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Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Below are 18 typical extracts from different parts of a newspaper. Identify each one with one of the following words or phrases.

obituary football report television preview headline horoscope

gardening tips gossip column auction report travel and holidays

new car report caption parliamentary report editorial recipe

  1. The word is that Clinton Ross, 32, playboy son of US steel billionaire Dwight Ross, has left his girlfriend, actress Lee-Ann Van Post, 26, and is now in Europe.

  2. Prince Edward (left) enjoys a joke with actor Sam Cool (centre).


  4. He received a number of international literary awards, culminating in the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1986. He leaves a widow and two sons.

  5. Today is good day to do business but a bad one for romance. Don’t take members of the opposite sex too seriously today.

  6. Our front page today gives details of the government’s new economic proposals. Our readers may think, as we do, that these measures are too little and too late. We say to the government, not for the first time, it is time …

  7. Mix two egg yolks with butter in a frying-pan over a low gas. Add sugar and then …

  8. A pair of silver George II candlesticks fetched £17,000. Bidding was slow for Victorian oil paintings but a landscape by Somers went for £55,000.

  9. Robson equalized with a header from five yards just before the half-time whistle.

  10. The cheapest bucket-shop air-return to Hong Kong is now about £480 and Hong Kong is a good base to visit Macao, China and Taiwan. The best season is …

  11. Mr Richard Caulder (West Hull, Labour) asked if the Minister of transport could inform MPs of train-fate concessions for pensioners. However, the Speaker declared that …

  12. Now is the time to plant roses. Put trees in at least 2’ apart, and cover roots with 6” of soil.

  13. A hard-hitting documentary series starts tonight at 10 p.m. Viewers might be shocked at scenes of …

  14. Road holding and fuel consumption are good but otherwise the performance lacks zip.


an abbreviation a draft a manual a royalty a sponsor

an editorial a preface a rumour a viewer a circular

  1. An article stating the policy of a newspaper.

  2. Unofficial news which may have no basis in fact.

  3. The introduction to a book written by the author.

  4. A company which pays for a broadcast in return for advertising.

  5. The payment made to an author for the number of books sold.

  6. A book containing instructions for doing or using something.

  7. The first version of piece of writing.

  8. A shorter way of writing a common phrase.

  9. A leaflet delivered free to a large number of people.

  10. A person who watches television.

Ex. 2. Choose the most suitable word in italics.

  1. Before the attack, planes dropped brochures/leaflets warning people to take cover.

  2. We do not have the book in stock. It is off the shelf/out of print.

  3. “Words” is the official journal/magazine of the Linguistics Association.

  4. “The Sunday News” has the highest circulation/output of any newspaper in Britain.

  5. They are bringing out Sue’s book in a new edition/publication soon.

  6. Are books subject to banning/censorship in your country?

  7. Ted is in charge of the stationary/stationery cupboard in the office.

  8. This page looks very crowded and I don’t like the outline/layout.

  9. Mass circulation newspapers usually specialize in rumour/sensational stories.

  10. Don’t include all the details. Just write a summary/version of what happened.

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences by using the following words. Use each word once only.


