuller

a) went home; b) went to a meeting.

10. On Wednesday Jeff returned home

a) later than usual; b) earlier than usual.

Exercise 3. Ask questions about: a) Mr. Fuller's trip to Chicago; b) Mr. Fuller's working day on Wednesday.

Ситуационные задачи

Вариант 1

Вы в гостях у своего английского знакомого. Расскажите ему о себе и своей семье. Задайте соответствующие вопросы о его семье

Вариант 2

Вы планируете приобрести новую квартиру и делитесь со своими планами с другом (подругой)

Вариант 3

Вы покупаете мебель для дома. Что и в какую комнату вы бы хотели поставить?

Темы (реферата, презентации, и т.п.)


2. Елизавета ІІ.

3. Оксфорд.

4. Кембридж.

5. Система образования Великобритании.

6. США.

7. Президенты США.

8. Моя любимая Голливудская звезда.

9. Праздники в США.

10. Праздники Великобритании.

11. История Великобритании.

12 . Великие англичане.

13. Лондон.

14. Шотландия.

15. Вашингтон.

16.Мегаполисы Америки.

17. Билл Гейтс.

18. Известные американцы.

19. Премьер-министры Великобритании.

20. Система образования США.

21. Австралия.

22. Канада.

23. Распространение английского языка.

24. Королевская семья.

25. Великие спортсмены США.

26. Шекспир.

27. Европейский союз.


29. Британские музеи.
