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Юнит 5-10 (часть2).doc
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Task 3. Answer the questions using the information you have learnt from the text:

  1. What countries have the most automobiles?

  2. Why do some people yearn for the old days before the automobile?

  3. Why do developing nations seek to set up an automotive industry?

  4. What was the first electric car like?

  5. Who developed the first successful four-stroke gasoline engine?

  6. What place is considered the Automobile Capital of the world?

  7. What helped make cars safer, more comfortable and easy to operate?

  8. What businesses relate to automobile industry?

  9. How does automobile industry aid to many countries' economy?

  10. What are the main activities in automobile business?

Task 4. Discuss the problems:

How has the car altered our lives? Do you agree with these advantages?

Which reason do you consider the most important and vital one?

Values: mobility, increased tourism, medical care and emergency services more readily available, increase of social contacts, means of transport, large number of jobs directly related to car industry. (Take some other reasons from the text)

Drawbacks: prestige and material status derived from car ownership, loss of life caused by car accidents, land usage for road building, depletion of fuel reserves, air pollution. (Think of some other from the text).

Task 5. Make possible word-combinations which can be ab or ba. For example exhaust gases or road safety:






















Task 6. Write questions to the answers:

  1. Because people can travel to and from work, visit friends, relatives etc.

  2. Car accidents exhaust fumes, kill and injure people, foul the air.

  3. It can stimulate economic growth.

  4. They damaged roads and sometimes blew up.

  5. In 1891.

  6. It was Etienne Lenoir.

  7. Until 1900 it was Europe.

  8. It was the moving assembly line that tripled the production.

  9. It provides millions of jobs worldwide.

  10. More than 100 countries.

Task 7. Translate the sentences:

  1. Засобами транспорту можуть бути не тільки легкові автомобілі, але і легкі вантажівки.

  2. Таке щільне прямування машин заповнює вулиці, що часом неможливо перейти дорогу.

  3. Раніш люди мріяли хоча б про безкінний екіпаж, а тепер уже мріють про найвищі швидкості.

  4. Щоб рахуватися гарним водієм, треба не просто уміти водить машину, але і бути дуже відповідальною людиною.

  5. Вихлопні гази сильніше забруднюють атмосферу, ніж промисловий дим.

  6. Виробництво дешевої енергії - це те, без чого неможливо уявити розвинуту промисловість.

  7. Правила безпеки існують не тільки для водіїв, але і для пасажирів і пішоходів.

  8. Нарешті, складальна лінія заводу була відрегульована і можна було запускати виробництво в повну силу.

  9. Забезпечення і постачання матеріалами було налагоджено бездоганно.

  10. Великий діапазон фірм-виробників був представлений на виставці мотоциклів.

Task 8. Give your ideas on:

1. The perspective of automobile transport.

2. The development of automobile industry in Ukraine.

Text 5 B

1. Here are some principles of safe driving. Complete the list with your own ideas:

  • fastening safety belts.

  • obeying all traffic regulations.

  • driving at a safe speed.

2. Discuss the problems of:

a. necessity to obey traffic rules;

b. danger of aggressive behaviour.

3. Skim the text and prove your ideas with the statement from the text.

Driving safely

Each year, motor vehicle accidents kill an estimated 300,000 people throughout the world. Almost every accident results from one or more of these three factors: the driver, the car and the road. The same three factors contribute to accident prevention.

The automobile itself has become safer over the years because of advances in its design and manufacture. The standards to prevent accidents involve the installation of government-specified lights, reflectors, brakes, tires, windows, windshield wipers and defrosters, and dashboard controls. Standards to protect car occupants include the installation of automatic seat belts or airbags, head restraints, and bumper systems. Seat belts – when used – are probably the main safety equipment. A driver must not assume that the engine, brakes, lights, and steering system always operate properly. All equipment should be tested frequently.

Modern road-building techniques also lower the risk of automobile accidents.

Most people find it easy to drive a car. But operating an automobile is a complicated and demanding task – and driving safely is not easy.

Most automobile accidents involve drivers who violate traffic laws, lack good driving skills, ignore or are unaware of the rules of safe driving. For that reason a driver must be granted a licence to operate a car only after that person has passed a series of tests, including a road sign test, vision test, road rules test and driving test. State driver's licence bureaus stress that a driver's licence is a privilege, not a right. Careless, unsafe drivers who break traffic laws risk losing their licences.

Operating a car involves certain responsibilities to oneself and to others. First of all, a driver must be continuously alert while making a variety of maneuvers, such as speeding up, slowing down, changing lanes, turning and stopping. At the same time, the driver must be aware of other motor vehicles (including motor cycles), pedestrians, bicyclist, various road signs and road hazards. Decisions must be made quickly and correctly. Drowsiness or illness slows a driver's ability to react rapidly to changes in traffic conditions. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is especially dangerous.

A good driver concentrates on only one thing while driving – the driving itself. A good driver also has the proper attitude, which means a willingness to share the road with others and a desire to obey traffic laws. Aggressive behaviour – driving too fast, following another vehicle too closely, or rapid lane changes – may cause a driver to lose control of the car or provoke angry reactions in other motorists. A courteous driver is likely to be a safe driver. Finally, drivers have the responsibility to see that their cars are properly maintained.

Here are some do's and don'ts of safe driving.


  1. Fasten your safety belts snugly before starting the engine.

  2. Drive defensively - always think ahead.

  3. Obey all traffic regulations.

  4. Drive at a safe speed.

  5. Reduce speed at night, in bad weather, in heavy traffic.

  6. Yield the road to emergency vehicles that flash a light or sound a siren.

  7. Drive in a passing lane only when passing.

  8. Allow vehicles behind you to pass when the drivers indicate they want to do so and the conditions are favourable.

  9. Signal by hand or light your intention to turn, pass or change lanes.

  10. Be careful at the intersections.


  1. Never pass a car unless you have plenty of open road ahead.

  2. Never pass a stopped bus without taking precautions.

  3. Never park with any part of your car in a driving lane.

  4. Never coast with gears in neutral.

  5. Never weave from lane to lane in traffic.

  6. Never cut across a curve.

  7. Never drive past a STOP sign without stopping even there is no traffic.

  8. Never pull into traffic until your car's engine runs smoothly.

  9. Never park a car facing traffic. It confuses other drivers, especially at night and is illegal in most places.

  10. Never drive with your bright lights on when other cars are approaching, or when following another car.