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Ex. VII. Change the structure of these sentences. Use the words given in brackets.

Example: We would like to improve our trade contacts with a number of firms (to be interested in). We are interested in improving our trade contacts with a number of firms.

  1. She was sure he’d continue to work at the invention (to go on).

  2. The producer doesn’t want Helen to play a leading part (to object to).

  3. They all recommend me to see the performance (to be worth).

  4. I expect him to come to our place for his holiday (to look forward to).

  5. She sings nicely, it will be a pleasure for us to listen to her (to enjoy).

  6. Eric would like to set up a company of his own (to be interested in).

  7. It is a wonderful novel. I am sure you will enjoy it (to enjoy).

  8. An old friend of mine is coming to Kharkiv soon. I am looking forward to it (to look forward to).

  9. I hope the weather will change for the better. Our trip depends on it (to depend)

  10. They can join us. Nobody will object to it (to object to)

  11. My son often plays chess with his father. He is fond of it (to be fond of)

  12. It was difficult to translate the article. I could not finish it in the time given to us (to finish).

Ex. VIII. Complete the sentences using the gerund:

  1. My brother is fond of classic music, he enjoys ……

  2. When the weather is fine, I like ……

  3. We will have our vacations in July, everybody looks forward to ……

  4. My son’s friends are leaving for the Crimea. I don’t object to ……

  5. Though the scientist was tired, he went on ……

  6. My sister doesn’t like skating, she prefers ……

  7. The article is very long, it seems, she will never finish ……

  8. You will enjoy this opera, it’s worth ……

Ex. IX. Translate into English:

1.Мені не подобається, як він читає. 2.Танці ще не почалися. 3.Хто-небудь має щось проти того, щоб я побачився з ним? 4.Вона йшла по вулиці, не повертаючи голови. 5.Ми отримали задоволення від її співу. 6.Варто подивитися їх останні каталоги офісного устаткування. 7.Ми зацікавлені в купівлі цього товару. 8.Вона не любить швидко ходити. 9.Всі продовжували аплодувати. 10.Людина перестала читати об’яву. 11.Я думаю, що всі чекали з нетерпінням його повернення. 12.Мені не подобається, коли на мене дивляться. 13.Наша країна зацікавлена в тому, щоб мати дружні відносини з усіма країнами світу.

Oral practice: British Universities

Ex. I. Answer the following questions: what are the most famous British universities and which of them is the oldest?

Ex. II. Complete the following table:

Things I know about British universities

Thing I don’t know

Questions I would like to ask










Ex. III. Read the texts. Did they provide answers to your questions?


Oxford is like London: it is international, it is very old and it has great charm. It is also a town that grew up near the River Thames.

Oxford is international because people from many parts of the world come to study at its University. The older of England's two major universities, Oxford probably owes its origin to the arrival in the late 12th or early 13th century of foreign scholars expelled from the Paris Sorbonne. But it is considered to be older still: its oldest college, University College, having allegedly been founded in the 9th century by King Alfred! Whether or no, it is accepted as the doyen among the 27 men's and 5 women's colleges nowadays.

One of these colleges, Christ Church College, was founded by Cardinal Wolsey in 1525 and is named after him; it is known throughout the world for being a place where Lewis Carroll (the pseudonym of Charles Dodgson), the author of classical novels for children "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland” and "Through the Looking Glass"-held the position of a mathematical lecturer from 1855 till 1881.

Christ Church overlooks the Thames, here called the Isis, and you can go up and down the Isis in a boat just as people did in 19th century and as Alice did in the famous book.

Today Oxford is a set of .the quadrangles, most of which are of medieval origin, separated by narrow cobbled streets. From the 144-foot tower of Magdalen College Chapel one can see the charm of the town; with its particular architecture and beautiful lawns and gardens which surround the colleges, the river with its bridges and beautiful meadows.

If you ever have a chance to visit Oxford, don't miss it. You will not regret a single minute spent there.