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  1. Put questions to the italicized words:

      1. A museum of “historic antiquities” was open in the sixth century BC in Babylon.

      2. International travel became first important under Romans’ rule.

      3. There were no borders between England and Syria at that time.

      4. Different people travel for trade, commerce, religious purposes, medical treatment, or education.

      5. A gentleman had to finish his education at the Continent if he wanted a position at court.

      6. He completed a “Grand tour” of major cultural centres of Europe thanks to his father’s help.

  1. Restore the word order:

      1. and history is of long the tourism interesting.

      2. was travel fast in and times Europe in easy Roman.

      3. most and ancient the travellers Romans were the Greeks famous.

      4. Columbus the with great started Christopher age the of sailing exploration of.

      5. the visit centers artistic upper cultural it to became and classes fashionable European for the musical.

Speaking Exercises

  1. Answer the following questions to the text:

      1. What do you know about the earliest forms of leisure tourism?

      2. What services did the Babylonians and Egyptians provide?

      3. Where did the Greek tourists travel at the time of the Babylonian and Egyptian empires?

      4. When did the conditions favouring international travel arrive?

      5. What can you say about travel in the dark times of the Middle Ages?

      6. When did the great age of exploration begin?

      7. What was the outcome of the Renaissance freedom and desire for learning?

      8. Who went on a “Grand Tour” and why?

      9. With what purpose did the leisure seeking young men travel to different countries?

      10. How did the Industrial Revolution influence tourism development?

    1. M ake up dialogues following the prompts as in the example:

1. Go/ library/ really/ the earliest forms of leisure tourism/ appear/ the Babylonian and Egyptian empires/ fascinating/ the book

2. Read/ the newspaper “Tourism and Recreation”/ indeed/ international travel/ become important/ under the Romans’ rule/ interesting/ the article

3. Order/ a medieval manuscript/ truly/ Christopher Columbus / start the age of exploration / 1492 / exciting/ the chapter

4. Buy/ the magazine “All about Tourism” / is it/ young men / be encouraged to finish education at the Continent/ the early seventeenth century / remarkable/ the report

e.g. A: Hi, nice to meet you!

B: Hello, nice to meet you too!

A: You are going to the library, aren’t you?

B: Yeah, I learned lot’s of things there last time!

A: Really?

B: When do you think the earliest forms of leisure tourism first appeared?

A: I’ve got no idea.

B: As far back as the Babylonian and Egyptian empires.

A: How fascinating! Where did you find such facts?

B: I recommend you to read the book “From the History of Tourism”. It’s informative with many pictures in it.

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