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Part 3. (The birth of the House of Windsor, the investiture of Edward, prince Edward tours England, the wedding of Albert Duke of York, the wedding of the Duke of Kent)

Ex.1.  Watch Part 3 and choose the right answer.

1.  George V adopted the family name of Windsor in

a)  1923

b)  1925

c)  1918

2.  The name Windsor was suggested by

a)  A Royal Family member

b)  People of Britain

c)  A member of the House of Lords

3.  The Great World War ended on

a)  11 December 1918

b)  11 November 1918

c)  11 November 1923

4.  One of the first post-war acts was to investiture Edward as

a)  The Duke of Wales

b)  The Earl of Wales

c)  The Prince of Wales

5.  The wedding of Albert Duke of York was held in

a)  Westminster Abbey

b)  St. Paul’s Cathedral

c)  Buckingham Palace

6.  The Weather on the day of the wedding was

a)  bright and sunny

b)  dizzy and chilly

c)  cold and snowy

7.  Prince George betrothed himself to Princess Marina of

a)  Scotland

b)  Denmark

c)  Greece

Ex.2.  Answer the questions:

1.  Who....

a)  celebrated violently the end of the war?

b)  took the country and began to be identified with the relations with population and industrial cooperation?

c)  was an absolute angel with an extraordinary magnetic charm according to the words of the Royal family?

d)  was killed in the air crush 8 years later?

Part 4. (The silver Jubilee of George V, the death of George V)

Ex.1.  Watch Part 4 and tick the true statements.

1.  1935 is the year of golden Jubilee, 25 years of George’s reign.

2.  The ceremony took place in Westminster Abbey.

3.  At the age of 69 the king appeared to be quite fit and healthy.

4.  His death was not a great shock for public.

5.  The body of the king was transported from Westminster to Sandringham by a carriage.

6.  The pathetic figure on the procession was his dog.

7.  The King's funeral was held at St George's Chapel, Windsor.

Ex.2.  Complete these extracts with the words and phrases in the box.

Moan, personal loss, inadequate, sovereign, a monarch

1.  The nation was plunged into _______

2.  There are times when words seem _______

3.  The king’s death seems to be a _______ to each of us

4.  …from childhood in our country we grow up with a figure of our_______

5.  …we have learned to think of him more than _______

Part 5. (The proclamation of Edward VIII, Edward and Mrs. Simpson, Edward abdicates, the coronation of the new King and Queen, the funeral of the Duke of Kent)

Ex.1.  Watch Part 5 and choose the right answer.

1.  He became King Edward VIII on the death of his father George V

a)  in January 1936

b)  in January 1938

c)  in June 1936

2.  The ceremony took place in

a)  Westminster Abbey

b)  St. James palace

c)  Buckingham Palace

3.  In November 1936 _______ arose when Edward wished to marry Mrs. Wallis Simpson.

a)  an economical crisis

b)  a financial crisis

c)  a political crisis

4.  Edward abdicated in

a)  November

b)  December

c)  October

5.  Edward was succeeded by his brother _______ as George VI.

a)  Albert

b)  George

c)  John

6.  Prince George, Duke of Kent died in a tragic wartime flying accident near Caithness in Scotland while on active service in

a)  1943

b)  1944

c)  1942

Ex.2.  Complete the extract from the abdication speech of Edward VIII.

"This _______ has been made less difficult to me by the sure knowledge that _______, with his long training in the _______ affairs of this country and with his fine _______, will be able to take my place forthwith, without _______ or injury to the life and progress of the _______".