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Змістовий модуль № 3

My Flat. My Home.

Pre-reading activity.

Read and learn corresponding words and expressions on the subject “My home”.

Harbor притулок

Dwelling житло

To render надавати допомогу (послугу)

Basement підвальне приміщення

Garret горище

Frame будова

Shed сарай

Closet комора

Rent платня

Conveniences зручності

Spacious просторий

Separate окремий

Apartment квартира

To pay the rent платити за квартиру

Multi-storeyed building багатоповерхова будівля

Residential area житловий район

Nicely Furnished чудово мебльований

Garbage disposal сміттєпровід

Cellar погріб

Old-fashioned старомодний

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Learn the Famous Proverbs and Expressions about Home:

• There is no place like home.

• East or West, home is best.

• My home is my castle.

• Happiness is sleeping in your own bed and sharing your dreams with your own pillow.

• Every house has its own particular smell that reflects the nature of the people who live there.

• It is always pleasant to come back home.

I. Read the text and render its idea into Ukrainian.

My Flat

My native town is Makiyivka. I live in a new district of the town. My flat consists of three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. My flat is full of conveniences such as gas, cold and hot water, central heating, a telephone. My mother, my sister and I do our best to make our flat comfortable and cosy. My duty is to clean the rooms. As all the floor in our flat is covered with carpets my elder sister uses a vacuum-cleaner, when we help our mother on Saturdays. Our furniture is new and modern.

I like music that’s why I have a tape-recorder in my room between my bed and the wardrobe.

My family is fond of reading. We have a good family library. There are many bookshelves in our sitting-room.

The kitchen is a kingdom of our mother. It is rather small but has all the necessary things: a gas-cooker, a refrigerator, a dinner table and cutlery. Our flat is a real harbour for me and for my family after the working day where we can relax and have a rest.

Our flat is near the dwelling of the elderly married couple. They are pensioners. My sister and I study at the Department of Sociology; we are going to

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be sociologists. That’s why we want to understand the needs of these seniors. They face different social problems such as housing, shops, public transport. We try to

render them a real help in difficult situations to change their life for the better. We are sure our future speciality of a sociologist is really important and necessary.

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the text.

1.My flat consists of _____ , a kitchen, ________.

2. It is full of ________ such as _________.

3. We do our best to ________ comfortable and _________.

4._______ is to clean _________.

5. My elder sister uses _________.

6. There are many _________ in our sitting room.

7. The kitchen has all the necessary things: __________.

  1. Our flat is ________ for me and my family.

  2. Our flat is near ________ of the elderly ___________.

  3. My sister and I study _________, we are going to be __________.

  4. We want to understand __________.

  5. They ________ social __________ such as ___________.

  6. We try ___________ them _________ in difficult ___________.

  7. We are sure _________ of _________ is really __________.

III. Put the words in the correct order to make up sentences.

    1. is /such as/ full/ my/ gas/ flat/ of/ conveniences/ and/ a telephone/ cold/ central/ hot/ heating/ water.

    2. rooms/ my/ clean/ to/ duty/ the/ is.

    3. sitting room/ there/ our/ many/ are/ bookshelves/ in.

    4. married/ our/ the dwelling/ couple/ flat/ near/ is/ of/ the elderly.

    5. sister/ I/ and/ the department/ my/ sociology/ study/ in the/ of.

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    1. seniors/ to understand/ that is/ we/ why/ of/ want/ these/ needs/ the.

    1. to be/ we/ are going/ sociologists.

    2. such as/ they/ transport/ face/ problems/ shops/ social/ housing / with

    3. help/ we/ situations/ for the better/ them/ in/ real/ their life/ difficult/ try/ to render/ a / to change

    4. speciality/ of/ a sociologist/ we/ future/ necessary/ important/ and/ sure/ is/ really/ our/ are.

IY. Answer the questions to the text “My flat”.

