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Актюбинский государственный университет имени К. Жубанова

Кафедра иностранных языков


Дисциплина английский язык (6 кредитов)

Специальность Дизайн, физическая культура

Курс 1,2

Академическая группа

Студент ____________________________


2011-2012 учебный год

Актюбинский государственный университет имени К. Жубанова


Дисциплина АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ( 6 кредитов )

(1 семестр)

место проведения занятий

ауд. время

дни недели


конт. тел


Экономический факультет

Время СРСП


Обучение английскому языку в вузе представляет собой самостоятельный и законченный курс и ориентировано на достижение стандарта общеевропейской компетенции по иностранным языкам, принятого в документе «Современные языки: изучение, обучение, оценка. Общеевропейские компетенции», одобренного Советом Европы в апреле 1997 года.

Силлабус английского языкаразработан на основе рабочей программы в соответствии с требованиями Типовой учебной программы цикла общеобразовательных дисциплин «Иностранный язык» (Алматы, 2005).Структура курса предусматривает согласно ГОСО Республики Казахстан для всех специальностей естественно-гуманитарных профилей 6 кредитов.

Обучение английскому языку осуществляется по Варианту А («продолжающие»).


- обучение практическому владению разговорно-бытовой речью и языком специальностидля активного применения иностранного языка, как в повседневном, так и в профессиональном общении.

- обучение объёму языковых знаний, предусмотренных программой, приобщение к знаниям и информации профессионального, этнокультурного и общечеловеческого характера


Перед изучением курса английского языка студент должен знать алфавит, основные правила чтения, основные грамматические правила; должен уметь работать со словарем, уметь рассказать о себе и семье.


После окончания курса студент должен знать:

- фонетика: основные правила чтения и произнесения букв,алфавита и буквосочетаний в речевом потоке;

- орфография: написание букв и буквосочетаний, в соответствующих определенным звукам, орфографические соответствия наиболее частотным лексико-грамматическим признакам базового языка;

- лексика: словообразовательные модели, контекстуальные значения многозначных слов, термины и лексические конструкции подъязыка, соответствующего профилю изучаемой специальности.

- грамматика: наиболее частотные специфические грамматические явления базового и естественно-гуманитарного и технического подъязыков.

После окончания курса студент должен уметь:

- чтение: читать тексты со словарем и без словаря, находить заданную информацию, помнить содержание прочитанного;

- письмо: заполнить бланк, написать небольшое письмо личного или делового характера;

- перевод: переводить тексты с иностранного языка на родной с использованием словаря в соответствии с нормами языка перевода;

- аудирование: понимать высказывания на иностранном языке;

- говорение: излагать свои мысли и высказываться на иностранном языке соответственно речевым нормам языка, задавать вопросы и отвечать на них, поддерживать беседу на иностранном языке в объеме изученной тематики, адекватно употребляя коммуникационные реплики, пересказывать содержание прочитанного, услышанного.

(Согласно Общеевропейским компетенциям владения иностранным языком уровни В1-В2)


Курс английского языка будет преподаваться с опорой на методику коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения иноязычной культуре (Е.И.Пассов).

Обучение иностранному языку будет осуществляться на практических аудиторных занятиях. Студентам будет предложено изучить ряд тем. Каждая тема включает лексический минимум, грамматический материал (теория и практические задания), базовый текст с заданиями к нему.

На занятиях будут использованысловесные методы (презентация лексики, семантизация грамматики, беседа, инструктаж и др.), практические методы (упражнение, тренинг), наглядные методы(иллюстрирование, показ, предъявление материала), частично-поисковый метод и др.

К каждому занятию студент должен готовиться, используя материалы практикума по английскому языку, предложенного преподавателем. В практикум включены практический курс английского языка, краткий грамматический справочник с тренинговыми упражнениями, сборники текстов и заданий для самостоятельной работы и для подготовки к текущему и промежуточному контролю.

Посещение занятий, ведение записей и выполнение заданий, предусмотренных программой, обязательны для каждого студента.Если студенту что-либо не понятно, то ему следует обратиться за разъяснениями к преподавателю.

Сдача индивидуальных заданий осуществляется на СРСП.


Текущая оценка: в течение курса в качестве оценочной стратегии будут использоваться следующие методы оценки: письменные контрольные работы, домашние задания (письменные задания, пересказ и т.д.), устный опрос, тестовые задания, реферат, презентация и т.п.

Рубежный контроль: контрольная работа содержит задания по изученным разделам программы курса и включает практические задания.

Аудиторная работа: ведение записей, выполнение устных и письменных заданий (упражнения лексического и грамматического характера, работа с текстом)

Индивидуальная самостоятельная работа: учитывается индивидуальное выполнение заданий на семинарах, домашних заданий, творческих заданий по темам курса, выполнение рефератов, использование научных источников, анализ ситуаций, газетных сообщений.

Домашние задания: домашние задания обязательны для выполнения и принимаются на СРСП для всех групп по расписанию. За домашние задания, сданные после установленного срока, снижаются баллы.

Контрольные работы: содержат дополнительный материал по изученным темам и служат не только контролю знаний, но и обобщению пройденного материала.

Задания творческого характера: задаются по определенной теме и являются небольшой творческой работой. Под заданиями творческого характера подразумеваются рефераты преимущественно страноведческого характера как на родном языке, так и на английском, презентации, альбомы, буклеты, схемы и таблицы, иллюстрирующие лексико-грамматическое содержание тем и др.После установленного срока работа не принимается и не оценивается.

Рубежные контрольные тесты: тесты, содержащие 10 и более заданий, по пройденному материалу. Тесты проводятся два раза в семестр по графику на 7 и 15 неделе.

Итоговый экзамен: итоговый экзамен проводится в конце семестра. Дата экзамена будет представлена расписанием деканата. Экзамен будет проводиться в форме тестирования(компьютерного или бланочного). Тесты включают задания по всем разделам программы курса. На экзамене запрещено пользоваться конспектами лекций, книгами, любыми записями. Каких-либо дополнительных заданий для повышения оценки, если она будет низкой, не будет. Студент, не соблюдающий политику проведения экзамена, будет отстранен от сдачи экзамена и считаться не сдавшим экзамен.

Заключительная оценка: в конце семестра студенты сдают экзамены по дисциплинам, оценивающимся в 100 баллов (40 %).


Вид контроля

















Итого баллoв




















Домашние задания


















Практические задания в аудиторное время


















Выполнение заданий творческого характера










Контрольная работа





Самостоятельная работа





Рубежный контроль





Промежуточный контроль (экзамен)










































Студенты обязаны посещать все занятия и приходить в аудиторию вовремя. Посещение будет проверяться в течение семестра. Освоение пропущенного материала является обязанностью студента.

Студенты своим несоответствующим поведением не должны мешать преподавателю вести занятие или другим студентам усваивать учебную программу. Любое поведение, которое мешает выполнению нормальных академических функций, считается неуместным. Примером могут служить: постоянное выражение несогласия, постоянное прерывание других студентов, устные высказывания и другие, которые отвлекает аудиторию от предмета, запугивания, физические угрозы, изнуряющее поведение, использование портативных телефонов, персональные оскорбления, отказ выполнять задания курса.

  • На занятия студенты должны являться вовремя. В случае опоздания студента более чем на 10 минут, преподаватель имеет право не допускать его к занятию.

  • Сотовые телефоны и другие электронные устройства, которые отвлекают и создают помехи в работе аудиторий, должны быть выключены при входе в аудиторию.

  • Некоторые материалы для чтения будут даваться в ходе практических занятий. Дополнительно студенты, как ожидается, будут использовать книги из библиотечного фонда.


1.Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. -4-е изд.,-СПБ.:КАРО,2002.-544с.

2.Джанабаева К. Практическое пособие по изучению основ английского языка. - Алматы,2001-224 с.

3.Кумаров А.Н. Учебник современного английского языка: В 2 т. – М.: Рольф, 2001. – 368с.

4. Бонк Н. А. Учебник английского языка. В 2-х ч. Ч. 2: Учебник/ Н. А. Бонк, Н. А. Лукьянова, Л. Г. Памухина. - М.: "ДЕКОНТ+"- "ГИС", 2000. - 510 с.

5.Мюллер В.К. Новый англо – русский словарь: Ок. 170000 слов и словосочетаний. – М.: Рус.яз. – Медиа, 2003. – 946с.

6.Бурова З.И.Учебно-методический комплекс по английскому языку для гуманитарных вузов. Москва, 2000

7. Баймуратова И.А., Галиева А.С. Методическая разработка по английскому языку для студентов биологического факультета.Алматы, КазНУ, 2003.

8. Байтукаева А.Ш. Методическая разработка для студентов-технологов (нефть, газ, уголь).Алматы: Изд-во КазНУ, 2003.

9. Байтукаева А.Ш., Избасарова А.Р. Английский язык для студентов-химиков по специальности плазмо-химия. Алматы, КазНУ, 2003

10. Кузнецова Н. Учись читать литературу по специальности. Москва:Высшая школа, 1095.

11.Кутькова А.С. Человек, компьютер, будущее.Москва, 1995ю

12. Мулдагалиева А.А.Английский язык для экологов бакалавриата и магистратуры. Алматы, 2003.


1. Практический курс английского языкапо всем специальностям и направлениям подготовки под ред.Батиновой А.С., Туржановой Г.Н.-Актобе:РИО Актюбинского государственного университета им. К.Жубанова, 2008.- 50 стр.

2. Утегенова Д. Н, Рабаева А. Ж., Байжанова А.А. Справочник по грамматике английского языка. -Актобе:РИО Актюбинского государственного университета им. К.Жубанова, 2007 – 46с.

3. Фишер И.М., Мукашева З.П., Масалимова А.С.Сборник текстов по английскому языку для самостоятельной работы студентов всех специальностей. – Актобе: РИО Актюбинского государственного университета им. К. Жубанова, 2007- 21 стр.

4. Искиндирова С.К. Сборник задания по английскому языку для заочного отделения для специальности «Английская филология» -Актобе:РИО Актюбинского государственного университета им. К.Жубанова, 2007 – 21 с.

5.The Essentials of English A Writers Handbook Longman. 2004.

6.Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. 2004.

7..GrammarofSpokenandWrittenEnglish. 2004.





Вводно-коррективный курс


Вводно-коррективный курс.


























Рабочий день

Упражнения для работы в аудитории


Тема: Вводно-коррективный курс (4 часа).

1 занятие.

Упражнение 1.

Вариант 1. Mind the pronunciation of the following words and try to remember them. snow , stir, mere, bird, doctor, sport, bum, born, care, car, square, among,long, pure, rare, wire,

Вариант 2. Mind the pronunciation of the following words and try to remember them.

maker, fume, singing, myth, mother, aloud, ink, dirty, here, nurse, serf, English, turn, worker,

Вариант 3. Mind the pronunciation of the following words and try to remember them.

dark, more, gardener, fir, ring, town, round , know, satire, tester, darling, front, father, some.

Упражнение 2.

Вариант 1.Put the words in alphabetical order:

pen, apple, black, end, table, sport, bird, desk, plate, wire, her.

Вариант 2. Put the words in alphabetical order:

sit, sane, summer, sink, sorry, sport, she, six, serf, singing, space.

Вариант 3. Put the words in alphabetical order:

style, nail, gyp, bands, go, gentle, size, state, miss.

2 занятие.

Упражнение 1.

