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!!!!!Англійська мова для спеціальностей Економі...doc
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Ex. III. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

  1. головний зерновий район;

  2. кінець 19-ого сторіччя;

  3. серйозні економічні труднощі;

  4. законодавство з приватизації;

  5. споживчі товари;

  6. сфера обслуговування;

  7. робоча сила;

  8. багатогалузеве машинобудування;

  9. перехід до ринкової економіки

  10. першочергова задача

Ex. IV. Here are the answers. Work out the questions:

  1. Agriculture.

  2. Sectional imbalances and reliance on suppliers from other Soviet republics.

  3. In 1992.

  4. Over 40%.

  5. The production of military equipment.

  6. Rare metals, coal, peat, petroleum, gas, lead, marble, sulphur, graphite, titanium, magnesium, kaolin, nickel, mercury, timber and different salts.

  7. Coal, electric power, ferrous and nonferrous metals, chemicals, machinery and transport equipment, grain, meat.

  8. Energy, machinery and parts, transportation equipment, chemicals, textiles.

Ex. V. Speak about economic problems this country faces and how these problems might be solved.

Ex. VI. Write a letter to President of Ukraine explaining why you agree or disagree with the government’s policy.

Audition: Giving Excuses

Ex. I. Pre-listening task:

  1. When did you last make an excuse?

  2. Do you think it is difficult to get through the day without making excuses? Why or why not?

Ex. II. Match the two halves:

  1. to respond

  1. to tell someone your ideas about what should be done;

  1. to chew up

  1. speaking in an honest way even if it upsets people;

  1. supervisor

  1. to react to something that has been said or done;

  1. plausible

  1. easy to believe and likely to be truth;

  1. gracious

  1. to crush food with your teeth;

  1. blunt

  1. someone who is responsible for a group of workers or students and make sure that they do their work correctly;

  1. solid

  1. to love and admire something very much;

  1. to suggest

  1. behaving in a polite, kind, and generous way;

  1. to adore

  1. loyal and able to be trusted.

Ex. III. Listen to the tape recording and answer the following questions:

  1. What reason did Sheila give Henry for being unable to go to the dance?

  2. Do you think Sheila wanted to go to the dance with Henry?

  3. According to Albert, what happened to his composition? Does Albert’s excuse sound plausible to you? Why or why not?

  4. Have you ever used an excuse like the one Jane gave her grandmother?

  5. What is a white lie?

  6. What is the difference between a good excuse and a bad excuse, according to the tape recording?

Ex. IV. Listen again and check.

Unit IV

Part I

Ex. I. Before reading the text, write down ten key words related to the topic “Information Systems”, the teacher will collect them on the blackboard. Elicit their meanings and pronunciation with the teacher.

Ex. II. Read the following text:

Basic Types of Information Systems

Over the last several decades the management of information and, thus, of computers and information systems has become increasingly more important to the attainment of an organization‘s goals. Information is the life-blood of an organization. Most activities performed by managers in an organization – such as problem identification and solution, control, and decision-making – are based on information. Managers need to receive accurate and timely information to accomplish these activities effectively. Computers and information system permit information to be acquired, processed, and distributed efficiently. They enable businesses to gain a competitive edge because accurate, timely, and more complete information allows better decisions to be made.

Most organizations change as a result of both internal and external influences. Computers and information systems provide the means to gather and manage the appropriate information to keep pace with change. Changes in the marketplace, availability of resources, economic factors, and a host of other considerations force managers to reevaluate their goals and objectives. Computers and information systems help them gather and manage the information required to do this quickly and easily.

T he integrated circuit, a combination of miniature transistors and circuits on a tiny silicon chips, has been important in developing the rapid growth of information systems technology. This industry can be divided into three major segments: communications, data processing and office automation (See Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 The Broad Scope of Information Systems Technology.

One useful way to represent how an organization can employ information systems technology is to think in terms of three basic kinds of information systems: transaction processing, management information, and decision support systems. The data for these systems are organized into well-defined collections of data called files or databases.