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Розробка завдань для проведення уроку чи фрагменту уроку читання

6 кл.

(до підручника Оксани Карп’юк (APPENDIX))

Підготувала: вчитель англійської мови

Великогрибовицької ЗОШ

I-III ступенів

Жовківського району

Львівської області

Ільницька Жанна Іванівна


Text 1 The Ant and the Grasshopper.

Before reading.

Discussing points:

  1. A cat in gloves catches no mice.

  2. Business before pleasure.

While reading.

I The main characters are:



II Describe the main characters.

The Ant

The Grasshopper



After reading.

I Choose True or False.

  1. There was a grasshopper who played the piano.

  2. The ant liked music, singing and dancing.

  3. The ant was hard-working.

  4. The grasshopper was very happy.

  5. The grasshopper and the ant were good friends.

  6. They helped each other.

II Finish the sentences.

  1. The grasshopper loved ……………………………………………

  2. The ant worked hard………………………………………………

  3. The ant had to work for……………………………………………

  4. The winter arrived and the grasshopper……………………………

  5. The ant didn’t help the grasshopper because……………………….

III Fill in the words .

winter, to work, grasshopper, sang, played, night, the violin (2 times), walked, ant (3 times),morning, hungry, snow, food, cold, closed, was, danced, windy, went away.

Once upon a time there was a ………………He liked summer and didn’t …………………He played his…………, ….........and ……….all day. There an ……....... lived near the grasshopper. She was very hard working. She worked from………………till……………….The grasshopper didn’t listen to………… and……………..The hot summer passed and then it ………autumn. After autumn comes …………..It began to ………………It was cold and…………The grasshopper was……………and………..He went to his neighbour………..and asked for……………But the ant refused. She……………the door and the grasshopper had ………………………..

IV Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue between the ant and the grasshopper.

V Draw a picture.

VI Retell the story.

Text 2 Paul’s French Lesson.

Before reading.

Discussing points:

  1. Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip.

  2. Catch the bear before you sell his skin.

  3. What foreign languages do you speak?

  4. Do you think it is worth knowing some foreign languages? Why?

While reading.

I Choose the right answer.

  1. Who came to a boy one day?

  1. his girlfriend;

  2. his friend;

  3. his brother.

  1. What did the storyteller do during the holidays?

  1. He learned French;

  2. He played basketball;

  3. He played ball.

  1. How did Paul feel himself?

  1. He felt bad;

  2. He felt like a hero;

  3. He felt well.

  1. What French words did Paul know?

  1. He knew “Hello”;

  2. He couldn’t count;

  3. He knew “Jack”.

II Match the translation of the words and word combinations.

waste фунт (міра ваги)

be able to наполегливо вчитися

feel ashamed витрачати

Good for you! соромитись

study hard Добре з твого боку!

even у вазі

pond навіть

in weight скористатись

make use бути спроможним, могти

yet поки що

so far ще

After reading.

I Fill in the blanks:

on holidays, write to French boys and girls, Jack(2 times), Paul, in English

  1. Paul said that he had learned French…………………………..

  2. Paul will be able to……………………………………………..

  3. A student named…………spent the summer with…………….

  4. Paul learned to say……………………………………………..

  5. Paul couldn’t understand why Mum and Dad………………….

II Answer the questions:

  1. What is the name of the main character?

  2. Where was he?

  3. What did he learn during his holidays?

  4. Who taught him?

  5. Could he speak French?

  6. Why did his Mum and Dad start laughing?

III Write a short composition on the topic “Why do we learn foreign languages?”