Вариант 1.Read the words, write their transcriptions and remember them:

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

Вариант 2. Read the words, write their transcriptions and remember them:

Summer, Winter, Autumn, Spring.

Вариант 3. Read the words, write their transcriptions and remember them:

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Упражнение 2.

Вариант 1.Read the words using definite article:

a) the pen, the table, the apple, the old bag, in the room, in the bag, in the bookcase, on the table, on the chair.

b) 1.The book is in the bag. 2. The bag is on the table. 3. The notebooks are on the shelf.

Вариант 2. Read the words using definite article:

a) the old bag, in the room, in the bag, in the bookcase,

b) 1.The chalk is not in the box. 2. It’s on the blackboard. 3. The map is not on the wall.

Вариант 3. Read the words using definite article:

a) in the room, in the bag, in the bookcase, on the table, on the chair.

b) 1.The books are not in the bookcase. 2.They are on the shelf.3. The clock is on the wall.


3 занятие.

Упражнение 1.

ВариВариант 1. Use the pronouns in the plural

Model This is a book – These are books

That is a car - Those are cars.

1.This is a red car. 2. This is my friend. 3. That is a big dog.4. That is an English book. 5. This is an apple.

ВариВариант 2. Use the pronouns in the plural

Model This is a book – These are books

That is a car - Those are cars.

1. This is a nice woman. 2. This is a brown bag. 3. That is an interesting film. 4. That is a good doctor. 5. That is an easy task.

ВариВариант 3. Use the pronouns in the plural

Model This is a book – These are books

That is a car - Those are cars.

1.This is a map. 2. That is a chalk. 3. That is a nice bag. 4. This is an old house. 5. This is an important letter.

Упражнение 2.

Вариант 1.Answer the questions:

1. Where is the bookcase? 2. Where is the blackboard? 3. Where are the chairs? 4. Where are the notebooks? 5. Where is your bag?

Вариант 2. Answer the questions:

  1. Where is your pen? 2. Where is the blackboard? 3. Where are the chairs? 4. Where are the books? 5. Where is the umbrella?

Вариант 3. Answerthequestions:

1. Where is the blackboard? 2. Where are the pencils? 3. Where are the chairs? 4. Where are the books? 5. Where is your bag?

4 занятие.

Упражнение 1.

Вариант 1. Read the numerals and write them as in the model:

One and two is three - 1 + 2 = 3

Three and five is eight - 3 + 5 = 8

Seven and three is ten - 7 + 3 = 10

1. 4 + 2 = 6

2. 2 + 6 = 8

3. 6 + 3 = 9

Вариант 2. Read the numerals and write them as in the model:

One and two is three - 1 + 2 = 3

Three and five is eight - 3 + 5 = 8

Seven and three is ten - 7 + 3 = 10

1. 8+6=14

2. 6+6 =12

3. 4+5=9

Вариант 3. Read the numerals and write them as in the model:

One and two is three - 1 + 2 = 3

Three and five is eight - 3 + 5 = 8

Seven and three is ten - 7 + 3 = 10




Упражнение 2.

Вариант 1.Read and translate:

1.This room is number two. 2.That room is number three. 3. My flat is number four. 4. Is your flat number six? No, it isn’t; it’s number five. 5. Where are classrooms number five, six and seven ? 6. On what page is text Three? 7. We have two flats.

Вариант 2. Read and translate:

1. This is a pen. 2. That is a pencil. 3.This is a map. 4That is a plan.5. This is a small table. 6.That is a big table. 7. This is chalk.

Вариант 3. Read and translate:

1. This is a flat. 2. This is a grey tie. 3. That is a city. 4. This is an old desk.

5. These are small lamps. 6. Those are … clean notebook.7.That is bread.


Тема: «Знакомство».

Занятие 1.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант.

Mind the pronunciation of the following words and try to remember them.


Country Language Person Nation America American an American the Americans(the USA)

Brazil Brazilian a Brazilian the Brazilians

China Chinese a Chinese the Chinese

Denmark Danish a Dane the Danes

England English an English- the English

Finland Finnish a Finn the Finns

France French a French- the French

Germany German a German the German

Italy Italian an Italian the Italians

Kazakhstan Kazakh a Kazakh the Kazakhs

2 вариант.

Mind the pronunciation of the following words and try to remember them.


Country Language Person Nation

Mexico Mexican a Mexican the Mexicans

Norway Norwegian a Norwegian the Norwegians

Northern Ireland Irish an Irish the Irish

Portugal Portuguese a Portuguese the Portuguese

Poland Polish a Pole the Poles

Russia Russian a Russian the Russians

Scotland Scottish a Scot the Scots

Spain Spanish a Spaniard the Spanish

Switzerland Swiss a Swiss the Swiss

Turkey Turkish a Turk the Turks

3 вариант.

Mind the pronunciation of the following words and try to remember them.


Country Language Person Nation

Finland Finnish a Finn the Finns

France French a French- the French

Germany German a German the German

Italy Italian an Italian the Italians

Kazakhstan Kazakh a Kazakh the Kazakhs

Mexico Mexican a Mexican the Mexicans

Norway Norwegian a Norwegian the Norwegians

Northern Ireland Irish an Irish the Irish

Portugal Portuguese a Portuguese the Portuguese

Poland Polish a Pole the Poles

Exercise 2.

  1. вариант.

Look at the pictures of famous people and answer the questions.

T: Who is this? S: She is woman

T: What is her name? S: Her name is Roza Rymbaeva

T: Where is she from? S: She is from Kazakhstan

T: What is Her nationality? S: She is Kazakh

Students ask questions each other about other famous people.

N. Nazarbaev, Zh. Depardie.

  1. вариант.

Look at the pictures of famous people and answer the questions.

T: Who is this? S: She is woman

T: What is her name? S: Her name is Roza Rymbaeva

T: Where is she from? S: She is from Kazakhstan

T: What is Her nationality? S: She is Kazakh

Students ask questions each other about other famous people.

Elizabeth II, A.Pugacheva.

3 вариант.

Look at the pictures of famous people and answer the questions.

T: Who is this? S: She is woman

T: What is her name? S: Her name is Roza Rymbaeva

T: Where is she from? S: She is from Kazakhstan

T: What is Her nationality? S: She is Kazakh

Students ask questions each other about other famous people.

M. Jackson, J. Chan.

Занятие 2.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант.

Find the right answers for the questions.

  1. Where` s the camera? A. London.

  2. Where` s Ann from? B. In your bag.

  3. Is Linda from London? C. Yes, you are

  4. Am I late? D. My sister.

  5. Is your car blue? E. Black.

  6. What colour is your bag? F. No, it` s black

  7. Are you hungry? G. No, I` m not.

  8. How is George? H. No, she` s American.

  9. Who`s that woman? I. Very well.

  1. вариант.

Find the right answers for the questions.

  1. Am I late? A. My sister.

  2. Is your car blue? B. No, I` m not.

  3. Is Linda from London? C. Yes, you are

  4. Where` s the camera? D. London.

  5. Where` s Ann from? E. Black.

  6. What colour is your bag? F. No, it` s black

  7. Are you hungry? G. In your bag.

  8. How is George? H. No, she` s American.

  9. Who`s that woman? I. Very well.

  1. вариант.

Find the right answers for the questions.

  1. What colour is your bag? A. London.

  2. Is your car blue? B. No, I` m not.

  3. Is Linda from London? C. Yes, you are

  4. Am I late? D. My sister.

  5. Where` s Ann from? E. Black.

  6. Where` s the camera? F. No, it` s black

  7. Are you hungry? G. In your bag.

  8. How is George? H. No, she` s American.

  9. Who`s that woman? I. Very well.

Exercise 2.

1 вариант.

Choose this, that, these, those, one or ones for each space.

1) I've just found…watch. Is it yours?

2) There are a lot of bags here. Which…is yours?

3) Do you like…houses at the end of the street?

4) Anna…is my friend Sam. Have you met before?

5) Have one of…chocolates. They're my favorite!

6) 'What's…?' 'What?' The animal over there.’

7) I like the black trousers, but I don't like the green… .

8) Did you enjoy that ice-cream? Would you like another…?

  1. вариант.

Choose this, that, these, those, one or ones for each space.

1) Do you like…houses at the end of the street?

2) There are a lot of bags here. Which…is you

3) I've just found…watch. Is it yours?

4) Anna…is my friend Sam. Have you met before?

5) Did you enjoy that ice-cream? Would you like another…?

6) 'What's…?' 'What?' The animal over there.’

7) I like the black trousers, but I don't like the green… .

8) Have one of…chocolates. They're my favorite!

  1. вариант.

Choose this, that, these, those, one or ones for each space.

1) Anna…is my friend Sam. Have you met before?

2) There are a lot of bags here. Which…is you

3) I've just found…watch. Is it yours?

4) Do you like…houses at the end of the street?

5) Did you enjoy that ice-cream? Would you like another…?

6) Have one of…chocolates. They're my favorite!

7) I like the black trousers, but I don't like the green… .

8) 'What's…?' 'What?' The animal over there.’


Занятие 3.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант.

Write compound words.

  1. the window of the shop ……………………

  2. the leg of of the table …………………...

  3. the door of the car …………………...

  4. the playground of the school …………………...

  5. the wheel of the bicycle ……………………

the handle of the door ………………….....

  1. вариант.

Write compound words.

  1. the door of the car …………………...

  2. the playground of the school …………………...

  3. the wheel of the bicycle ……………………

  4. the handle of the door ………………….....

  5. the window of the shop ……………………

  6. the leg of the table …………………...

  1. вариант.

Write compound words.

  1. the playground of the school …………………...

  2. the wheel of the bicycle ……………………

  3. the handle of the door ………………….....

  4. the window of the shop ……………………

  5. the leg of the table …………………...

  6. the door of the car …………………...

Exercise 2.

1 вариант.

Use tUse the pronouns in the plural

Model This is a book – These are books

That is a car - Those are cars.

  1. This is a red car.

  2. This is my friend.

  3. That is a big dog.

  4. That is an English book.

  5. This is an apple.

  6. This is a nice woman.

2 вариант.

Use the pronouns in the plural

Model This is a book – These are books

That is a car - Those are cars.

  1. This is an apple.

  2. This is a nice woman.

  3. This is a brown bag.

  4. That is an interesting film.

  5. That is a good doctor.

  6. That is an easy task.

3 вариант.

Use the pronouns in the plural

Model This is a book – These are books

That is a car - Those are cars.

  1. That is a big dog.

  2. That is an English book.

  3. This is an apple.

  4. This is a nice woman.

  5. This is a brown bag.

  6. That is an interesting film.

Занятие 4.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант.

Put in am/is/are (present) or was/were (past).

  1. 1 Last year she …was… 22, so she …is…23 now.

  2. Today the weather ……..nice, but yesterday it ………..very cold.

  3. I ……hungry. Can I have something to eat?

  4. I feel fine this morning but I…………….very tired last night.

  5. Where ………….you at 11 o`clock last Friday morning?

  6. Don`t buy those shoes. They ………..very expensive.

  7. I like you new jacket. ………………….. it expensive?

  8. This time last year I ……………………. In Paris.

2 вариант.

Put in am/is/are (present) or was/were (past).

  1. Where ………….you at 11 o`clock last Friday morning?

  2. Don`t buy those shoes. They ………..very expensive.

  3. I like you new jacket. ………………….. it expensive?

  4. This time last year I ……………………. In Paris.

  5. `Where …………… the children? `I don`t know. They ………. in the garden ten minutes ago`.