caption cartoon circulation comic strip crossword

editorial feature gossip column headline horoscope

obituary preview review supplement tabloid

1. The … at the top of the page said “TALKS FAIL”.

2. The newspaper has increased its … by 5,000 copies a day.

3. He was unhappy at some of the comments in the … of his latest film.

4. I always turn to the … first. I love reading about the private lives of famous people.

5. I like the … they’ve put below this picture.

6. I prefer a … newspaper because it’s a more convenient size.

7. They did a full-page special … on poverty in inner city areas.

8. She drew the political … on the front page.

9. I must read my … to see if I’m going to have a good day.

10. The critics went to a special … of the musical, which opens next week.

11. In his … it said he died of a heart attack.

12. The guide to the air show came as a free … to the local newspaper.

13. I only need one more word to complete the … .

14. If there’s an exciting … , people will keep buying the newspaper to see what happens next.

15. There was a short but effective … giving the newspaper’s opinion of the new defence policy.



ban claim forecast media publish novel

bulletin brochure cover edition publicise manual

  1. Over a hundred journalists will … the royal wedding next week.

  2. The government has decided to … the sale of this book.

  3. Both articles … that the economy will recover by the end of the year.

  4. Both newspapers … to be the first to have learned the news.

  5. The company has decided to … only paperbacks from now on.

  6. Read the instruction … before using your new word-processor.

  7. David Copperfield is an autobiographical … .

  8. This is a party political … on behalf of the Always Right Party.

  9. What time is the next news … ?

  10. A first … of this book is worth a fortune.

  11. The mass … in most countries are dominated by advertising.

  12. I spent all of yesterday evening looking at this holiday … .


cartoons editorials circulation censorship sensational headlines

views advertising gossip columns news agencies reviews entertainment correspondents

A newspaper makes its money from the price people pay for it and also from the (1) … it carries. A popular newspaper with a (2) … of over five million daily makes a lot of money. Less serious newspapers are probably read just for (3) … They have big (4) … above the news stories, funny (5) … to look at and (6) … photos of violence. The (7) … are full of stories of the private lives of famous people. No one takes the political (8) … of such papers very seriously. On the other hand, in a free country where there is no (9) … , serious newspapers are read principally for their news, sent to them by their (10) … round the world and by the big (11) … . People also read these newspapers for their (12) … of new books, films and plays and for their (13) … , which represent the opinion of the newspaper itself about the important events and issues of the moment.

Ex. 4. Write the missing words in the sentences below.

  1. There was a large … on the front page which said EARTHQUAKE SHAKES TOKYO.

  2. Editors usually think very carefully about what … to write under a photograph, showing the speech of the characters in the story.

  3. A … is a set of drawings telling a story, often humorous. There are usually words showing the speech of the characters in the story.

  4. Many Sunday newspapers include free a special magazine to read called a … .

  5. An … is a piece of writing about the character and achievements of someone who has just died.

  6. There was a very interesting … today, giving the newspaper’s opinion of the government’s new plans for the health service.

  7. I prefer reading … newspapers as they are smaller and easier to handle. Reading newspapers like The Times makes my arms ache after a while.

  8. The new television series got a very bad … in today’s newspaper. It was described as “the worst series the BBC has ever made”.

Ex. 5. Give the English equivalents of the following words and phrases.

Передовая или редакционная статья; газетная статья; коммюнике; официаль­ное заявление; сообщение для прессы; отдел светской хроники (в газетах); некролог; обзор событий этого года; попасть на страницы газет; приятные новости; ошеломляющие известия; бульварная газета; предварительный (за­крытый) просмотр; клеветническая статья; тираж газеты; газета с большим тиражом; формировать общественное мнение; подписаться на газету/журнал; освещать события; публиковать подробную информацию о событиях в стране и в мире; уделять особое внимание экономическим и по­литическим новостям; номер газеты за 6 мая; подлежать цензуре; свежий но­мер газеты; главный редактор; заместитель редактора; редактор отдела ин­формации; технический редактор; художественный редактор; злободневный вопрос; информационное интервью; официальное интервью; эксклюзивное интервью; интервью-мнение; опрос.

Ex. 6. Translate into English.

1. Газета «Санди Ньюз» выходит в Великобритании самым большим тира­жом. 2. Более ста журналистов будут освещать в прессе визит королевы Великобритании в Австралию. 3. В погоне за увеличением тиражей газеты часто публикуют сенсационные и скандальные истории. 4. Тираж газеты увеличился за последнее время на 10%. 5. Мне нужен вчерашний номер газеты «Таймс». 6. Эта статья была опубликована в номере газеты за 5 октября. 7. Все издаваемые в этой стране книги подлежат цензуре. 8. Эта газета приобрела популярность благодаря освещению политических и экономических проблем во всем мире. 9. Независимо от того, как эта история будет освещаться в прессе, скандала не избежать.

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