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Раицкая Уч пособие по языку профессии Уровень В...doc
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1.Translate the following sentences into Russian, paying attention to the active vocabulary.

  1. Core inflation, also known as underlying inflation, is a measure of inflation which excludes certain items that face volatile price movements e.g. food.

  2. Headline inflation is a measure of the total inflation within an economy and is affected by areas of the market which may experience sudden inflationary spikes such as food or energy. As a result, headline inflation may not present an accurate picture of the current state of the economy. This differs from core inflation which excludes factors, such as food and energy costs.

  3. While the annual rate of inflation has fluctuated greatly over the last half century, ranging from nearly zero inflation to 23% inflation, the Fed actively tries to maintain a specific rate of inflation.

  4. It is an inflation measure that gauges the price of a fixed basket of goods and services.

  5. It is already possible to acquire in a few minutes data that used to take six months to collect.

  6. Core inflation is most often calculated by taking the Consumer Price Index and excluding certain items from the index, usually energy and food products.

  7. The price hike means larger profits, and a guarantee of demand for their recorders.

  8. City economists said yesterday that the American decision to cut the Fed Funds rate by ¼ point to 33/4 p.c. may have been taken with the international as well as the domestic situation in mind.

  9. The big differences are to be measured in terms of rates of growth of output and of levels of output per head.

  10. It is an illiquid asset which generates a fixed income depending on the stock's interest rate.

  11. The 1987 household had more spare income, within its weekly total of £188.62, for a wide range of other needs.

  12. They often have a broad product range, operating in more than one industrial sector, and sometimes show a high degree of vertical integration, having control of their sources of supply at one end and the chain of distribution at the other.

  13. Debt, hyperinflation, and currency devaluation have combined to make a high-risk business riskier still.

  14. Government has gauged its success much more by the number of new investments, than by the efficiency with which existing investments are maintained and serviced.

  15. Purchasing power is the amount of value of goods/services compared to the amount paid.

2.Match each word with its translation.

____ output

____ hyperinflation

____ headline inflation

____ fixed income

____ adverse effect

____ core inflation

____ purchasing power

____ income distribution

____ consumer price index

____ to gauge

____ domestic market

____ payment

____ anticipated inflation

____ to measure

____ hike

1) измерять

2) негативный эффект

3) платеж

4) повышение

5) общий уровень инфляции

6) гиперинфляция

7) ожидаемая инфляция

8) индекс потребительских цен

9) постоянный доход

10) структурная инфляция

11) выпуск

12) измерять

13) распределение дохода

14) покупательная способность

15) внутренний рынок