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Бабашев А.Э. Англ яз ФЗО.doc
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Preparatory Faculty – подготовительный факультет

to administer – управлять

dean – декан

chair – кафедра

Head of chair – заведующий кафедрой

to cover – охватывать

teaching staff – преподавательские кадры

applicant – абитуриент

to provide – обеспечивать

opportunity – возможность

to receive – получать

to lead to – вести к чему-либо

degree – ученая степень

Bachelor of Physical Education and Sport – Бакалавр по ФКиС

Specialist of Physical Education and Sport – Специалист по ФКиС

Master of Physical Education – Магистр по ФК

to complete – заканчивать, завершать

study plan – учебный план

course work – курсовая работа

qualified – квалифицированный

to have a possibility – иметь возможность

Post-graduate course – аспирантура

research work – научно-исследовательская работа

curative gymnastics – лечебная физкультура

to be admitted to – быть принятым, допущенным

chosen sport – избранный вид спорта

general physical training skills – общефизическая подготовка

dormitory – общежитие

to divide – делить, разделить

credits – зачеты

to award with – награждать, присуждать

state grant of money – стипендия

to cumulate – сочетать

competitive activity – спортивная деятельность

to join – присоединяться, вступать (в клуб, общество)

national team – сборная команда страны

to be available – быть доступным

to obtain – достигать, получать

permission – разрешение

to aid – помогать, оказывать помощь

aid – помощь

rated athlete – спортсмен - разрядник

free of charge – бесплатно

to maintain – поддерживать

to attend - посещать

lecture – лекция

training session – тренировка

to require – требовать

to acquire – приобретать

skill – умение, навык, уровень

knowledge – знания

to graduate from – выпускать, готовить; закончить вуз

physical education teacher – учитель ФК

to be proud of – гордиться

record-holder – рекордсмен


1. Answer the questions:

  1. What higher educational establishment do you study at?

  2. When was it opened?

  3. Where is the Academy situated?

  4. What sports facilities are there in our Academy?

  5. How many swimming pools are there in the Academy?

  6. What departments are there in the Academy?

  7. How many faculties are there at the day-time department?

  8. What is the administrative structure of the Academy?

  9. What academic programs does the Academy offer?

  10. What entrance examinations must applicants take to be admitted to the Academy?

  11. How is the academic year divided?

  12. How often do the students take credits and examinations?

  13. Is the individual education available? Why?

  14. What theoretical subjects do our students study?

  15. What kinds of sport do our students take up?

  16. What competitions do our students take part in?

  17. What do our students become after graduating from the Academy?

  18. Are there any record-holders and champions at our Academy?

2. Выразите несогласие и дайте дополнительную информацию, используя фразы:

That’s wrong. - Это неверно.

It’s not quite right. - Это не совсем правильно.

It’s not so. - Это не так.

As far as I know … - Насколько я знаю …

According to the text – Согласно тексту …

Образец: We study at the Pedagogical University.

That’s wrong. We study at the Volgograd Physical Education Academy.

  1. The students of our Academy specialize in chemistry.

  2. The VPEA trains engineers.

  3. The course of study at the correspondence department lasts 3 years.

  4. To be admitted to the Academy an applicant must only write an application and attend for interviews.

  5. Any student gets a state grant of money.

  6. Students take examinations at the end of each month.

  7. The academic year consists of one term.

  8. We study six days a week.

  9. Athletes usually have training sessions in classrooms and laboratories.

  10. The first – year students have practice at secondary schools.

  11. The day-time department has 4 faculties.

  12. The faculty is administered by Rector.

  13. To be Master of Physical Education one must complete 4 year study plan.

  14. The academic year starts in October and ends in May.

  15. The Academy has few sport facilities.

  16. I am a first-year student at the correspondence department.