  6. Last year she …was… 22, so she …is…23 now.

  7. Today the weather ……..nice, but yesterday it ………..very cold.

  8. I ……hungry. Can I have something to eat?


Put in am/is/are (present) or was/were (past).

  1. Today the weather ……..nice, but yesterday it ………..very cold.

  2. I ……hungry. Can I have something to eat?

  3. I feel fine this morning but I…………….very tired last night.

  4. Where ………….you at 11 o`clock last Friday morning?

  5. Don`t buy those shoes. They ………..very expensive.

  6. Last year she …was… 22, so she …is…23 now.

  7. I like you new jacket. ………………….. it expensive?

  8. This time last year I ……………………. In Paris.

Exercise 2.

1 вариант.

Put in was/were or wasn`t/weren`t.

  1. We weren`t happy with the hotel. Our room …was…very small and it …wasn`t… very clean.

  2. George ……….. at work last week because he …….ill. He`s better now.

  3. Yesterday …… a public holiday so the shops ……. closed. They`re open today.

  4. `……… Sue and Bill at the party?` `Sue …………..there but Bill ……..

  5. `Where are my keys?` `I don`t know. They …….. on the table but they`re not there now`.

  6. You …………… at home last night. Where …………… you?

2 вариант.

Put in was/were or wasn`t/weren`t.

  1. `……… Sue and Bill at the party?` `Sue …………..there but Bill ……..

  2. `Where are my keys?` `I don`t know. They …….. on the table but they`re not there now`.

  3. You …………… at home last night. Where …………… you?

  4. We weren`t happy with the hotel. Our room …was…very small and it …wasn`t… very clean.

  5. George ……….. at work last week because he …….ill. He`s better now.

  6. Yesterday …… a public holiday so the shops ……. closed. They`re open today.

3 вариант.

  1. Yesterday …… a public holiday so the shops ……. closed. They`re open today.

  2. `……… Sue and Bill at the party?` `Sue …………..there but Bill ……..

  3. `Where are my keys?` `I don`t know. They …….. on the table but they`re not there now`.

  4. You …………… at home last night. Where …………… you?

  5. We weren`t happy with the hotel. Our room …was…very small and it …wasn`t… very clean.

  6. George ……….. at work last week because he …….ill. He`s better now.


Занятие 5.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант.

Underline the correct word.

  1. Brazil is famous for/ in its beautiful beaches.

  2. I’m not very good for/at maths.

  3. Your computer is different from/with mine.

  4. Kate is afraid of/for mice.

  5. My teacher was very pleased with/to me.

2 вариант.

Underline the correct word.

  1. Helen was very excited for/about her prize

  2. Peter isn’t very keen on/for playing golf.

  3. My town is famous for/with its soap factory.

  4. Why are you so angry for/with me?

  5. Is your brother interested in/to football?

3 вариант.

Underline the correct word.

  1. Your computer is different from/with mine.

  2. Kate is afraid of/for mice.

  3. My teacher was very pleased with/to me.

  4. Helen was very excited for/about her prize.

  5. Peter isn’t very keen on/for playing golf.

Exercise 2.

1 вариант. Write one word in each space.

  1. Are you……………. for bed yet? It’s very late.

  2. Stop shouting! Why are you…………….. with me?

  3. Joe’s school bad is……………….of dirty pieces of paper!

  4. I’m……………….of doing the same old things every day!

  5. Diana is……………….…at рhysics and always gets top marks.

2 вариант.Write one word in each space.

  1. Paula has decided to get married…………….. the boy next door

  2. You were………….…….about my wallet. It was on my desk, as you said.

  3. Lots of people I know are……………….of the dark.

  4. I’m not very ………………..on Chinese food.

  5. Clive is really……………….with his new bike. He says it’s great.

3 вариант.

Write one word in each space.

  1. I’m……………….of doing the same old things every day!

  2. Diana is……………….…at рhysics and always gets top marks.

  3. Paula has decided to get married…………….. the boy next door

  4. You were………….…….about my wallet. It was on my desk, as you said.

Lots of people I know are……………….of the dark.

Занятие 6.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант.

Change the answers in brackets into short answers.

  1. ‘What are you eating?’(I’m eating a sandwich.) A sandwich

  2. ‘Who helps you?’(My teacher helps me.) ...................

  3. ‘What do you watch?’ (I watch cartoons.) …………...

  4. ‘Who do you write to?’(I write to my penfriend.) ……………

  5. ‘What makes you laugh?’ (You make me laugh!) …………...

  6. ‘Who loves you?’ (Somebody loves me!) ……………

2 вариант.

Change the answers in brackets into short answers.

  1. ‘What are you eating?’(I’m eating a sandwich.) A sandwich

  2. ‘What makes you laugh?’ (You make me laugh!) …………...

  3. ‘Who loves you?’ (Somebody loves me!) ……………

  4. Who helps you?’(My teacher helps me.) ...................

  5. ‘What do you watch?’ (I watch cartoons.) …………...

  6. ‘Who do you write to?’(I write to my penfriend.)

3 вариант.

Change the answers in brackets into short answers.

  1. ‘What are you eating?’(I’m eating a sandwich.) A sandwich

  2. ‘What do you watch?’ (I watch cartoons.) …………...

  3. ‘Who do you write to?’(I write to my penfriend.) ……………

  4. ‘Who helps you?’(My teacher helps me.) ...................

  5. ‘What makes you laugh?’ (You make me laugh!) …………...

  6. ‘Who loves you?’ (Somebody loves me!) ……………

Exercise 2.

1 вариант.

Underline the correct spelling.

1.Would you like some choclate / chocolate?

2.It`s a really beautiful/beatiful day today.

3.Gerryawnsered/answered all the questions.

4.Could you give me your adress/address?

5.We`re looking for accommodation/acommodation.

2 вариант.

Underline the correct spelling.

1.We missed the beginning/beginning of the film.

2.We were almost/allmost late for the concert.

3.Helen was very dissapointed/disappointed when she failed the exam.

4.Suddenly the glass of water disappeared/dissappeard!

5.I`m sorry, but I just can`t believe/beleive your lies.

3 вариант.

Underline the correct spelling.

1. Harry gets really angry/angery sometimes.

2. I like the television advertisment/adversement for Choco-Bars.

3. Manday and her sister belong to diferrent/different sports clubs.

4. An apple/appel a day keeps the doctor away.

5. How many people arecoming/comeing to your party?


Занятие 7.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант.

There is one spelling error in each sentence. Correct the word.

1. I don`t beleive that aliens have ever visited our planet. ………………

2. Marry writes in her secret dairy every night. ……………… 3. Would you like a chocolate buiscit? They`re very tasty. ……………….

4. Put your books in the cuboard at the end of the lesson. ………………

5. Helen is still changing her clothes. ……………….

2 вариант.

1. George and I go to diferent schools. ……………….

2. This swimming pool is deepper than the other one. ……………….

3. When I cut myself, there was a lot of blud on the floor! .……………….

4. Put your books in the cuboard at the end of the lesson. ………………

5. Helen is still changing her clothes. ……………….

3 вариант.

1. This swimming pool is deepper than the other one. ……………….

2. When I cut myself, there was a lot of blud on the floor! .……………….

3. I don`t beleive that aliens have ever visited our planet. ………………

4. Marry writes in her secret dairy every night. ……………… 5. Would you like a chocolate buiscit? They`re very tasty. ……………….

Exercise 2.

1 вариант.

Complete the sentences. Usehave/had and choose from the list.

an accident a glass of water a look

a walk a party something to eat

  1. We had. a party a few weeks ago. We invited fifty people.

  2. 'Shall we………………………………………….. ?' 'No, I'm not hungry.'

  3. I was thirsty, so I …………………………………………..

  4. I like to get up early and………………………………………….. before breakfast.

  5. Tina is a very good driver. She has never……………………………………………

  6. There's something wrong with the engine of my car. Can you…………………at it?

2 вариант.

Complete the sentences. Usehave/had and choose from the list.

an accident a glass of water a look

a walk a party something to eat

  1. I like to get up early and………………………………………….. before breakfast.

  2. Tina is a very good driver. She has never……………………………………………

  3. There's something wrong with the engine of my car. Can you…………………at it?

  4. We had. a party a few weeks ago. We invited fifty people.

  5. 'Shall we………………………………………….. ?' 'No, I'm not hungry.'

  6. I was thirsty, so I …………………………………………..

3 вариант.

Complete the sentences. Usehave/had and choose from the list.

an accident a glass of water a look

a walk a party something to eat

  1. There's something wrong with the engine of my car. Can you…………………at it?

  2. We had. a party a few weeks ago. We invited fifty people.

  3. 'Shall we………………………………………….. ?' 'No, I'm not hungry.'

  4. I was thirsty, so I …………………………………………..

  5. I like to get up early and………………………………………….. before breakfast.

  6. Tina is a very good driver. She has never……………………………………………

Занятие 8.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант.

Write an instruction for each situation. Use a verb from the list.

Close come stop open site lend take turn off

  1. A young child is reading in bed late at night. His mother says to him:

Turn off the light!

  1. A man’s dog is running away. The man shouts at the dog:


  1. It is the first class of the day and the students have their books on their tables. The teacher says:


  1. The front door of the house is open. The father says to his son:


  1. Lots of students are standing up in the class. The teacher says:


  1. You need to borrow a pen. You say to your friend:


2 вариант.

Write an instruction for each situation. Use a verb from the list.

Close come stop open site lend take turn off

  1. A young child is reading in bed late at night. His mother says to him:

Turn off the light!

  1. You are talking to your friend in class. The teacher says:


  1. Your friend asks where the disco is. You know it is in the next street on the left. You say:


  1. A man’s dog is running away. The man shouts at the dog:


  1. It is the first class of the day and the students have their books on their tables. The teacher says:


  1. The front door of the house is open. The father says to his son:


3 вариант.

Write an instruction for each situation. Use a verb from the list.

Close come stop open site lend take turn off

  1. A young child is reading in bed late at night. His mother says to him:

Turn off the light!

  1. The front door of the house is open. The father says to his son:


  1. Lots of students are standing up in the class. The teacher says:


  1. You need to borrow a pen. You say to your friend:


  1. You are talking to your friend in class. The teacher says:


  1. Your friend asks where the disco is. You know it is in the next street on the left. You say:


Exercise 2.

1 вариант.

W Write the opposite.

  1. Stand up! Sit down!

  2. Go away! …………………..

  3. Turn on the light! …………………..

  4. Start work! ……………………

  5. Open the window! ……………………

  6. Go to sleep! ……………………

2 вариант.

W Write the opposite.

  1. Stand up! Sit down!

  2. Pull the door! ……………………

  3. Get off the bus! ……………………

  4. Listen! ……………………

  5. Turn right! ……………………

  6. Go away! …………………..

3 вариант.

W Write the opposite.

  1. Stand up! Sit down!

  2. Open the window! ……………………

  3. Go to sleep! ……………………

  4. Pull the door! ……………………

  5. Get off the bus! ……………………

  6. Listen! ……………………


Тема: «Семья».

Занятие 1.

Exercise 1. Finish the sentences using the vocabulary.

Example:My father’s mother is my grandmother.

1 вариант.

