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Chapter 25

  • * Explain what is meant by these words and expressions:

    • to swear somebody (p. 355)

*to make an official promise to say the truth in a court of law;

    • to implicate somebody in crime (p. 359)

*to show that someone is involved in something criminal – впутывать;

    • to adjourn a meeting (p. 365)

*to finish or to stop for a short time;

  • Answer the following questions:

    1. What questions did Mark answer and in which cases did he take the Fifth Amendment? How did the judge explain to Mark why he could not take the Fifth Amendment?

    2. What were the FBI’s plans about the future protection for the Sways?

    3. Speak about the deal between the bailiff and the reporter.

Chapter 26

  • Explain what is meant by these words and expressions:

    • to subpoena somebody (p. 370)

*to order someone to come to a court of law and be a witness;

  • Answer the following question:

1. What was Foltrigg’s reaction on Fink’s report about the hearing? Speak about his plans for the future.

Chapter 29

  • Explain what is meant by these words and expressions:

    • of their ilk (p. 412)

* of that type;

    • to look over one’s shoulder (p. 415);

    • These people are deadly (p. 416)

* very dangerous, likely to cause death;

    • I will find the leak (p. 418)

* a person who reveals secret information;

- to break out in goose pimples (p. 421)

  • Answer the following questions:

    1. Can you guess about the contents of the First Amendment of the Constitution? Why did Slick Moeller refer to it?

(The Amendment protected the freedom of speech)

  1. Can you guess about the contents of the code section

dealing with closed hearings in juvenile matters? Who

wrote it?

  1. Give your own description of the hearing. Pay attention to the mode of behaviour of every person present in the

court-room: Harry, Slick Moeller, his lawyer, the bailiff.

  1. Why didn’t the judge insist on Mark’s revealing the truth? Why didn’t Dianne agree to the witness protection programme? Didn’t she want to help the law and to restore justice?

Chapter 30

  • Explain what is meant by these words and expressions:

- finesse was not Barry’s long suit (p. 425)

* something that you are good at;

- lopsided partnership (p. 425)

* unequal in a way that seems unfair;

  • to condemn the landfill (p. 426)

* the practice of burying waste under the soil or the waste itself buried in this way;

  • to stalk somebody (p. 426)

* to follow a person quietly in order to catch or kill them;

  • to get riffraff cleared (p. 431) – fig.

* a repeated series of notes in pop- or jazz music.

  • Answer the following questions:

    1. How did Gronke’s and Barry’s friendship start and develop?

    2. How was the senator actually killed? What can you say about the gun with the help of which he was murdered?

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