1. Where do you live?

2. How many rooms are there in your apartment?

3. What floor is your flat on?

4. What furniture have you got in your flat?

5. What modern conveniences are there in your flat?

  1. What do you keep in the kitchen?

  2. Can you relax and have a rest in your apartment?

  3. Who studies at the Department of Sociology?

  4. Do we try to render the seniors a real help?

  5. How do we want to change the life of the seniors?

  6. Which social problems do pensioners face ?

Y. Read, translate and learn the following dialogues.

  1. A. Have you already moved into a new flat?

B. Oh, yes, we have, and we expect you to come to our house-warming party next Sunday.

A. Thank you. I shall be very glad. Is it a two-room flat?

B. Yes, a very nice one, with all modern conveniences.

A. Is it in a multi-storeyed house?

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B. It is a nine-storey building, five minutes from the metro.

A. Well, it’s very convenient, isn’t it?

B. Of course.


  • moved into a new flat – переїхали до нової квартири

  • a house-warming party – новосілля

  • a multi-storeyed building – багатоповерхова будівля

  1. A. Is your living-room large?

B. It’s about 23 square meters. It is papered pale grey and there are cream colored curtains on the two large windows.

A. Is there a carpet on the floor?

B. Yes, we have a thick red carpet on the floor in the middle of the room.

A. The sofa with cushions in the corner looks very comfortable.

B. It is our favourite place. It is in front of the TV-set, and we like to rest there after a hard working day and enjoy a TY programme.

A. I suppose it is not far from the center of the town.

B. Yes, it takes ten minutes to get there by bus. I hope you will come to spend a week-end at our house.

A. I shall be glad to come, thank you.


- it is papered pale grey – вона обклеєна світло-сірими шпалерами

- cream coloured - кремового кольору

- square meters – квадратні метри

  1. A. Good morning, dear. Still cleaning up?

B. I have already aired and dusted the rooms and now I am going to wash up breakfast things. Won’t you come into the kitchen with me?

A. Certainly. I shall help you to wipe the dishes. Where is your tea-cloth?

B. There is no need to wipe them. I put them to dry on the rack here.

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A. Do you? Let me see the rack. Oh, that is a good thing. I shall tell my mother to buy one, too.


- I have already aired and dusted the rooms – вже провітрила кімнати і

витерла пил

  • the breakfast things – посуд (після сніданку)

  • to wipe dishes – витирати посуд

  • tea-cloth- посудний рушник

  • a rack – кухонная сушарка

YI. Make up all possible questions and answers, using the following substitution patterns:


Is there a






Coffee table




In your room?

Yes, there is a

Large square table

Little cosy sofa

Big brown sideboard

In our room

Large writing-desk

Little round coffee table

Thick red carpet

Big black piano

Big colour TV-set

Big brown wardrobe



  • Is there a table in your room?

  • Yes, there is a large square table in our room


- Is there a sofa in your room?

- Yes, there is a little cosy sofa in our room.


Where is the







Bedside table

Dressing table

In your

Living room?



It is

In the middle of the room

In front of the TV-set

At the wall

In the corner of the room

To the right of the door

To the left of the window

Opposite the door Etc.




  • Where is the table in your living room?

  • It is in the middle of the room.


- Where is the writing-desk in your study?

- It is opposite the window.

YII. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in brackets.

1. Recently we’ve got a new … (kitchen, flat, rack).

2. My mother cooks food in the … (running water, sideboard, kitchen).

3. In every room we have a number of … on the walls. (tables, pictures, beds)

4. You can see a … on the floor. (carpet, bathroom, shelf)

5. He invited us for his … .(furniture, central heating, house-warming party)

YIII. Complete the sentences with the words given below denoting items of furniture, furnishing or equipment.

1. A piece of furniture with drawers for keeping clothes in is called ______.

2. A large cover often made of wool to keep people warm in bed is a ______.

3. A piece of furniture which includes a cupboard, a wardrobe and a bookcase all connected together is called a _____.

4. A piece of fabric that is hung to cover a window is a _____.

5. A tall lamp that stands on the floor is called a _____.

6.A piece of fabric or paper used for drying things, especially your body is a _____.

7.A large cupboard for hanging clothes in is called a _____.


8.Fabric bags filled with soft materials or feathers, especially those that are put on sofas are called _____.

9.A piece pf furniture like a table usually with drawers is a _____.

10.A comfortable chair with sides on which you can rest your arms is an _____.

11.A piece of kitchen equipment for preparing meals with an oven and gas or

electric rings is called _____.

12.A piece of electric equipment in which food is kept cold so that it stays fresh is called a _____.