1.My mother’s mother is my … and her father is my … . 2. My father’s brother is my … and his sister is my … .3.My sister’s husband is my … and my brother’s wife is my … .4.My sister’s daughter is my … and my brother’s son is my … .5. My mother and my father are my …. .

2 вариант.

1.My aunt and my uncle are my … .2. My grandmother and grandfather are my … .3. My uncle’s daughter is my … and my aunt’s son is my … too .4.My mother’s son is my … and her daughter is my … . 5. My father’s wife is my … and my mother’s husband is my … .

3 вариант.

1. My sister’s husband is my … and my brother’s wife is my … .2.My sister’s daughter is my … and my brother’s son is my … .3. My mother and my father are my …. . 4.My aunt and my uncle are my … .5. My grandmother and grandfather are my … .

Занятие 2.

Exercise 1.Complete the sentencesusing the vocabulary.

Example: John and Mary have two sons and two daughters .

1 вариант.

  1. How many b……… and sisters have you got?2. Helen’s husband Dan is my b………...3.Have

you got any c…….. .? 4.Are you m…….. or single ?5.I love my sister’s c………. .

2 вариант.

1.Are you m…….. or single ?2.I love my sister’s c………. .3. My parents are h……… people.4. My father ish……..many things.5.A Cinderella has a father, a stepmother and two s……….. .

3 вариант.

1. My parents are h……… people.2. My father ish……..many things.3.A Cinderella has a father, a stepmother and two s……….. .4.My parents have the same opinion about children’s education and u………. .5. Jim is my n……. and Jane is my n…..… .


Занятие 3.

Exercise 1.Complete the sentences using the active vocabulary.

Example: He looks after people’s teeth. He’s a dentist .

1 вариант.

1.This woman plays parts in soap operas. She is …….. .2.My cousin makes meals in a restaurant. He’s…… .3.My son plays the guitar and sings very well. He’s…….. .4.My brother is a captain of the fire station. He is ……. .5.My uncle designs houses and flats. He’s …… .

2 вариант.

1.My grandfather does many experiments. He is a famous …… .2.My sister-in-low meets a lot of people every day and she writes interesting articles. She is a good ……. .3. My father works at a big automobile plant. He is ……. .4. My aunt works at school. She is …….. .5.My daughter likes cats and dogs. She’s …….. .

3 вариант.

1.My son plays the guitar and sings very well. He’s…….. .2.My brother is a captain of the fire station. He is ……. .3.My uncle designs houses and flats. He’s …… .4.My grandfather does many experiments. He is a famous …… .5.My sister-in-low meets a lot of people every day and she writes interesting articles. She is a good ……. .

Занятие 4.

Exercise 1. Write the following numerals .

1 вариант.

14, 92,101,249, 20;

2 вариант.

112, 200, 555, 978,23;

3 вариант.



Занятие 5.

Exercise 1. Give the Comparative and the Superlative degrees of the following adjectives.

1 вариант.

strong, merry, wide, dangerous, difficult, good, fortunate, big , useful, nice.

2 вариант.

little, beautiful, few, greedy, young , magnificent, many, large, hot, bad.

3 вариант.

happy, important, fat, old, rich, much, short, interesting, near, late.

Занятие 6.

Exercise 1. Write these sentences using the correct form of the adjectives.

1 вариант.

1.Tom is (old) than Richard. 2.John is the (clever) boy in the class. 3.The weather is (fine) today than it was yesterday. 4.London is the (big) city in the world. 5.This sentence is (difficult) than the first one.

2 вариант.

1.My dog is (good) than yours. 2.My dog is the (good)of the three. 3.This mountain is the(high) in Europe. 4.Tom is (tall) than Richard. 5.Tom is the (tall) boy in the class.

3 вариант. Write these sentences using the correct form of the adjectives.

1.Mr.Robinson is (rich) than Mr.Green, but I don`t think he is(happy) than Mr.Green. 2.They have (many) hens than we have,but they get (few) eggs.3.The weather is (fine) today than it was yesterday. 4.My dog is the (good)of the three. 5.Tom is the (tall) boy in the class.


Занятие 7.

Exercise 1. Write the verbs in the blanks in the correct form.

1 вариант

1. I (to study) English every day. 2. John also (to study) English every day. 3. Train (to go) to the movies very often. 4. I seldom (to go) to the movies. 5. William (to carry) his books in a briefcase.

2 вариант. Write the verbs in the blanks in the correct form.

1. Frank (to play) the violin very well. 2. Mary (to play) the piano very well. 3. We (to play) tennis every afternoon. 4. George (to do) this exercise very well. 5. I always (to try) to come to school on time.

3 вариант. Write the verbs in the blanks in the correct form.

1. I (to want) to learn English. 2. Ann also (to study) English every day. 3. Train (to go) to the movies very often.4. This student (to carry) his books in a briefcase.5. My brother (to do) this exercise very well.

Занятие 8.

Exercise 1. Choose the right auxiliary verbs: do, does.

1 вариант

1. Where … Helen work? 2. My mother … not go in for sport.3. What time … your lesson begin? 4.They … not go to school on weekends. 5. Where … you live?

2 вариант. Choose the right auxiliary verbs: do, does.

1. These students … not ready for their lessons. 2. Why … they work so hard? 3. What time …you get up every morning? 4. My brother … not like soap operas.5. When … the next train arrive?

3 вариант. Choose the right auxiliary verbs: do, does.

1. Where … he go after the lessons? 2. How … you feel today? 3. My grandparents … not live in the city.4. How many hours … you sleep every night? 5. This student … not study German.


Тема: Квартира

Занятие 1.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант: Learn the words and the expressions.

mirror зеркало айна

convenient удобный ыңғайлы

entrance hall прихожая кіре беріс

cosy уютный жайлы

suite of furniture гарнитур жиналған жиһаз

2 вариант: Learn the words and the expressions.

carpet ковер кілем

block of flats многоквартирный дом көппәтерлі үй bedside-table тумбочка тумбочка

central heating центральное отопление орталық жылу

wardrobe платяной шкаф киім сөресі

3 вариант: Learn the words and the expressions.

cupboard посудный шкаф ыдыс сөресі

chandelier люстра аспа шам

running water водопровод су құбыры

pull-out sofa выдвижной диван ысырмалы диван

to keep the house clean содержать дом в чистоте үйді таза үстау

Exercise 2.

Answer the questions:

1 вариант

1. What floor is the author’s flat on? 2. What modern conveniences are there in her flat? 3. How many rooms are there? 4. What are they?

2 вариант

1. Which is the largest room in their flat? 2. What are there in the living room?

3. Where do they eat? 4. What are there in the kitchen?

3 вариант

1. What are there in the bedroom?2. What are there in the bathroom? 3The entrance hall is small, isn’t it? 4. Where does the author spend most of his time?



1 вариант : Use the right word from those given in the brackets:

1.There is a ... in my study room.(kitchen, desk)2.There is no ... in the house ,it is cold in winter.(fireplace, mirror)3.There are two large ... in the sitting room.(TV sets, windows)4.Have you any bookshelves in your … ? ( kitchen, study)

2 вариант: Use the right word from those given in the brackets:

1.In front of the house there is a beautiful ….( garden, picture)2.There are some … in the book-shelves.(books, cupboards)3.There are tooth-paste, tooth-brush in the … (bathroom, sitting room).4.There are modern … in my flat.(conveniences, mirror)

3 вариант: Use the right word from those given in the brackets:

1. There is a … in the middle of the room. (carpet, picture) 2.There are three … in our flat.(floor, rooms ) 3.There is a computer on my … (refrigerator, desk).4.There are beautiful flowers in the (garden, carpet).


1 вариант: Insert the prepositions on, in or into where necessary:

1. There are many people ... the park today.2. There is a girl standing ... the bridge.3. There is no tea ... my cup.4. Put these flowers ... the windowsill.

2 вариант:Insert the prepositions on, in or into where necessary:

1. Many people ... the platform waiting for the train.2.Carl lives … a wonderful house … the centre of the city.3. The teacher is hanging a picture ... the blackboard.4. The teacher is hanging a picture ... the blackboard.

3 вариант:Insert the prepositions on, in or into where necessary:

1. Where is the book? — It is ... the table.2. Where is the tea? — It is ... the cup.3. Put the plates ... the table.4. Put the book ... the bag.


Занятие 3 .

Exercise 1.

1 вариант: Insert the pronouns some, any or no where necessary:

1. Are there ... sweets in your bag? — Yes, there are ... . 2. Have you got ... English books at home? — Yes, I have ... .3. There are ... beautiful pictures in the magazine. Look at them. 4. There is ... ink in my pen: I cannot write.

2 вариант: Insert the pronouns some, any or no where necessary:

1. I haven't got... exercise books. Give me ... , please. 2. It is winter. There are ... leaves on the trees.3.We haven't got ... milk. We can't make a cake. 4. Bob always likes ... sugar in his coffee.

3 вариант: Insert the pronouns some, any or no where necessary:

1. They haven't got... stamps. I can't post my letter. 2. There are ... schools in this street. 3. Are there ... pictures in your book? 4. There are ... flowers here in winter.

Exercise 2.

1 вариант: Complete the sentence with something, anything, nothing or everything.

1. My husband taught his son ... he knows. 2. Her patient has a bad memory. She can't remember.... 3. I think there is ... wrong with my watch. 4. We've got ... to eat. We've got only ... to drink.

2 вариант: Complete the sentence with something, anything, nothing or everything.

1. The student didn't understand ... because she heard ... . 2. Does he know ... about computers? — Yes, he knows ... because he is the best specialist in computer science at Harvard University. 3. He felt terrible. He couldn't do ... else. 4. ... is all right, the patient is much better today.

3 вариант: Complete the sentence with something, anything, nothing or everything.

1. Is there ... interesting in the programmer of the concert? 2. I could see ... : it was quite dark. 3. Give me ... to drink. 4. I didn't take any money with me, so I couldn't buy

Занятие 4.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант: Insert the prepositions on, in, at or into where necessary:

1.The teacher is writing some words ... the blackboard. 2.The pupils is writing these words ... their exercise books.3. There is some books... the teacher's table.4. There are two maps ... the wall.

2 вариант: Insert the prepositions on, in, at or into where necessary:

There are some flowers ... the windowsills. 2. I like to sit ... the sofa ... my room.

3.Mother is cooking dinner ... the kitchen.4. There is a mirror … the wall.

3 вариант: Insert the prepositions on, in, at or into where necessary:

1.I usually go … bed at 10 o’clock. 2.The children are playing … the garden.3. Our flat is … the third floor.4.My father works … the factory.

Exercise 2.

1 вариант:

1. There… a large forest near our city. 2. There …many berries and mushrooms there. 3. There … much work about the house yesterday. 4. There … some students and a teacher in the lecture hall.

2 вариант:

1. There … bird in the cage. 2. … there any museums in your home town? 3. There …no vacant seats in the café last Saturday. 4. There … an interesting lecture on literature tomorrow.

3 вариант:

1. There … a sofa and two armchairs in our living-room. 2. There …a beautiful theatre in this street next year. 3. There … some books in the bookshelves.4. There … a mirror on the wall.


Занятие 5.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант Complete the sentences with: “ much or many”

1.I don't eat ... mangoes. 2. Не eats ... fish. 3. She ate so ... dessert that she is in bed today with a stomachache. 4. That man drank so ... wine, and he smoked so ... cigarettes that he has a terrible headache today.

