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Task 4. Give definitions of the following:

  1. computer;

  2. digital computer;

  3. analog computer;

  4. memory;

  5. processor;

  6. program;

  7. equation;

  8. database;

  9. word processing;

  10. computer graphics;

  11. computer network;

Task 5. Here are the answers to some questions on computers. Write the questions:

  1. __________________________________________?

They can perform calculations and process information quickly and accurately.

  1. _________________________________________?

In various spheres of our life.

  1. _________________________________________?

Three types: digital, analog and hybrid computers.

  1. ________________________________________?

It receives data and hold them until needed.

  1. ________________________________________?

We call it a “program”.

  1. ________________________________________?

They are supposed to perform three basic tasks.

  1. ________________________________________?

To show how various things relate to one another.

  1. ________________________________________?

Information is stored in the computer.

  1. ________________________________________?

Often in less than a second.

  1. ________________________________________?

Because of the efficiency with which computers store and retrieve information.

  1. ________________________________________?

It allows to add, remove, or rearrange the entire sections of a document.

  1. ________________________________________?

To predict how the object will work.

  1. ________________________________________?

They generally travel in only a few seconds.

Task 6. You are to deliver a lecture on computers for beginners. Make up a plan of the lecture and get prepared to speak according to it.

Text 8 B

1. Look through the text and:

a) find English equivalents of the words and word-combinations:

вводити дані; на відміну від; або створювати, або купувати програмне забезпечення; різні можливості; розміром з ніготь; вбудований комп'ютер, переносна модель; коліна, долоня;

b) name all parts of the computer mentioned in it;

c) explain the difference between binary and decimal systems.

Basic principles of Computers

How a computer operates. People use input de­vices to enter data into computers. One of the most common input devices is the computer terminal, which looks like a typewriter keyboard combined with a televi­sion screen. Data that are typed on the keyboard appear on the screen.

The processed information is sent to an output de­vice, which presents it to the computer user. In many cases, the computer terminal that served as the input device also acts as the output device, and its screen displays the results. Printers are another important kind of output device. File storage devices are used to save in formation and programs for future use.

All data handled by computers, including words, enter the processor in the form of digits. Computers commonly use the digits of the binary numeration system like the familiar decimal system, which uses 10 digits, the binary system uses only two digits: 0 and 1. These digits are called bits. Different combinations of bits represent letters, symbols, and decimal numerals. Each such combination of bits is called a byte. For example, according to one standard code, the binary representation for the letter A is 100 0001, while the binary representation for the letter Z is 101 1010. Each symbol and decimal numeral also is represented by a specific combination of 0's and 1's.

Computer hardware and software. The physical equipment that makes up a computer system is called hardware. Hardware includes input and output devices, file storage devices, the memory, and the processor. The input and output devices and the file storage devices also are known as peripheral equipment.

Computer software consists of the programs that a computer uses to perform a task. People can either create or purchase software. Computers have vast and varied capabilities because of many different kinds of available software.

Kinds of computers. Computers vary widely in size, speed, and ability. The size of a computer partly determines the kinds and number of jobs it can do. But even a small computer can perform complicated tasks. For example, a modern desktop computer has more computing power than the huge, room-filling computers of the early 1960's. The microprocessor plays an important role in almost all modern computers. A microprocessor is an electronic device consisting of thousands, or even millions, of transistors and related circuitry on a chip, usually of silicon. Microprocessors are as small as a fingernail, yet have computing power of much larger computers built before microprocessors were developed. Moreover, a microprocessor generally costs much less than would comparable equipment made up of many components.

Digital computers may be grouped into three categories (1) embedded computers, (2) personal computer and workstations, and (3) mainframes.

Embedded computers control the operation of vari­ous types of machinery. Virtually all embedded comput­ers are microprocessors. Such machines as automo­biles, digital wrist watches, telephones, and videotape recorders contain embedded computers.

Personal computers and workstations are com­puters used by one person at a time. Such a computer usually fits on a desk top. Smaller, portable models are popular with people who often work away from their desks. Popular portables include laptop computers, which can be held on the lap; notebook computers, which are about the size of a looseleaf notebook; and palmtop, or handheld, computers, which can be oper­ated while held in the hand.

Mainframes are fast computers with large memories and file storage systems. These powerful computers solve very complicated problems and manage huge quantities of information. Most mainframes are housed in several large cabinets. Some mainframes do a single job, such as copying and storing the information gener­ated by a laboratory experiment. Others perform many different tasks. Minicomputers and superminis have many of the capabilities of mainframes, but they are smaller and less expensive.

On a large mainframe, hundreds of people may be logged on (running programs) at one time. The use of a single powerful computer by many users at once is called time-sharing.

The borders between these categories change constantly as smaller, more powerful computers are developed.