( a chest of drawers; a plaid; a wall unit; a curtain; a standard lamp; a towel; a wardrobe; a cushion; a desk; an armchair; a cooker; a refrigerator )

IX. Which of the following pieces of furniture or equipment can’t you live without? Explain your choice.

• a refrigerator • an armchair

• a cooker • a desk

• a television set • a dining-table

• a computer • a music centre

• a bed • a bookcase

X. What do you use to clean the house? Match the given household objects with the actions given below.

a soap powder a dishcloth

a vacuum cleaner a dishwasher

a washing machine a mop

a scrubbing brush polish

a broom an iron

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XI. Imagine that you are looking for somewhere to live with your friends. Study the information from the advertisement about the apartments to let, answer the questions and explain your choice.



1. Detached house, Green Area, 6 kms from the city center. Three large bedrooms, fully furnished, TV, video, telephone, washing machine, central heating. Near a bus stop. 500 grn. per month.

2. Small terraced house near the railway station. Large living room, three small bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and back garden. Partly furnished. Close to shops and bus stop. 20 minutes from the centre. 400 grn. per month.

3. Flat near city centre one double and one small on main road. Suitable for students. A kitchen and outside bathroom. Needs some repairs. 250 grn. per month.

4. Quiet house near park, 30 minutes from centre. Own rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Washing machine, TV. 350 grn. per month, including all bills.


1. Which is nearest to the Institute? (1,2,3,4)

2. Which house might be noisy?

3. Which house offers the best facilities?

4. What kind of problems could each house have?

Probable explaining your reason:

  • I would choose …

  • I would definitely not choose …

XII. Translate into English using the words and expressions given below.

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1.Квартира знаходиться на четвертому поверсі п’ятиповерхової будівлі.

2. Цей багатоквартирний будинок розташований недалеко від центру міста.

3.На тролейбусі або метро можна дістатися до центральної площі хвилин за п’ять.

4.Район спокійний, квартира виходить вікнами у великий парк.

5.На жаль, в будинку немає ліфта.

6.У квартирі є світла і простора житлова кімната, спальня, кухня і ванна..

7. Кухня оснащена електроплитою, холодильником і пральною машиною.

8. У житловій кімнаті є диван, журнальний столик, декілька стільців, крісло і дві книжкові шафи.

9 Напроти дивана – телевізор.

10. У спальні ти можеш знайти ліжко, платяну шафу, нічний столик і велике дзеркало.


  • apartment block – багатоквартирний будинок

  • neighbourhood- район

  • unfortunately- на жаль

  • is fitted- забезпечена

  • overlooks – виходить вікнами на ....

  • airy- просторий

  • is equipped - оснащена

XIII. Match each part of the house with what is usually done there:

  1. kitchen a) a place to wash

  2. dining room b) a place to sleep

  3. bedroom c) a place to leave your street clothes

  4. garage d) a place to relax and talk

  5. garden e) a place to cook

  6. bathroom f) a place to grow flowers

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  1. living room g) a place to keep a car

  2. hall h) a place to keep garden tools

9)shed i) a place to keep household equipment

10)closet j) a place to eat

XIY. Choose the best alternative to fill the gaps in these sentences.

1. Some buildings have a basement room where things are stored and it is called _______ .

a) an attic; b) a cellar; c) a garret; d) a pantry

2. Some rooms do not have curtains on the windows, they have _________ instead.

a) Blinds; b) panes; c) frames; d) glazing

  1. He keeps all his tools and do-it-yourself equipment in a __________ in the back garden.

a) stable; b) hothouse; c) shed; d) hut

  1. We have not got a garage, so we leave our car outside the house in the __________ .

a) path; b) driveway; c) parking; d) porch

  1. In your own garden you can sunbathe on the _________ in the summer.

a) field; b) pasture; c) lawn; d) flowerbed

XY. Which part of the house is different from the other three in each group and why?