2 вариант Complete the sentences with: “ much or many”

1. My mother says I eat too ... French fries and drink too ... beer. She wants her son to be healthy. 2. There

is not too ... space in my flat. 3. There are ... new pictures in this room. 4. There are ... teachers at our school, and ... of them are women.

3 вариант Complete the sentences with: “ much or many”

1. Thanks awfully for the books you sent me yesterday. — Don't mention it, it wasn't ... bother. 2. ... of her advice was useful. 3. He had ... pairs of socks. 4. Please don't put ... pepper on the meat.

Exercise 2.

1 вариант Complete the sentences with: “little or few”.

l. Не has got ... friends. 2. I drink ... coffee. I don't like it. 3. We must hurry. We've got very ... time. 4. There are very ... scholarships for students in this university.

2 вариант Complete the sentences with: “little or few”.

1. The Smiths have ... money. They aren't rich. 2. The theatre was almost empty. There were very ... people there. 3. There was ... lemonade in the bottle. There were ... peaches in the basket. 4. I have ... time, so I can't go with you.

3 вариант Complete the sentences with: “little or few”.

1. There is ... ink in my pen. Have you got any ink? 2. There are ... bears in the zoo. 3.TomCanty was the son of poor parents and had very ... clothes. 4. There is too ... soup in my plate. Give me some more, please.

Занятие 6.

Exercise 1

1 вариант: Complete the sentences with: “much, many, (a) little, (a) few.”

1. How … English words do you know? 2 I am busy now. I have … time. 3. They work too … 4.Dick is a sociable man and he has … friends.

2 вариант: Complete the sentences with: “much, many, (a) little, (a) few.”

1. I eat … bread and … vegetables. 2. My husband eats … meat and … vegetables.3. I want to tell you … words about my job 4. Don’t hurry! We have … time before the train arrives.

3вариант: Complete the sentences with: “much, many, (a) little, (a) few.”

1. Has he got many English books?-No, only … .2. Please, try to make … noise.3.There are … new pictures in this room.4.I have … books.

Exercise 2.

1 вариант: Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Continuous Tense

1. Please don't disturb me now. I (to work) now. 2. Mother (to help) her son to do his homework now.3.Nick (to go) for a walk with his dog now. 4. They (to play) hockey now.

2. вариант: Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Continuous Tense

1. The boy (to read) a book now? 2. Where is John? He (to play) football in the yard.3.What she (to do) now? – She (to dance).4.Where's Ann? She (to play) tennis.

3вариант: Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Continuous Tense

1. The artist (to paint) the picture very carefully now. 2. Look at these children: they (to skate) verywell! 3. Ann (to sit) at her desk now.4. She (to study) geography now.


Занятие 7.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант: Open the brackets using the verbs in the Future Continuous Tense

1He (to write) a letter at 5 o’clock tomorrow.2 I (to do) my homework at 6 o’clock tomorrow. 3My father (to come) home at 7 o’clock tomorrow. 4. We (to wait) for you at the library at 9 o’clock tomorrow.

2 вариант: Open the brackets using the verbs in the Future Continuous Tense

1. The students (to go) to the cinema at 7 o’clock next Saturday.2.She (to go) to the University at 8 o’clock in the morning .3.What you (to do) at 7 o’clock tomorrow.4.We (to have) breakfast at 9 o’clock tomorrow.

3 вариант: Open the brackets using the verbs in the Future Continuous Tense

1. You (to go) to the supermarket at 7 o’clock tomorrow.2.I (to pass) an examination at 10 o’clock tomorrow.3“What you (do) at 9.30 on Saturday evening?” “I (watch) the film in the cinema”. 4. I (not to play) the piano at 4 o’clock tomorrow.

Exercise 2.

1вариант: Choose the right variant

1) Were your teachers planning their lessons? - ………….

a) Yes, they were. / No they weren’t.

b) Yes, she were. / No, she weren’t

c) They, were yes. / They, were no.

2) ….…... at the party yesterday?

a) Do they dancing

b) Are they dancing

c) Were they dancing

3)…….. reading?- I’m reading an English book.

a) Where you are

b) When are you

c) What are you

4)…….. in than drawer?

a) What you are looking for

b) What is looking for

c) What are you looking for

2 вариант: Choose the right variant

1) Is Peter working in Japan? … .

a) Peter, is , yes. / No, Peter not

b)Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

c) Peter, yes. / Peter, no.

2)…….. beginning our lessons after holidays . In first of February.

a) When will be

b) Where will be

c) What will be

3) …… are you going to school ?- I’m going to school by bus.

a) How

b) How much

c) Who

4) Are you going to the library …………?

a) or to the cinema

b) to the cinema or

c) to or the cinema

3вариант: Choose the right variant

1) Is he working at the factory ………….?

a) or at the hospital

b) at or the hospital

c) or at the hospital

2) It is an English book on the table, ……. .

a) isn’t it ?

b) aren’t it ?

c) were it?

3) My mother was cooking the dinner yesterday, …….. .

a) aren’t she?

b) isn’t she?

c)wasn’t she?

4) My little sister was sleeping at this time yesterday, …… .

a) aren’t she?

b) isn’t she?


Занятие 8.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант

Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Continuous or the Present Indefinite Tense.

1. She (to go) to the University every day. 2. Look! Mary (to go) to the dean’s office.

3. My friend often (to tell) us interesting stories. 4. I always (to listen) to the lectures attentively.

2 вариант

1. Mother is in the kitchen, she (to make) some cakes. 2. I (to eat) porridge every morning. 3. Where is John? He (to play) football in the yard. 4. I (to read) a book now.

3 вариант

1. The man who (to speak) with our mother (to be) our neighbour. 2. Where are you going this Sunday? –This Sunday we (to go) to the country, but usually on Sunday we (to stay) at home. 3. I (to do) …….. my homework at six o`clock tomorrow.4.At this moment the students (to do) an exercise on tenses.

Exercise 2.

1 вариант  

Open the brackets using the verbs in the Future Simple , Present Continuous or Future Continuous

1. I (to do) ……..my homework tomorrow. 2. I (to do) ……..my homework at six o`clock tomorrow. 3. When I come home tomorrow, my family (to sleep)……….

4. When you come to my place tomorrow, I (to read) ………your book.

2 вариант  Open the brackets using the verbs in the Future Simple , Present Continuous or Future Continuous

1. Don't come to my place tomorrow. I (to write) ………..a composition the whole evening. 2. I(not to go) to the cinema tomorrow.3 I (to watch) ……….TV the whole evening. 4What you (to do) tomorrow.

3 вариант  Open the brackets using the verbs in the Future Simple , Present Continuous or Future Continuous

1. What you (to do) at eight o'clock tomorrow. 2. You (to play) volleyball tomorrow. 3. When you (to go) to see your friend next time.

4. I (to do) ……my homework from three till six


Тема: Мой рабочий день

Занятие 1.

Exercise 1.

Вариант 1. Learn active vocabulary:

a working day(week-day)– рабочий (будний)день – жумыс күні;

to take a bus (tram, trolleybus) –ехатьавтобусом (трамвайем,троллейбусом) – автобуспен (трамваймен,троллейбуспен) жүру;

to walk – ходить пешком(прогуливаться) – жаяу жүру

to wash – умываться – жуыну;

to have a rest – отдыхать – демалу;

Вариант 2. Learn active vocabulary:

to make one’s bed – заправлятьпостель – төсек жинау;

to have a break – иметьперерыв – үзілісалу;

to make a telephone call – звонить – қоңыраушалу;

to clean teeth –чиститьзубы – тіс тазалау;

to do homework – делатьдомашнеезадание – үйтапсырмасынорындау;

Вариант 3. Learn active vocabulary:

to comb (brush) one’s hair – расчесываться – шашты тарау;

to play volleyball –игратьволейбол – волейболойнау;

to wake up – просыпаться – ояну;

a groupmate – однокурсник – группалас;

to get up – вставать – ұйқыдан тұру.

Exercise 2.

Вариант 1. Write the dates and time:

a) 5/IV-1834; 6/VIII-1913.

-on weekdays; on Sunday; on the 7th of November, but in January, in 1914.

-at5 o’clock, at half past three.

b) 11.50 – It is(It’s) ten minutes to twelve.

9.05 – It’s five minutes past nine

3.15; 10.45; 4.58; 6.11.

Вариант 2. Write the dates and time:

a) 7/XI-17O1; 31/XII-1525.

-on weekdays; on Sunday; on the 7th of November, but in January, in 1914.

-at5 o’clock, at half past three.

b) 11.50 – It is(It’s) ten minutes to twelve.

9.05 – It’s five minutes past nine

7.23; 8.30; 12.00; 5.55.

Вариант 3.Write the dates and time:

a) 7/X-1919; 9/V-2004.

-on weekdays; on Sunday; on the 7th of November, but in January, in 1914.

-at5 o’clock, at half past three.

b) 11.50 – It is(It’s) ten minutes to twelve.

9.05 – It’s five minutes past nine

11.35; 9.40; 13.10; 14.25.

Занятие 2.

Exercise 1.

Вариант 1. Complete the sentences with modal verbs:

1. I … go to the post office. I … some stamps. 2. My eyes are not very good. I … to wear glasses. 3. Catherine got the job because she … speak five languages. 4. What … we see on this map?

Вариант 2. Complete the sentences with modal verbs:

1. Catherine got the job because she … speak five languages. 2. What … we see on this map? 3. You … listen to music but not very loudly. 4. …. Icome in? Yes, you … .

Вариант 3.

1. Complete the sentences with modal verbs:

1. At English the students … speak English only. 2…. you speak Spanish? - No, unfortunately I … . 3. He … not speak English yet. 4. You … not smoke here.

Exercise 2.

Вариант 1. Complete the sentences use the modal verbs can, may or must.

1) … I come in? 2) You … not smoke here. 3) … take your book? – I am afraid not, I need it. 4) He… not speak English yet.

Вариант 2. Complete the sentences use the modal verbs can, may or must.

1) I have very little time, I… go. 2) They … not go to the park today because they are busy. 3) You … read this text, it is easy enough. 4) What … we see on this map?

Вариант 3. Complete the sentences use the modal verbs can, may or must.

1) … you speak Spanish? – No, unfortunately, I … . 2) At what time … you come to school? 3) She … still live in Paris. 4) He is busy. He … be writing a book about his travels.



Тема: Вводно-коррективный курс (4 часа ).

1 занятие.

Упражнение 1.

Вариант 1. Write the transcription of the words and remember them:

Quite, class, which, when, well, wax, week, chair, wild, box, chalk,

Вариант 2. Write the transcription of the words and remember them:

Wale, quick, air, exhibit, small, balky, Balkan, mash, fairy, pair.

Вариант 3. Write the transcription of the words and remember them:

Doll, cold, gob, glide, mind, idle, synonym, yell, neatly.

Упражнение 2.

Вариант 1.Put indefinite article .

1. It is … nice day. 2. It is … old bag. 3. It is … easy lesson. 4.It is … apple.

5. It is … little black cat. 6. It is not … bad film. 7. It is … little cat.

Вариант 2.Put indefinite article .

1. It is … nice plan. . 2.It is … black pen. . 3.It is… old lamp. . 4.It is … bad bed. . 5.It is … black bag. . 6.It is …. nice flat. 7. It is ….ring.

Вариант 3. Put indefinite article .

