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Chapter 38

  1. How long were Mark and Reggie waiting after the police had gone?

  2. What did Mark and Reggie do in the garage? Why did they have to leave it in haste?

  3. What was Mark thinking about after he had seen the body? How did he become again a little boy?

  4. Why did Reggie and Trumann both think about the tape?

Chapter 39

  • Explain what is meant by these words and expressions:

    • a provision (p. 540);

    • to be cocky (p. 541);

    • to be implicated (p. 542);

    • to be all up the creek (p. 545).

  • Answer the following questions:

  1. What were Reggie’s conditions, under which she would reveal the location of the body? Describe her behaviour and manners during the talk with Lewis and Trumann.

  2. What was Clint doing all the predawn hours? Why was it easy for the police to find him?

  3. What surprised Lewis and Trumann while Reggie was talking to Denton Voyles?

Chapter 40

  1. Why did harry Roosevelt advise Dianne to sign the agreement?

  2. What precautions were taken to protect Ricky’s and Dianne’s leaving the hospital? What measures were taken to deliver Mark to the airport?

Chapter 41

  • Explain what is meant by these words and expressions:

    • to be on cue (p. 554);

    • tarmac (p.562).

  • Answer the following questions:

  1. What were Muldanno’s people going to do to get the body?

  2. What was Mark occupied with while waiting for his Mum and Ricky?

  3. What were Dianne’s thoughts about her future possibilities?

  4. How did Mark and Reggie part with each other?

Chapter 42

  1. What did Reggie mean saying: “Don’t thank me. Thank Mark”?

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