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Cambridge University

Cambridge University, one of the earliest in Europe, was founded in the 12-th century. The university was center of Renaissance learning and more recently has excelled in scientific research. Among the departments held in high repute is the Cambridge Laboratory for experimental physics, established in 1873, the Royal Greenwich Observatory moved there in 1990.

The city lies about one hundred kilometers north-east of London in the part of England called East Anglia, a flat, rural area which is known for its wild bird life and fishing. Driving though the countryside, the most striking phenomenon you notice is the number of small villages with disproportionately large churches – a relic of the middle ages when East Anglia grew rich on the wool trade.

The city, which is situated on the River Cam, is dominated by the magnificent university buildings. The crowded streets are packed with students going about their business on bicycles. But Cambridge is also a thriving market town with a history that goes back to Roman times, and nowadays it is home to a number of modern hi-tech industries which, of course, benefit from their proximity to the scientific expertise for which the university is so well known.

London University

University originated in 1826 with the founding of University College, to provide higher education free from religious tests. In 1836 a charter set up an examining body with power to grant degrees. London University opened all its degrees to women in 1878, the first British university to do so.

In 1991 its complex substructure of smaller colleges consisted of 24 colleges, medical schools, and major institutes, plus 19 affiliated centers.

Active Words and Phrases:

to excel

виділятися, відзначитися


каплиця, невелика церква


слід, залишок


місткість, обсяг, об’єм








затвердження, надання законної сили


спеціальні знання, компетентність


випускник вищого учбового закладу





Ex. IV Complete the following sentences with the words from the box:

courses, expenses, funded, colleges, loans, candidates, graduates, part-time, fees, post-school education, admission, Master’s, Philosophy, post-graduate

  1. There is a considerable choice of … … … in Britain.

  2. In addition to universities and polytechnics there are also … of different types.

  3. Colleges provide more work-oriented … than universities.

  4. Some of these courses are … where the students are released from work for a day or more.

  5. All students on full-time courses receive grants or … from the Government.

  6. They cover their tuition … and everyday … (accommodation, food, books, etc).

  7. Universities in Britain are mainly government - …

  8. There is no automatic … to university because there are only a limited number of places.

  9. … are accepted on the basis of their advanced level (A-level) results, taken at school.

  10. Students who obtain their Bachelor’s degree are called … and can apply to take a further degree course.

  11. There are two different types of … … courses.

  12. The … degree (MA or MSc) course takes one or two years, and the higher degree of Doctor of … (PhD) takes two or three years.