1. It is ….big desk. .2. It is …easy lesson. .3. It is … fine day. . 4.It is…. fine film. . 5.It is … old little plate. .6. It is …..ice-cream. .7. It is …..umbrella. .8. It is ….. banana.

2 занятие.

Упражнение 1.

Вариант 1. Change the following sentences from singular into plural as in the example.

The pencil is on the desk. - (The pencils are on the desk.)

1.The glass is in the kitchen. 2. It is a new dish. 3. The bus is at the corner. 4.The child is in the garden.

Вариант 2. Change the following sentences from singular into plural as in the example.

The pencil is on the desk. - (The pencils are on the desk.)

1. The clock is on the wall. 2. The watch is new. 3. It is a good picture. 4. A red apple is on the plate.

Вариант 3. Change the following sentences from singular into plural as in the example.

The pencil is on the desk. - (The pencils are on the desk.)

1. A beautiful picture is on the wall. 2. The lamp is on the table. 3. It is a good picture. 4.The child is in the garden.

Упражнение 2.

Вариант 1. Write down the following nouns in plural.

Box, sheep, place, library, photo, mouse, lady, glass, bush, dress, country, bus, party, wife, day, knife, knowledge, month, pen, hero, goose, company, life, deer, tomato, city,.

Вариант 2. Write down the following nouns in plural.

man, play, news, child, fruit, shelf leaf, foot, fish, woman, money, information.

This man, that match, this, tea-cup, this egg

Вариант 3. Write down the following nouns in plural.

knowledge, month, pen, hero, goose ,that wall, that picture, this foot, that mountain, this lady, that window, this knife.


3 занятие.

Упражнение 1.

Вариант 1.Readandtranslate:

This is a room. It’s a nice big room. This is a wall. That is a wall too. The walls are white and blue. This is a door. The door is white. Those are windows. They are big and clean. This is a blackboard. That is a map. The blackboard and the map are on the wall. This is chalk. It is in the box on the blackboard. These are tables and chairs. They are new and clean. This is a floor. It is clean too.

Вариант 2. Read and translate:

This is room number two. It’s a small room. These are books and note –

books. They are on the table, on the shelf and in the bookcase. The books are thick. The notebooks are thin. This is my bag. It is grey. It is on the chair. My books, notebooks, pens and pencils are in the bag. The pens are thick and the pencils are thin. They are black, white, red, green and blue. This is bread. It is white. The bread is on the plate.

Вариант 3. Read and translate:

This is my bag. It is grey. It is on the chair. My books, notebooks, pens and pencils are in the bag. The pens are thick and the pencils are thin. They are black, white, red, green and blue.

That is a map. The blackboard and the map are on the wall. This is chalk. It is in the box on the blackboard. These are tables and chairs.

Упражнение 2.

Вариант 1. Write the nouns in plural:

  1. box, match, rich, brush, page, bus, house

  2. ball, room, tie, table, pencil

Вариант 2.

  1. light, book, cup, flat, hat

  2. knife, wife, shelf, life, lead

Вариант 3.

  1. child, man, woman

  2. family, factory, story, faculity, city


Упражнение 1.

Вариант 1. Use the articles a, an, the where it is necessary.

  1. Yesterday was … new film on TV, but … it wasn't very interesting. 2. London is situated on … Thames. 3. …Yuri Gagarin was … first man to fly over … Earth in spaceship. 4. My …daughter will go to school … next year. 5. … Ivanovs live here, but they are not at .. home.

Вариант 2. Use the articles a, an, the where it is necessary.

  1. In … summer we live in … country. 2. …Lomonosov,… great Russian scientist, was born in … small village on … shore of …White Sea. 3. … United States of America is one of … most powerful countries of the world. 4. Is your dress made of … silk or … cotton? 5. … Peter's brother is … student and we are … pupils.

Вариант 3. Use the articles a, an, the where it is necessary.

1. London is situated on … Thames. 2. …Yuri Gagarin was … first man to fly over … Earth in spaceship. 3. My …daughter will go to school … next year. 4.. … United States of America is one of … most powerful countries of the world. 5. Is your dress made of … silk or … cotton?

Упражнение 2.

Вариант 1. Write the following numerals and chronological dates

Cardinal numerals: 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 33, 27, 69, 1000, 1,008, 2,355, 3,579

Chronological dates: 1975, 1982, 1990, 2000, 2007, 2500, 2903,


Вариант 2. Write the following numerals and chronological dates

Cardinal numerals: 1, 2, 21, 42, 13, 23, 37, 69, 1000, 2,008, 8,365, 4,579

Chronological dates: 1977, 1989, 1992, 2005, 2002, 2500, 2203,


Вариант 3. Write the following numerals and chronological dates

Cardinal numerals: 3, 4, 15, 12, 13, 33, 27, 69, 1000, 1,008, 2,355, 3,579

Chronological dates: 1952, 1582, 1890, 2000, 2007, 2500, 2903,


Тема: «Знакомство».

Занятие 1.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант.

Complete the list.

  1. I` m …………… . I come from Italy.

  2. I` m …………… . I come from Spain.

  3. I` m …………… . I come from Germany

  4. I` m …………… . I come from France

  5. I` m …………… . I come from Greece

2 вариант.

  1. I` m …………… . I come from Brazil

  2. I` m …………… . I come from Switzerland

  3. I` m …………… . I come from Turkey

  4. I` m …………… . I come from Poland

  5. I` m …………… . I come from Argentina

3 вариант.

  1. I` m …………… . I come from Germany

  2. I` m …………… . I come from France

  3. I` m …………… . I come from Greece

  4. I` m …………… . I come from Brazil

  5. I` m …………… . I come from Switzerland

Exercise 2.

  1. вариант.

Write sentences about yourself.

  1. ( name? ) My…………………………………

  2. (from? ) I …………………………………..

  3. (age? ) I…………………………………...

  4. (job? ) I ………………………………….

  5. (married? ) I…………………………………..

  1. вариант.

  1. ( name? ) My…………………………………

  2. (from? ) I …………………………………..

  3. (age? ) I…………………………………...

  4. ( favourite colour or colours? ) My……………….

  5. ( interested in…? ) …………………………………

3 вариант.

  1. ( name? ) My…………………………………

  2. (from? ) I …………………………………..

  3. (age? ) I…………………………………...

  4. ( interested in? ) …………………………………

  5. (job? ) I ………………………………….

Занятие 2.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант.Underline the correct word in each sentence.

  1. Tony gavewe/us a lift.

  2. Tina and Mike say that we can borrow theirs/they.

  3. Could you pass methat/those paper?

  4. Is it your turn, or is itmy/mine?

  5. Dothis/these trees belong to you?

2 вариант. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

  1. Is it your turn, or is itmy/mine?

  2. Dothis/these trees belong to you?

  3. Paula wants you to helpshe/her.

  4. Excuse me, but this ismy/mine seat.

  5. Shall we phonethem/they now?

3 вариант. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

  1. Could you pass methat/those paper?

  2. Is it your turn, or is itmy/mine?

  3. Dothis/these trees belong to you?

  4. Paula wants you to helpshe/her.

  5. Excuse me, but this ismy/mine seat.

Exercise 2.

1 вариант. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

  1. Is this your bike?

Is this bike…?

  1. That house belongs to me. That house is

  2. Paul likes Jane. They're friends.

Paul and Jane are friends. He likes … .

  1. I want to know the time.

Can you tell .the time, please.

  1. We own this car.

This car is

2 вариант. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

  1. I want to know the time.

Can you tell .the time, please.

  1. We own this car.

This car is

  1. I invited John to my house for a talk.

I wanted to talk to John so I invited…to my house.

  1. Jane has arrived. Those are her suitcases.

Jane has arrived. Those suitcases are… .

  1. Sam stayed in London because he liked the clubs there. Sam stayed in London because he liked…clubs.

3 вариант. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

  1. Paul likes Jane. They're friends.

Paul and Jane are friends. He likes … .

  1. I want to know the time.

Can you tell .the time, please.

  1. We own this car.

This car is

  1. I invited John to my house for a talk.

I wanted to talk to John so I invited…to my house.

  1. Jane has arrived. Those are her suitcases.

Jane has arrived. Those suitcases are… .


Занятие 3.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант.

1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each question.

    1. What`s your name/ What do you call?

    2. How old/ age are you?

    3. Where do you stay/ life?

    4. What`s your house/ address?

    5. Which country do you come/ life from?

2 вариант.

Underline the correct word or phrase in each question.

  1. What`s your date of birthday/ birth?

  2. How long do you want to stay/ pass here?

  3. Have you got work/ job?

  4. What`s your name/ What do you call?

  5. How old/ age are you?

3 вариант.

Underline the correct word or phrase in each question.

  1. Where do you stay/ life?

  2. What`s your house/ address?

  3. Which country do you come/ life from?

  4. What`s your date of birthday/ birth?

  5. How long do you want to stay/ pass here?

Exercise 2.

1 вариант.

Complete each sentence. Use a word from the box.

boy children family foreigner girl teenager women friend

  1. Our teacher is a tall …. called Mrs Green.

  2. Is Helen your …?

  3. Who is that …? Is it George?

  4. Has Jean got any …?

  5. How many people are there in your …?

  6. Do you know that …? Her name`s Anna.

  7. Now that I`m thirteen, I`m a……………. .

  8. I don`t come from this country. I`m a …… .

2 вариант.

Complete each sentence. Use a word from the box.

girl teenager women friend boy children family foreigner

  1. Has Jean got any …?

  2. How many people are there in your …?

  3. Do you know that …? Her name`s Anna.

  4. Now that I`m thirteen, I`m a……………. .

  5. I don`t come from this country. I`m a …… .

  6. Our teacher is a tall …. called Mrs Green.

  7. Is Helen your …?

  8. Who is that …? Is it George?

3 вариант.

Complete each sentence. Use a word from the box.

family foreigner girl boy children teenager women friend

  1. Is Helen your …?

  2. Who is that …? Is it George?

  3. Has Jean got any …?

  4. How many people are there in your …?

  5. Do you know that …? Her name`s Anna.

  6. Now that I`m thirteen, I`m a……………. .

  7. I don`t come from this country. I`m a …… .

  8. Our teacher is a tall …. calledMrs. Green.

Занятие 4.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант. Add apostrophes to these sentences if necessary.

  1. Is that book yours or Sams? ………………….

  2. Davids sisters cats name is Syrup. ……………….

  3. Have you met Pats brothers? …………………..

  4. Are those shoes hers? …………………

  5. These are the girls fathers. ……………

2 вариант. Add apostrophes to these sentences if necessary.

  1. Those are the teachers cars. …………….

  2. These sandwiches are ours. …………….

  3. My books are in my friends bag. ……………

  4. Whose gloves are these? ………………

  5. That is Jacks fathers bike. ……………….

3 вариант. Add apostrophes to these sentences if necessary.

  1. Have you met Pats brothers? …………………..

  2. Are those shoes hers? …………………

  3. These are the girls fathers. ……………

  4. Those are the teachers cars. …………….

  5. These sandwiches are ours. …………….

Exercise 2.

1 вариант. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

This desk belongs to Jim.

This is Jim’s desk .

  1. That belongs to her. That’s ………………………………………………

  2. Does this belong to you or him? Is this ………………………………… ?

  3. Who does this ruler belong to? Whose ………………………………… .?

  4. Do the empty seats belong to them? Are the ……………………………..?

  5. We own this house. This ……………………………………………us.

2 вариант. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

This desk belongs to Jim.

