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Task 3. After you watch

Ex.1.  Find additional information about the Royal Family on the following websites:



Unit 5. Britain's castles and palaces

Ex.1.  Match the photos of the castles with the portraits of the historical characters. Name them.

British castles

1) 2)

3) 4)

5) 6)

7) 8)

9) 10)

The historical characters

a) b) c)

d) e) f)

g) h) i)

j) k) l)

m) n)

Ex.2.  Read this text and answer the questions.

A National Trust is an organisation dedicated to preserving the cultural or environmental treasures of a particular geographic region. The first such organisation was the National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, which is the National Trust of England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The National Trust was founded in 1895 by three Victorian philanthropists - Miss Octavia Hill, Sir Robert Hunter and Canon Hardwicke Rawnsley. They were concerned about the influence of uncontrollable development. And they established the Trust to protect national heritage.

Today this organisation cares for over 248,000 hectares of beautiful countryside in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, more than 700 miles of coastline and more than 200 outstanding buildings and gardens. Owners held most of these properties in perpetuity (live-long rent) so The National Trust workers can be sure in their security. The majority of them are open to visitors, which is very important to attract attention to the work of organisation.

The National Trust is completely independent of Government and relies on charity and generosity of supporters.

1.  Is the National Trust of England, Wales and Northern Ireland the only organisation of this kind?

2.  What was the reason to establish this organisation?

3.  What are the responsibilities of the National Trust?

4.  What other types of property do you know?

5.  What is the source of the National Trust funding?

6.  What objects of Russian past could be preserved, if we had any organisation like the National Trust? Is there any institution of the same occupation?

Ex.3.  Pronunciation quiz.

Underline the RP pronunciation.

Arrow [‘ærəυ] [‘eroυ]

Ceremony [‘seri,moυni] [‘seriməni]

Dynasty [‘dinəsti] [‘dainəsti]

Electricity [,elik'trisəti] [i,lek’trisəti]

Medieval [,mi:di’i:vl] [,medi’i:vl]

Monastery [’ma:nə,steri] [’mɔnəstri]

Ex.4.  Match the phrase with the translation.

1.  to be obsessed about smth.

2.  to bridge the gap between the legend and reality

3.  to be accused of adultery

4.  to beg for mercy

5.  to be noting like that

6.  to gain approval

7.  to turn into ashes

8.  to contain the fire

10. notorious for execution

11. to take back in time through history

a)  быть обвиненным в измене

b)  обратиться в прах

c)  прославленный казнями

d)  молить о помиловании

e)  сдерживать огонь

f)  постоянно думать о чем-либо

g)  возвращаться через века

h)  ликвидировать разрыв между легендой и реальностью

i)  не иметь ничего общего

j)  получать одобрение

Ex.5.  Fill in the most appropriate word.

Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress, more known as the Tower of London, is a historic (1) _______ on the north bank of the River Thames in central London, England. It is situated (2) _______ the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, separated from the eastern edge of the City of London by the Tower Hill.

It is with William the Conqueror (1066-87) that the history of the Tower of London begins. After his coronation in Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day 1066, the new king (3) _______ to Barking in Essex, "while several strongholds were made ready in the City to safeguard against the fickleness of the huge and fierce population, for he saw that his first task was to bring the Londoners completely to heel". Archaeological (4) _______ suggests one of these strongholds was built in the south-east corner of the Roman city walls, on the site of the future Tower of London. These (5) _______ defences were replaced with a great stone tower (the White Tower) proclaiming the physical power and prowess of the new Norman monarch. And it’s remained the symbol of royal power for centuries.

Through ages Tower of London (6) _______ in mist kept its mysteries. Notorious for executions and prisoners this "(7) _______ house" horrifies visitors even now days. Beheaded queens were part of medieval history of Tower and for a while Tower was not a jail. But two World Wars saw the Tower back in use as a prison and a place of execution. Between 1914 and 1916 several spies were held in (8) _______ and subsequently executed there, including Franz Buschmann.

The last execution at the Tower of the German Josef Jakobs took (9) _______ in 1941, the same year that Hitler’s Deputy Führer, Rudolf Hess, was held there briefly, one of the last state prisoners at the Tower.

Today the Tower of London is one of the world’s major tourist (10) _______ and a World Heritage Site, attracting over two million visitors a year from all over the world. And its ghost glory is not the last reason for it.

1.  a. castle b. palace c. fortress d. fort

2.  a. on b. within c. in d. at

3.  a. left b. departed c. quit d. withdrew

4.  a. evidence b. proof c. find d. discovery

5.  a. elder b. former c. ancient d. foregoing

6.  a. hidden b. defended c. shrouded d. covered

7.  a. haunted b. frightening c. scaring d. ghost

8.  a. caves b. caves c. dungeons d. crypts

9.  a. part b. place c. space d. area

10. a. buildings b. castles c. museums d. attractions

Ex.6.  Translate words and word-combinations.

Старейшая королевская резиденция мира, величественность, спасать сокровища замка, высокопоставленные гости, обвинить в измене, окруженный садами, символ шотландской национальной гордости, борьба за власть, кельтские мифы и легенды, расположен на острове, место паломничества, загадочная историческая фигура, отвоевать замок, попытка человека подняться в воздух, военная мощь, башни, бойницы, возрождение замка, популярное светское место, легенда гласит, романтика, отвага, волшебство, провозгласить королем, легенды и история тесно переплетены, роскошь, доспехи, стража замка коронационные регалии.

Ex.7.  Choоse one castle and write a letter to your friend about it, using words from ex.6.