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2. With a partner choose two of the advertisements to read more closely. Answer these questions on style.

a. Which of these words would best describe the style? (More than one is possible.) Why have the adverts used this particular style?

serious enthusiastic formal scientific

literary informal impersonal personal colloquial rhetorical

b. How many exclamation marks are there? Why are they used?

c. Find two or three examples of ellipsis. Why is this feature so common?

d. Are the sentences long or short or a mixture? Which do you think are the most effective in advertisements?

3. Read through all three advertisements. Note the key phrases in the chart below that illustrate the features listed on the left.

F e a t u r e s

Prune Lips

Skinny Legs

Wrinkle Stick

Claim to be the only one of its type or much better than anything else on the market

unique lotion

Claim to scientific respectability

Claim to be new

Quick results

Claim to make you feel, as well as look, better

Suggestion that the product has been specially developed with the reader personally in mind

Financial incentives/guarantees

4. Work individually. For each statement, put a tick in the column which most accurately reflects your opinion.

Agree Disagree It depends Don’t


  1. The basic assumption behind these advertisements is that there is an ideal physical appearance and that those who don’t conform to it are ugly and failures.

  2. Advertisements such as these honestly try to help people who have real physical problems

  3. If you buy these products, the advertisements imply, you will be irresistible to the opposite sex.

  4. If we can improve people’s appearance, the world will be a happier place.

  5. These advertisements encourage people to come to terms with their physical appearance, including their less attractive features, and are therefore a good thing.

  6. They all imply that you would look fine if it weren’t for that one little imperfection.

  7. These are ordinary advertisements aimed at ordinary people.

  8. Advertisements such as these have no motive other than to make money for the manufacturers.

£ £ £ £

£ £ £ £

£ £ £ £

£ £ £ £

£ £ £ £

£ £ £ £

£ £ £ £

£ £ £ £

  1. The subtle effect of this type of advertising is to increase people’s feelings of inadequacy.

  2. You would have to be naïve to buy one of these products.

£ £ £ £

£ £ £ £

Now compare your answers with a partner. Justify your opinions on any points about which you disagree. If you ticked It depends, say what it depends on.

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