This is Jim’s desk .

  1. Who does this ruler belong to? Whose ………………………………… .?

  2. Do the empty seats belong to them? Are the ……………………………..?

  3. We own this house. This ……………………………………………us.

  4. Joe and Ella own this caravan. Isthat …………………………… bag?

  5. Does this belong to you or him? Is this ………………………………… ?

3 вариант. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.

This desk belongs to Jim.

This is Jim’s desk .

  1. Joe and Ella own this caravan. Is that …………………………… bag?

  2. Does this belong to you or him? Is this ………………………………… ?

  3. That belongs to her. That’s ………………………………………………

  4. Does this belong to you or him? Is this ………………………………… ?

  5. Who does this ruler belong to? Whose ………………………………… .?


Занятие 5.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант.

Put to be in Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple.

      1. The students ... in the Russian Museum.

      2. Last month they ... in the Hermitage. There … an interesting

exhibition there.

      1. In two weeks they ... in the Tretyakov Gallery. They ... lucky.

      2. My father …a teacher.

      3. He ... a pupil twenty years ago.

      4. I ...a doctor when I grow up.

      5. My sister ... not ... at home tomorrow.

      6. She ... at school tomorrow.

2 вариант.

Put to be in Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple.

  1. ... you ... at home tomorrow?

  2. ... your father at work yesterday?

  3. My sister ... ill last week.

  4. She ... not ill now.

  5. Yesterday we ... at theatre.

  6. Where ... your mother now? —in the kitchen.

  7. Where ... you yesterday? — I …at the cinema.

  8. When 1 come home tomorrow, all my family ... at home.

3 вариант.

Put to be in Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple.

  1. Where ... your mother now? —in the kitchen.

  2. Where ... you yesterday? — I …at the cinema.

  3. When I come home tomorrow, all my family ... at home.

  4. ... your little sister in bed now? — Yes, she ....

  5. ... you ... at school tomorrow? — Yes, I ... .

  6. When my granny ...she ... an actress.

  7. My friend ... in Moscow now.

  8. He... in St. Petersburg tomorrow.

Exercise 2.

1 вариант.

Complete the sentences. Use have / has got or haven’t / hasn’t got + one of these:

a lot of friends four wheels six legs a headache a toothache a key much time a garden

  1. I’m not feeling very well. I‘ve got a headache.

  2. It’s a nice house but it hasn’t got a garden.

  3. Most cars …

  4. Everybody likes Tom. He …

  5. I’m going to the dentist this morning. I …

  6. He can’t open the door. He …

  7. An insect …

  8. We must hurry. We …

2 вариант.

Complete the sentences. Use have / has got or haven’t / hasn’t got + one of these:

a headache a toothache a key much time a garden a lot of friends four wheels six legs

  1. I’m not feeling very well. I‘ve got a headache.

  2. It’s a nice house but it hasn’t got a garden.

  3. I’m going to the dentist this morning. I …

  4. He can’t open the door. He …

  5. An insect …

  6. We must hurry. We …

  7. Most cars …

  8. Everybody likes Tom. He …

3 вариант.

Complete the sentences. Use have / has got or haven’t / hasn’t got + one of these:

six legs a headache a toothache a lot of friends four wheels a key much time a garden

  1. I’m not feeling very well. I‘ve got a headache.

  2. It’s a nice house but it hasn’t got a garden.

  3. Most cars …

  4. An insect …

  5. We must hurry. We …

  6. Everybody likes Tom. He …

  7. I’m going to the dentist this morning. I …

  8. He can’t open the door. He …

Занятие 6.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант.

Put in have got (‘ve got), has got (‘s got), haven’t got or hasn’t got.

  1. Sarah … a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.

  2. They like animals. They … three dogs and two cats.

  3. Charles isn’t happy. He … a lot of problems.

  4. They don’t read much. They … many books.

  5. ‘What’s wrong?’ ‘I … something in my eye.’

2 вариант.

Put in have got (‘ve got), has got (‘s got), haven’t got or hasn’t got.

  1. ‘Where’s my pen?’ ‘I don’t know. I … it.’

  2. Julia wants to go to the concert but she … a ticket.

  3. They like animals. They … three dogs and two cats.

  4. Charles isn’t happy. He … a lot of problems.

  5. They don’t read much. They … many books.

3 вариант.

Put in have got (‘ve got), has got (‘s got), haven’t got or hasn’t got.

  1. They don’t read much. They … many books.

  2. ‘What’s wrong?’ ‘I … something in my eye.’

  3. ‘Where’s my pen?’ ‘I don’t know. I … it.’

  4. Julia wants to go to the concert but she … a ticket.

  5. They like animals. They … three dogs and two cats

Exercise 2.

1 вариант. Use the prompts to make questions and negative sentences.

Jim /at home/last night. Was Jim at home last night?

  1. you/at school/on Monday ……………………………………….?

  2. the/cinema/open/on Sunday …………………………………....?

  3. all your friends/at your party …………………………………...?

  4. Kevin and Mel/at my party …………………………………….. .

  5. Nick/in class yesterday ………………………………………… .

2 вариант. Use the prompts to make questions and negative sentences.

Jim /at home/last night. Was Jim at home last night?

  1. It/warm yesterday ……………………………………………… .

  2. We/at the match yesterday ……………………………………... .

  3. you/at school/on Monday ……………………………………….?

  4. the/cinema/open/on Sunday …………………………………....?

  5. all your friends/at your party …………………………………...?

3 вариант. Use the prompts to make questions and negative sentences.

Jim /at home/last night. Was Jim at home last night?

  1. Kevin and Mel/at my party …………………………………….. .

  2. Nick/in class yesterday ………………………………………… .

  3. It/warm yesterday ……………………………………………… .

  4. We/at the match yesterday ……………………………………... .

  5. you/at school/on Monday ……………………………………….?


Занятие 7.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант. Choose the most suitable word for each space.

1) What`s Tim like? He`s… .

A) high B) tall C) big

2) Ann … glasses.

A) uses B) carries C) wears

3) Jane`s only nine. She`s… .

A) young B) modern C) new

4) Can you … Peter?

A) describe B) look C) appear

5) How many brothers and sisters … you got?

A) do B) have C) are

6) Are you … ?

A) study B) a student C) student

7) Where do you … from ?

A) arrive B) do C) come

8) What colour … your hair?

A) has B) is C) are

2 вариант. Choose the most suitable word for each space.

1) Are you … or single?

A) doubled B) married C) marriage

2) I … sixteen years old?

A) have B) get C) am

3) James has… a beard?

A) wears B) got C) carries

4) … your address?

A) What B) What`s C) Where`s

5) What does Lucy look …?

A) after B) alike C) like

6) What`s Tim like? He`s… .

A) high B) tall C) big

7) Ann … glasses.

A) uses B) carries C) wears

8) Jane`s only nine. She`s… .

A) young B) modern C) new

3 вариант.

Choose the most suitable word for each space.

1) Jane`s only nine. She`s… .

A) young B) modern C) new

2) Can you … Peter?

A) describe B) look C) appear

3) How many brothers and sisters … you got?

A) do B) have C) are

4) Are you … ?

A) study B) a student C) student

5) Where do you … from ?

A) arrive B) do C) come

6) What colour … your hair?

A) has B) is C) are

7) Are you … or single?

A) doubled B) married C) marriage

8) I … sixteen years old?

A) have B) get C) am

Exercise 2.

1 вариант. Use to be in Present Simple.

      1. Where ... you? — I ... in the kitchen.

      2. Where ... Fred? — He ... in the garage.

      3. Where ... Lisa and John? — They ... at college.

      4. ... you busy? — No, I ... not. Mike ... busy. He ... the busiest person

I've ever met.

      1. It ... ten o'clock. She ... late again.

      2. How ... you? — I ... not very well today. — I ... sorry to hear that.

      3. We ... interested in classical music.

      4. Vera ... afraid of snakes.

2 вариант. Use to be in Present Simple.

  1. My grandmother ... not nervous and she ... rarely upset. She ... the kindest person I've ever seen. My grandmother ... really wonderful.

  2. I ... sorry. They ... not at the office at the moment.

  3. Where ... the keys? — In your jacket.

  4. What... the time, please? — Two o'clock.

  5. It ... the biggest meal I've ever had.

  6. Which sport do you think ... the most dangerous?

  7. Chess and aerobics ... not as exciting as skydiving and figure skating.

  8. Debt... the worst kind of poverty.

3 вариант. Use to be in Present Simple.

  1. The game ... not worth the candle.

  2. Do you have any idea where he...?

  3. Used cars ... cheaper but less reliable than new cars.

  4. What ... the weather forecast for tomorrow?

  5. Art ... long, life ... short.

  6. You ... the best friend I've ever had.

  7. I don't remember what his telephone number....

  8. Two heads ... better than one.

Занятие 8.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант. Choose the most suitable reply (1-8) for the questions (a-h)

a) What does Sam look like? 1. It`s opposite the hospital.

b) How do you do? 2. Fine, thanks. How are you?

c) Where`s the bus station? 3. He laughs a lot!

d) How do you feel? 4. Sorry, I don`t.

e) Bye for now! 5. He`s tall and thin.

f) How are you? 6. Not so good.

g) Do you know the way to Paris? 7. I`ll see you tomorrow.

h) What`s Jim like? 8. How do you do?

2 вариант. Choose the most suitable reply (1-8) for the questions (a-h)

a) Bye for now! 1. He`s tall and thin.

b) How are you? 2. Not so good.

c) Do you know the way to Paris? 3. I`ll see you tomorrow.

d) What`s Jim like? 4.How do you do?

e) What does Sam look like? 5.It`s opposite the hospital.

f) How do you do? 6. Fine, thanks. How are you?

g) Where`s the bus station? 7. He laughs a lot!

h) How do you feel? 8. Sorry, I don`t.

3 вариант. Choose the most suitable reply (1-8) for the questions (a-h)

a) How do you do? 1. Fine, thanks. How are you?

b) Where`s the bus station? 2. He laughs a lot!

c) How do you feel? 3. Sorry, I don`t.

d) What does Sam look like? 4. It`s opposite the hospital.

e) Bye for now! 5. He`s tall and thin.

f) How are you? 6. Not so good.

g) Do you know the way to Paris? 7. I`ll see you tomorrow.

h) What`s Jim like? 8. How do you do?

Exercise 2.

1 вариант. Complete each sentence. Use a word from the box.

attendance break class lesson notes project subject term timetable uniform

  1. We had an interesting ……………… today about Ancient Egypt.

  2. At the end of the ………….. our teachers write reports about us.

  3. Please make …………. as you read chapter two.

  4. This is a very small …………. . There are only eight students.

  5. Kate`s …… been good. She has only missed one lesson.

  6. Our ………has changed, and now we have English on Monday at 11 o`clock.

2 вариант. Complete each sentence. Use a word from the box.

attendance break class lesson notes project subject term timetable uniform

  1. The boys usually play football outside when they have a ………………. .

  2. Chris has to wear a ………… at this new school.

  3. Physics was Rebecca`s favourite ………………. when she was it school.

  4. I went to the library to find some information for my history …………………… .

  5. This is a very small …………. . There are only eight students.

  6. Kate`s …… been good. She has only missed one lesson.

3 вариант.Complete each sentence. Use a word from the box.

attendance break class lesson notes project subject term timetable uniform

  1. Physics was Rebecca`s favourite ………………. when she was it school.

  2. I went to the library to find some information for my history …………………… .

  3. This is a very small …………. . There are only eight students.

  4. Kate`s …… been good. She has only missed one lesson.

  5. The boys usually play football outside when they have a ………………. .

  6. Chris has to wear a ………… at this new school.


Тема: Семья

Занятие 1.

