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Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Read the statement below and fill in the gaps with words from the box.


price product promotion place

The marketing mix

To meet customers’ needs a business must develop the right (1) … to satisfy them, charge the right (2) … , get the goods to the right (3) … and make the existence of the goods known through effective (4) … .


beneficial misleading blatant brainwash implicit

catchy jingles exploit ubiquitous

bombard watchdog informative subtle

Modern advertisements contain hidden messages. (1) … in the advertisement showing the pretty girl in the new car or the smiling children round the packet of washing powder is the message that if we buy the product, we also achieve success and happiness. It is a (2) … approach since it seeks to (3) … our secret dreams, and it is inescapable since advertising is (4) … . Giant street hoardings and (5) … on television (6) … us from all sides. They (7) … us into believing that we can realise our ambitions quickly and easily. On the other hand, defenders of advertising say that it is (8) … . Advertising is (9) … . Advertisements tell us about useful new products. They brighten our lives with colour and music. They increase demand, stimulate industry and so keep prices down. Whether for or against advertising, most people would agree that some kind of (10) … body, appointed by the government or by the advertising industry itself, is necessary to maintain standards of honesty and to discourage the more (11) … types of (12) … advertisements.

Ex. 2. Complete the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from key vocabulary list. The first letters of the words have been given for you.

  1. A whole group of related goods is called a product range.

  2. Japanese car manufacturers hold an increasing share of the m… .

  3. The job of the advertising copywriter is the m… of the minds of the potential buyers.

  4. The secret of a good advertisement is to find the right s… .

  5. R… spend a lot of money on advertising.

  6. The salespeople were discouraged from using the hard sell approach because c… feel too pressurised by it.

  7. Since the traffic was at a standstill on the A 41, I spent a good half hour looking at the advertisements on the b… by the side of the road.

  8. Short personal ads that help to find a job, buy or sell things, announce a birth, marriage or death are placed in so-called h… , m… and d… columns.

  9. A c… is a person whose job is to write the words for advertisements.

Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks with a suitable form of the word in brackets.


  1. They showed open … to this advertising project. (hostile)

  2. Many find the attitudes of advertisers … . (contempt)

  3. In defence of itself, the advertising business can point to the jobs created by the stimulation of … . (consume)

  4. There are a number of … controls on what advertisers can and cannot say. (statutes)

  5. The passionate arguments some people use against advertising are often rather … . (excess)


A man takes a single (1) … of a substance and puts it in his mouth. Instantly he is transported to another world, a place of surreal visions and swirling colours. He rushes (2) … into this parallel universe.

What is this (3) … compound with the power to induce such a mind-blowing trip? Is it some kind of drug that makes the user hallucinate? No, it’s just a humble cereal ad on TV. The Fruity Wheat ad is the latest in a long line of (4) … ads whose imagery appears to draw on the effects of mind-altering substances. Colin Rees of the “Stop TV Advertising” group, said: “I find this and other such ads totally (5) … . Take this stuff and you will experience something out of this world – the (6) … of the ad seems clear to me. The companies who make them will say that any relation to drugs is just one (7) … of the advert, and not one that they (8) … . When I complained about this ad, I was told that it didn’t contain any (9) … messages. I thought that was a bit rich – I think the message in it is blatantly obvious! And I don’t think we should be giving TV viewers any (10) … in that respect.”











Ex. 4.

A. Many firms and shops choose a short name which attracts attention, is easy to remember and immediately identifies the service being offered. This name (trade name) is often spelt in a kind of simple phonetic spelling to make it even more unique and memorable, e.g. EAZIWASH (easy wash) is a launderette and FIZZEEK (Physique) is a gymnasium and health club.

Below are the real names of fourteen firms or shops. Give the normal spelling of each and find on the right the kind of business it is.

  1. LITE BITE photo-processing shop

  2. SHUSELLA photo-copying firm

  3. KEEP-A-KREASE children’s clothes shop

  4. SUPASNAPS snack bar

  5. KWICK KOPY shoe-shop

  6. KWALITY FASHIONS dry-cleaners

  7. KUMFY KIDDY WEAR taxi firm

  8. HANDICARS garage and repair shop

  9. MR. KLEEN women’s clothes shop

  10. SNAX dry cleaners

  11. MOTOR KARE hairdressers

  12. LOOKRITE snack bar

  13. FLITE CENTRE car-hire firm

  14. U-DRIVE travel agency

B. Some firms use normal spelling in their names but form them by combining two words into one. What kind of business do the following real firms do?




Ex. 5. Give the English equivalents of the following words and phrases.

Рекламное объявление; маркетинг; продвижение товаров на рынке; колонка частных рекламных объявлений; создатель текста рекламного объявления; рекламный щит; убеждение; внушение идей; усиленное рекламирование то­варов (система навязывания товаров покупателю); внушить название товара потребителю; использовать что-либо или кого-либо с целью получения вы­годы; объективно оценить качество рекламируемых товаров; отвечать определенным требованиям.

Ex. 6. Translate into English.

1. Цель рекламы – не только способствовать продвижению товаров на рынке, но и предоставлять потребителю информацию о новых и уже существующих товарах. 2. Многие люди считают рекламу бесполезной и даже оскорбительной. Очень часто создатели рекламы играют на нашем тщеславии, вы­нуждая покупать ненужные вещи. 3. Вся реклама в Великобритании базиру­ется на 4 основных принципах. Она должна быть законной, честной, досто­верной и соответствовать нормам приличия (быть приличной). 4. Сущест­вуют различные приемы рекламирования товаров, которые направ­лены на то, чтобы убедить потребителя в необходимости купить данную вещь. 5. Рекламные объявления способствуют повышению спроса, дают возможность разви­ваться промышленности и тем самым позволяют снизить стоимость товаров.

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