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Ex. II. Paraphrase the sentences according to the example using the Complex Object:

Example: We saw her. She smiled and began to tell the story. We saw her smile and begin to tell the story.

  1. You should help your friend. He asked you about it.

  2. We heard a car. It stopped in front of the house.

  3. I saw a man. He walked up the steps to the house.

  4. We didn’t notice him. He came in and opened the window.

  5. The soccer team elected Bob captain. Bob’s classmates believe that he is a good leader.

  6. We talked to the manager. He wants to work on the new plans immediately.

  7. The Director said to them, “We have to improve productivity.”

  8. Our buyers ask, “Don’t raise prices for your products.”

  9. We expect that an announcement will be made next week.

  10. Ask the consultant how to draw up a marketing plan. She can help.

Ex. III. Change the “that”-clauses to infinitives using the Complex Subject:

Example: It seems that the students like their special language program at school. The children seem to like their special language program at school.

  1. It appears that they are doing well.

  2. It happens that they have a good teacher.

  3. It turns out that she is a native speaker.

  4. It happens that the children like her very much.

  5. It seems that they want to please her.

  6. It appears that they have made good progress.

  7. It has turned out that they are all good students.

  8. It seems that their teacher is very proud of them.

  9. It seems that we are going round in circles.

  10. It is thought that he committed the crime last Friday evening.

  11. It was thought that he had stolen the documents at that time.

  12. It is reported that two people were killed in the explosion.

  13. It is believed that the criminal is living in London.

Ex. IV. Paraphrase the sentences using “for”-phrases.

Example: The box is heavy. Bob can't lift it. It is impossible for Bob to lift that box. or That box is too heavy for him to lift it.

  1. I left the luggage at the station. He promised to collect it.

  2. He stepped aside so that I could pass.

  3. You should help her. This is the best thing to do.

  4. He spoke loudly so that we could hear.

  5. It is very far, they can’t go there.

  6. He was seriously ill, he couldn’t go to the doctor himself.

  7. Jane is pleasant to do business with. We are pleased with that. It is... .

  8. It is important that we choose suitable TV programs for children.

  9. It would be good if you spent some time abroad.

  10. We can change to an alternative energy source. It would be easy.

Ex. V. Translate into English using infinitive constructions.

1.Вона бажає, щоб її син став висококваліфікованим спеціалістом. 2.Мені дуже важко писати ділові листи. 3.Говорили, що студенти здали екзамени успішно. 4.Я не чув, щоб хто-небудь мене кликав. 5.Для нього було неможливим прийняти таке рішення. 6.Вона хоче, щоб ці книги були повернені до бібліотеки сьогодні. 7.Він відчув, що вона подивилася на нього з інтересом. 8.Вона бачила, що молодий чоловік зупинився і щось витягнув із кишені. 9.Я б хотіла, щоб Ви самі поговорили з деканом і завідуючим кафедрою. 10.Ми очікували, що він приїде до нас у вихідні дні. 11.Її батьки не дозволяють їй приходити пізно. 12.Повідомляють, що ця важлива конференція відкриється у травні. 13.Очікується, що уряд програє вибори. 14. Повідомляється, що після вибуху було заарештовано три особи. 15.Телефон виявився зламаним. 16.Тут нікого нема, з ким би він міг поговорити. 17. Він чекав, коли вона заговорить.