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Exercise 6. Find the derivatives from the words and translate the text: hobby, regular, to manufacture, to win, to participate, original.

Automobile model in a small-scale copy of a car. Many people enjoy making and collecting model cars as a hobby. Some hobbyists verify their collections. Others collect only irregular cars, or antique, or racing cars.

Some models are unique, handcrafted cars made of clay, wood, plastic or plaster of Paris. But the most popular type of model is made of molded plastic and is sold as a kit (набор). Because of modern ad­vances in plastics molding, manufacturers can produce kits of very detailed models.

Model car hobbyists can enter the Pinewood Derby. Pinewood Derby cars are wooden blocks that can be shaped to look like racing or passenger cars. The races are held on downhill ramps. Winners in a series of races compete with other winners until the car that finishes the first is named a champion.

Participants can also win prizes for the best-designed car, for su­perior workmanship or for originality.

Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with the word in the right form. Translate the sentences:

belt, troublesome, vehicle, to clog, truck, brake, to earn, to repair, exhaust, to foul, insurance, to retire, roar, steering, to trace, to injure.

  1. He fastened ... and started the engine.

  2. The traffic ... with a big ...

  3. The car couldn't stop because something was wrong with ...

  4. He ... for living by ... cars.

  5. … gases … the air of big cities with heavy traffic.

  6. She wants … as soon as she is 55.

  7. The ... of motor cycle was heard everywhere around.

  8. The direction of the moving car is changed by the ... wheel.

  9. He couldn't ... what was wrong with his car.

  10. This car has been ... since he bought it, because it was very old.

  11. The street is always full of different ... : trolley-buses, buses, cars etc.

  12. He … badly … in a car accident.

Exercise 8. Translate the word-combinations:

виробляти і підтримувати,

виробляти транспортні засоби,

іти з приватного бізнесу,

чотиритактний двигун,

застопорювати прямування,

вирішувати проблему,

легкий у використанні,

важка і небезпечна справа,

страховка автомобілю,

простиратися за межі,

вихлопні гази,

парові двигуни,

підривати міст,

робити успіхи,

широкий діапазон,

запускати двигун,

пов'язані галузі,

швидке горіння,

збирати машину,

продаж і покупка.


I. Gerund





asking, writing

being + Participle II

being asked

being written


having + Participle II

having asked

having written

having been + Participle II

having been asked

having been written

Exercise 9. Translate the sentences:

A: 1. Studying well is the duty of every student.

2. We know of his having studied this subject.

3. Foreign language is difficult for being studied in the old age.

4. You can translate the text with words having been studied well enough.

B: 1. He continues mastering his skills in painting.

2. I know of his having mastered Dutch.

3. He insists on his device being mastered.

4. The car can not run without fuel having been filled.