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Ex. II. Write sentences It’s time someone did something.

  1. You haven’t been to the dentist in almost a year. You should go every six months.

  2. You think you should start getting dinner ready. It’s nearly dinnertime already.

  3. You feel very strongly that the government should stop spending money on weapons and should concentrate on raising the standard of living.

  4. You’re sitting on a plane waiting for it to take off. It’s already five minutes late.

  5. You’re waiting for Ann. She is late. She should be here by now.

  6. This room should be decorated. It looks awful. It’s ….

  7. You think Tom should write to his parents. He hasn’t written to them for ages.

  8. You think you should take a vacation because you haven’t taken one in a very long time.

Ex. III. Complete the sentences using it’s time and a past tense.

Example: Andrew’s hair looks awful. He hasn’t washed it for a long time. He says: ”It’s time I washed my hair”.

  1. There is something wrong with your car. You’ve been thinking of taking it to the garage for weeks now. You say:

  2. Sally promised to phone a friend, Mike, two weeks ago, but she still hasn’t phoned him. Her mother says: “Don’t you think …”

  3. You’re taking an important exam next month, but you haven’t started studying for it yet. You say _________________

  4. Simon received a bill two weeks ago, but he still hasn’t paid it. His friends ask him: “Don’t you think____________________________”?

Would rather means “would prefer to”. After “would rather” we use the infinitive without to:

  • I’d rather meet him on Monday

  • I’d rather not lend him any money.

We can also use would rather + past tense to say that one person would prefer someone else to do something:

Would rather + subject + past tense

E.g. I’d rather you didn’t open that window.

I’d rather you stayed here.

Ex. IV. Complete the sentences using I’d rather you and the past form. Choose a verb from the list:

come, not open, phone, not turn on.

  1. “Shall I come and see you tomorrow morning?” “______________ in the afternoon. I’ll be quite busy in the morning. ”

  2. __________ the TV if you don’t mind. I’ve got a terrible headache.

  3. I could phone the restaurant if you like, but ______________ them.

  4. ________________ the window. I’m rather cold.

Ex. V. Complete the sentences using would rather and the verbs from the list:

listen, do, go, stay.

  1. We could wait for the next bus or walk home. What ___________ (you)?

  2. “Would you like to watch TV?” “I ___________ to some music”.

  3. It’s a beautiful day. Shall we go to the beach or ______________ (you) to the country?

  4. “Shall we go out this evening?” “I think - ____________ at home”.

Ex. VI. Choose the most suitable tense:

  1. A cheque is all right, but I’d rather you pay/paid me cash.

  2. If you want to catch the last train, it’s time you leave/left.

  3. I’d rather you don’t tell/didn’t tell anyone about our conversation.

  4. If you don’t mind, I’d rather you practised/had practised/would practise your violin somewhere else.

  5. It’s high time you learn/learned to look after yourself.

  6. I’d rather we stay/stayed at home this Christmas for a change.

  7. Actually I’d rather you not smoke/don’t smoke/didn’t smoke in here.

  8. It’s high time you start/started working more seriously.

  9. I’d rather you don’t put/didn’t put your coffee on top of my book.

  10. Your hair is rather long. Don’t you think it’s time you have/had a haircut.

  11. Visiting museums is interesting, I suppose, but I’d rather we go/went swimming.