Exercise 1.Learn the poem.

Our family

Our large family My sisters and brothers We help our mother

Has a nice flat, All go to school, When she washes or cooks.

We live there happily We help one another, Together with father

With a kitten and a cat. It is a good rule. We like to read books.

Занятие 2.

Exercise 2. Learn the words.

a doctor a mechanic a nurse

a journalist a pilot a builder

an engineer a actor(actress) a cook

a psychologist a police officer a dentist

an artist a teacher a scientist

an economist a water(waitress) an electrician

a lawyer a secretary a driver

a model a businessman a manager

a musician a architect a plumber

a vet a waiter/waitress a fire fighter


Занятие 3.

Exercise 3. Write the following dates.

15August 1432;18December 1683;5October 1156; 27 march 1745; 14April 2005; 23 November 1935; 22 June 1937; 26 May 1567;23 February 1918; 31 January 2030.

Answer the following questions.

1)When do we celebrate the first day of spring (Victory Day, New Year’s Day, Christmas, Women’s Day, May Day, Cosmonautics Day, Independence Day)?

2) When were you born?

3) When is the birthday of the members of your family?

Занятие 4.

Exercise 4. Use the adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees.

1) tall, long, short, hot, cold, nice, large, big, wide, strong, happy, warm, high, heavy, low, hard, busy, easy, bright;

2) interesting, comfortable, important, necessary, beautiful, famous, pleasant, popular, wonderful, active, careful.


Занятие 5.

Exercise 5. Use the adjectives in the correct form.

1.Which is(long) day of the year? 2. Winter is (cold) season. 3. Moscow is (large) than St. Petersburg. 4. My friend’s car is not so (new) as my car. 5. Where is it (beautiful), in the mountains or near the sea? 6. It was (good) meal I’ve ever had. 7. It was (bad) cold I’ve ever had. 8. In spring the days are (long) than in winter. 9. It is (cold) today than it was yesterday. 10. The Russian grammar is (difficult) than the English one.

Занятие 6.

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with Present Simple (Indefinite).

1.We (to learn) English at the University.2. I (to like) music and pictures.3. My friend (to work) at an office. 4. Tom and Nick usually (to play) football on Sunday. 5. My sister (to write) letters to her boyfriend every month. 6. You often (to go) to the cinema with your friends.7. The sun (to rise) in the East.8. Every year they (to spend) their holidays in Spain. 9. My little nephew (to eat) porridge every morning. 10. He (to study) at an Institute.


Занятие 7.

Exercise 7. Put the following sentences in the negative and interrogative form.

1. She makes very good coffee. 2. I read newspapers and magazines in the evening.3. My relatives live in America. 4. My father always comes home at 7 o’clock.5. Mary and Jim go to the nursery school. 6. We often go to school together. 7. I get up late on Sundays. 8. The secretary types many papers .9.You seldom take books from the library. 10. Our students read texts, write exercises and speak English at the lessons.

Занятие 8.

Exercise 8. Speak about your family.


Тема: Квартира

Занятие 1.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант : Learntheproverbs:

1) There is no smoke without fire. 2) There is no place like home. 3)There is no rose without a thorn.4)There is no time like the present.

2 вариант: Learn the proverbs:

1) While there is life, there is hope.2)Where there is a will, there is a way. 3) There is no rule without exception.

3 вариант: Learn by heart

The kitchen is the nicest place

In all the house to me,

For that’s where mummy bakes the pies

And tasty cakes for tea.

Занятие 2.


1 вариант: Complete the sentences.

1. We cook in the … . 2.We put cups in the… . 3.We sleep in the…. .4.We read books in the…

2 вариант:Complete the sentences.

1.We wash in the …. . 2.We take off our overcoats in the …. . 3.We watch TV in the … . 4. We cook dishes on the…

3 вариант: Complete the sentences.

1.Wegrow flowers in the … 2. We receive guests in ….3 We have all modern conveniences in … 4.We have three rooms in our … .


Занятие 3

Exercise 1.

1 вариант: Complete the sentence with something, anything, nothing or everything.

1. She has to go to the supermarket. There isn't ... in the fridge. 2. I've had a terrible day. ... went wrong. 3. The young man is very upset. There is ... wrong with his car. 4. His grandparents like doing ... : cooking, playing board games, going to museums, visiting their friends.

2 вариант: Complete the sentence with something, anything, nothing or everything.

1. What do you want to drink? — .... I'm not thirsty. 2. Nobody told me ... about his lung cancer. I could do ... to save his life. 3. Give me ... to read, please. — With pleasure. 4. I don't know ... about your town. Tell me ... about it.

3 вариант: Complete the sentence with something, anything, nothing or everything.

1. I understand ... now. Thank you for your explanation. 2. There is ... white in the box. What is it? 3. Is there ... that you want to tell me? 4. Where is the book? — It is on the table. — No, there is ... there.

Занятие 4.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант:Insert the pronouns some, any , no or something, anything, nothing where necessary:

1. I’m going to buy … clothes. 2. There is … butter in the fridge.3. There isn’t … milk in the cup.4.I want to wash my hair. Is there … shampoo?

2 вариант:Insert the pronouns some, any , no or something, anything, nothing where necessary:

1. There are … mistakes in your test.2. I'm hungry. I want … to eat.3 'What do you want to eat?' '... . I'm not hungry. 4.' I don't want … to drink. I'm not thirsty.

3 вариант: Insert the pronouns some, any , no or something, anything, nothing where necessary:

1. There are … interesting English books in my library. 2. There is some cheese on the plate. 3. Are there ... sweets in your bag? 4. There are ... pictures in the book.


Занятие 5.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант: Complete the sentences with: “ much or many”

1. I never eat ... bread with soup. 2. Why did you eat so ... ice cream? 3. She wrote us ... letters from the country. 4. ... of these students don't like to look up words in the dictionary.

2 вариант: Complete the sentences with: “ much or many”

1. ... in this work was too difficult for me. 2. ... of their answers were excellent.

3. There is not too ... space in my flat.4.... of their conversation was about the institute.

3 вариант: Complete the sentences with: “ much or many”

1. Mary must not eat too ... salt because she has problems with her blood pressure.

2. ... of these plays are quite new. 3. Не eats ... fish. 4. There were ... plates on the table.

Занятие 6.


1вариант: Open the brackets using the verbs in the Past Continuous Tense

1. Father (to watch) TV at ten o’clock yesterday. 2. I (to go) to bed at nine o’clock yesterday. 3. I (to finish) my homework at nine o’clock yesterday. 4. I (to play) the piano at five o’clock yesterday.

2 вариант: Open the brackets using the verbs in the Past Continuous Tense

1. He (to begin) to do his homework at four o’clock yesterday. 2. She (to wash) the floor at four o’clock yesterday. 3. He (to get) up at seven o’clock yesterday. 4. She (to fall) asleep at ten o’clock yesterday.

3 вариант: Open the brackets using the verbs in the Past Continuous Tense

1. Mother (to drink) tea at eleven o’clock yesterday. 2. They (to meet) at the street 2 hours ago.3.I (to write) an English exercise at this time yesterday. 4. My little sister (to sleep) at this time yesterday.


Занятие 7.

Exercise 1.

1 вариант: Write as many sentences as you can about your flat(house), using the answers to these questions:

1. Where do you live? 2. Do you live in a private house or in block of flats? 3. What floor is your flat on? 4. Is there a garden in front of the house?

2 вариант: Write as many sentences as you can about your flat(house), using the answers to these questions:

1. Is your flat large or small? 2. How many rooms are there in your flat? 3What are they? 4. Which is the largest room in their flat?

3 вариант: Write as many sentences as you can about your flat(house), using the answers to these questions:

1. What modern conveniences are there in your flat? 2.How are your rooms furnished? 3. Are you happy with your flat? 4. Do you keep your flat (house) clean?

Занятие 8.

1 вариант: Make the design of your


2 вариант: Make the design of your


3 вариант: Make the design of your



Тема: Мой рабочий день

Занятие 1.

Вариант 1.

1. Answer the questions:

  1. How many days are there in a week? Name them.

  2. What is the first day of the week?

  3. What is the last day of the week?

  4. Is Tuesday the second or the fourth day of the week?

2. Insert prepositions at or on:

1. I get up … seven o’clock or … a quarter past seven. 2. … Sunday I usually get up … nine o’clock or … half past nine. But last Sunday I slept very long and got up only … noon. 3. My birthday is … the ninth of July. 4. The school year begins … the first of September.

Вариант 2.

1. Answer the questions:

1. How many days are there in a month (year)?

2. How many months are there in a year? Name them.

3. What is the first month of the year?

4. What day (date) was it yesterday?

2. Insert prepositions at or on:

1. My birthday is … the ninth of July. 2. The school year begins … the first of September. 3. … the twenty-fifth of December people celebrate Christmas. 4. … Wednesday I usually have a lot of homework.

Вариант 3.

1. Answer the questions:

1. What is the last day of the week?

2. Is Tuesday the second or the fourth day of the week?

3. Which month of the year is April?

4. What was the last year?

2. Insert prepositions at or on:

1. My father liked to get up … sunrise. 2. Our lessons are usually over … twenty minutes to two. 3. They returned from the wood … sunset. 4. I began writing my composition … seven o’clock and finished only … midnight.

Занятие 2.

Вариант 1.

1. Insert necessary modal verbs:

1. I … not go to the theatre with them last night, I … revise the grammar rules and the words for the test. 2. My friend lives a long way from his office and … get up early. 3. All of us … be in time for classes. 4. When my friend has his English, he … stay at the office after work. He (not) … stay at the office on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and … get home early.

2. Insert necessary modal verbs:

1. … you see anything in this inky darkness? 2. You … go when you have finished your compositions. 3. What shall we do if the train is late? It … be late, you know, after the terrible snowstorms we’ve had. 4. Libraries are quite free, and anyone who likes … get books there.

Вариант 2.

1. Insert necessary modal verbs:

1. All of us … be in time for classes. 2. When my friend has his English, he … stay at the office after work. He (not) … stay at the office on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and … get home early. 3. … you … work hard to do well in your English? 4. “… we discuss this question now?” “No, we … . We … do it tomorrow afternoon.”

2. Insert necessary modal verbs:

1. You … come in when you have taken off your boots. 2. Be careful: you … spill the milk if you carry it like that. 3. Most children … slide on the ice very well. 4. I don’t think I … be here by eleven o’clock tomorrow, but I … be.

Вариант 3.

1. Insert necessary modal verbs:

1. I’m glad you …come. 2. “… you …come and have dinner with us tomorrow?” “I’d love to.” 3. “Please send them this article.” “Oh, … I do it now?” 4. Only a person who knows the language very well … answer such a question.

2. Insert necessary modal verbs:

1. My friend lives a long way from his office and … get up early. 2. Libraries are quite free, and anyone who likes … get books there. 3. “… you …come and have dinner with us tomorrow?” “I’d love to.” 4. “Please send them this article.” “Oh, … I do it now?”

Контрольные работы № 1 и 2