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Understanding the competencies required for marketing careers

To successfully follow a career in marketing you need to be aware of the requirements for job entry and advancement. Job requirements are often stated in terms of worker competencies. Competencies in the marketing field generally fall into five major areas: (1) marketing competencies, (2) social skill competencies, (3) basic skill competencies, (4) product or service competencies, and (5) competencies relating to understanding basic economic concepts involved in marketing. Examples of the knowledge and skills required in each of these competency areas are shown in the table on page 93. The level of the position will determine how much you must know and what skills you must have in order to be successful. The more complex the job the greater the level of competency required in each of these areas.

Once you determine the level of competency needed in your chosen career field, you can evaluate your level of skill and knowledge from the table. You will then be able to strengthen your preparation in those areas which need improvement. Prospective employers will be impressed if they see that you understand both the competencies required for the job and your personal abilities in relation to the knowledge and skills needed for successful performance.

Competencies Required for Marketing Careers


Examples of knowledge and skills

MARKETING competencies

  1. Buying

  2. Promoting (selling, advertising, displaying, sales promotion, public relations)

  3. Physical distribution (transporting and storing)

  4. Financing

  5. Risk bearing

  6. Standardizing and grading

  7. Obtaining and using marketing information

  8. Pricing

SOCIAL SKILL competencies

  1. Human relations skills

  2. Supervisory and leadership skills

  3. Self-image and self-concept

  4. Attitudes

  5. Problem-solving and decision-making skills

  6. Personality development

  7. Good grooming and dress

  8. Customer and co-worker relations

  9. Business ethics

BASIC SKILL competencies

  1. Interpersonal communication skills

  2. Written and oral communication skills

  3. Basic marketing math skills

  4. Listening skills

  5. Reading skills

  6. Pricing

  7. Calculating profit and loss

  8. Making change and knowing cash register procedures


  1. Uses and benefits of products or services

  2. Performance of products or services

  3. Special terminology or technical features of products or services

  4. Guarantee and warranty information

  5. Knowledge of competitors’ products or services

ECONOMICS competencies

  1. Relationship of marketing to the certain economic system

  2. Supply and demand

  3. Job opportunities in marketing

  4. Channels of distribution

  5. Understanding the concept of product or service utility

  6. Understanding the concepts of decision making, competition, profits, and risk in affecting marketing

  7. Federal, state, and local laws affecting marketing

  8. Relationship of marketing to Gross National Product (GNP)