1. floor wall stairs ceiling

2. bathroom garage kitchen bedroom

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3. downstairs upstairs basement roof

4. window wall garden door

5. fence path hedge all

XYI. Sort these pieces of furniture, household equipment and utensils into corresponding columns according to the places where you can find them:

Bookshelves a tablecloth a vacuum cleaner a cooker a sink

a soup plate a piano stool a reading lamp a shower a bed

a cupboard a chest of drawers a coffee table a cushion a mop

a saucepan a dining table an iron board a broom a towel

a computer a music center a standard lamp curtains a desk

a wardrobe a tape recorder a refrigerator a TV set a bath

a typewriter a washing machine a blanket

a frying pan a toothbrush a fireplace

XYII. Complete the following sentences with the words given below:

1. Spotless is similar in meaning to _________________.

2. In a mess is similar in meaning to ________________.

3. Filthy means very, very ________________________.

4. Neat means very, very _________________________.

dirty untidy

clean tidy

XYIII. Match the given household objects with the actions given below.

A soap powder

A vacuum cleaner

A washing machine

A scrubbing brush

A broom

A duster

A dishcloth

A dishwasher

A mop


An iron

1. I usually use _________ and ___________ to wash clothes.

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2. You may use _________ to sweep the floor.

3. It is necessary to use ___________ to make your clothes smooth.

4. When I wash up I use ______________.

5. When the kitchen floor is really very dirty I have to use ___________ .

6. It is better to clean the carpet with __________ than to beat it outdoors.

7. Efficient housewives use special __________ to make the furniture shiny.

8. I usually use __________ to wash the floor in the bedroom.

9. All modern houses have ____________ to make washing up easier.

XIX. Answer these questions.

1. Do your parents and friends think that you are a tidy person?

2. Who does most of the housework in your house?

3. What kind of housework do you most hate to do?

4. Do you share responsibilities in doing housework with all the other members of your family? How?

5. Everybody knows that work about the house eats up much time. Could you suggest any ways how to save your time and make your house clean?

XX. Speak about the flat of your own according to the plan:

1. What kind of house do you live in? (private, multi-stored, high-rise block of flats).

2. What floor is your flat on? How many storeys has you house got?

3. How many rooms are there in your flat/house?

4. Which room is your favourite one? Why?

5. Which room in your flat/house do you like least of all? Why?

6. Do you like when there is little furniture in the room? Why?

7. Where do you work or study in your flat/house? What furniture is there in this room?

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8. In what room do you usually receive guests? Have meals? Discuss family matters?

9. What are the most necessary pieces of furniture in the living room (bedroom,

dining room, study)?

10. Do you like to spend your time in the kitchen? Why?

11. Does your kitchen have modern facilities?

12. What would you like to have in your kitchen besides the things you have?

13. Has your house/flat got enough space for all your family members?

14. Do you have to share your room with somebody?

15. What does your home mean for you? Is it just the place where you live or more than that?

16. What kind of house or flat do you think would be ideal for your family?

XXI. Insert the proper words concerning the theme “Housekeeping”

1.Members of the family should distribute their …

(Члени сім’ї повинні розподіляти обов’язки)

a) exceptions b) affairs c) duties

2. Do you help your mother about the …

(Ти допомагаєш мамі по будинку?)

a) house b) home c) place

3. Saturday is the usual day for … our flat.

(Субота – звичайний день для прибирання нашої квартири.)

a) making b) doing c) preparing

4. … the rubbish-bin.

(Винеси відро для сміття)

a) use b) bring c) take out

5. … dust.

(Витри пил)

a) Sweep b) rub out c) clean

6. He has … the carpet with a vacuum-cleaner.

(Він почистив килим пилососом)

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a) rubbed out b) swept c) cleaned

7.The mother is …the linen.

(Мама пере білизну)

a) ironing b) washing c) cleaning

8. … the floor in the kitchen.

(Підмети підлогу у кухні)

a) sweep b) wash c) clean

9. She is … the linen.

(Вона гладить білизну)

a) making b) cleaning c) ironing

10. The girl is … the window.

(Дівчина миє вікно)

a) washing b) ironing c)rubbing

11. … the fridge.

(Разморозь холодильник)

a) switch off b) rinse c) defreeze

12. Do you take the linen into the …?

(Ви відносите білизну в пральню?)

a) tools b) laundry c) broom

13. What is the usual … of your father?

(Яка звичайна домашня робота твого батька?)

f) housework b)homework c)work

14. When do you usually have a …?

(Коли ви зазвичай проводите генеральне прибирання?)

a) turn-out b) turn off c) affair

15. Wash the …

(Вимий посуд)

a) linen b) plates c) dishes
