- •Unit 1.
- •The Court System of England and Wales
- •The Court Structure in England and Wales
- •Unit 2.
- •Judges in Great Britain.
- •Unit 3.
- •Solicitors and Barristers
- •Unit 4.
- •Coroners
- •Unit 5.
- •Unit 6.
- •Criminal law in England and Wales
- •Unit 7.
- •Criminal trials
- •In self defence
- •Unit 8.
- •English Criminal Law
- •Unit 9.
- •Causation
- •Liability for Omissions
- •Unit 10.
- •Prosecutor
- •Unit 11.
- •Plaintiff
- •Unit 12.
- •Defendant
- •Unit 13
- •Witness
- •Вилли Вебер ответит за лжесвидетельство?
- •Unit 14.
- •Unit 15.
- •Unit 16.
- •Perjury
Unit 10.
Ex. 120. Look through the text.
Prosecutors are typically lawyers who possess a university degree in law and are recognized as legal professionals by the court in which they intend to represent the state. They usually only become involved in a criminal case once charges need to be laid. They are typically employed by an office of the government with safeguards in place to ensure such an office can successfully pursue the prosecution of government officials. Often multiple offices exist in a single country due to the various legal jurisdictions that exist.
Being backed by the power of the state, prosecutors are usually subject to special professional responsibility rules in addition to those binding all lawyers as a whole. For example, in the United States, Rule 3.8 of the ABA (American Bar Association) Model Rules of Professional Conduct requires prosecutors to "make timely disclosure to the defense of all evidence or information ... that tends to negate the guilt of the accused or mitigates the offense."
In many countries, the prosecutor's administration is directly subordinate to the executive branch (e.g the US Attorney General is a member of the President's cabinet). This relationship theoretically and in some cases practically leads to situations, where the public accuser will either falsely charge people or refuse to charge arrested persons at all, if that serves political aims. Many thinkers feel such outcomes are incompatible with basic human rights and constitutional ideals.
In a smaller number of countries, the hierarchy of prosecutors are installed with the same (or nearly the same) liberties the judges traditionally enjoy. They are only responsible to the parliament and the chief prosecutor is usually elected for a long period (seven years typically) or even a lifetime. In terms of political theory, this would mean the independent prosecution becomes the fourth column in the architecture of power separation, besides the legislative, executive and judicial branches.
In practice, such establishment often results in heated political debates, as new governments regularly accuse the reigning chief prosecutor of being "informally grateful" to the political opposition (i.e. the former parlamentary majority which elected him/her for a period extending multiple parliamentary cycles).
Ex. 121. Translate the words and expressions.
- prosecutor
- university degree
- to lay to smb.'s charge
- to ensure
- government official
- to pursue the prosecution
- due to
- disclosure of evidence
- to negate the guilt
- mitigates the offense
- to subordinate
- the executive branch
- to charge falsely
- to refuse to charge arrested persons
- to be incompatible
- outcome
- to elect for a lifetime
- grateful
- separation of power
Ex. 122. Create expressions by linking two columns.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Ex. 123. Translate the sentences.
1. The prosecution is the legal party responsible for presenting the case against an individual suspected of breaking the law in a criminal trial. 2. In Australia, Canada, England and Wales, Hong Kong, Northern Ireland and South Africa the head of the prosecuting authority is typically known as the Director of Public Prosecutions and is appointed, not elected. 3. In Australia in the case of very serious matters, the DPP will be asked by the police during the course of the investigation to advise them on sufficiency of evidence. 4. The Director of Public Prosecutions also may well be asked, if he or she thinks it proper, to prepare an application to the relevant court for search, listening device or telecommunications interception warrants*. 5. Though Scots law is a mixed system, its heritage in civil law leads to a situation more reminiscient of a civil law jurisdiction. 6. Here all prosecutions are carried out by Procurators Fiscal and Advocates Depute on behalf of the Lord Advocate, and, in theory, they can direct investigations by the police. 7. In very serious cases a Procurator Fiscal, Advocate Depute or even the Lord Advocate may take charge of a police investigation. 8. All prosecutions are handled within the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.
*interception warrant – ордер на прослушивание
Ex. 124. Use the proper prepositions.
Prosecutors are recognized as legal professionals …………… the court ………… which they intend to represent the state. They usually only become involved ………… a criminal case once charges need to be laid.
Being backed ………… the power ………… the state, prosecutors are usually subject ………… special professional responsibility rules.
………… many countries, the prosecutor's administration is directly subordinate ………… the executive branch.
………… a smaller number ………… countries, the hierarchy ………… prosecutors are installed ………… the same liberties the judges traditionally enjoy. They are only responsible ………… the parliament and the chief prosecutor is usually elected ………… a long period.
………… practice, such establishment often results ………… heated political debates, as new governments regularly accuse the reigning chief prosecutor ………… being "informally grateful" ………… the political opposition.
Ex. 125. Combine the letters into the words covering the text.
G |
O |
V |
E |
R |
N |
M |
E |
N |
T |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. |
U |
D |
E |
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M |
P |
L |
O |
Y |
L |
I |
V |
X |
C |
G |
A |
A |
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X |
I |
L |
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C |
W |
F |
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B |
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C |
A |
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P |
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X |
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Q |
U |
I |
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D |
G |
Ex. 126. Create the sentences according to the sample and translate them.
Prosecutors are typically lawyers who possess a university degree in law.
First offender The accused
Lawyer Government Prosecutor Official Arrest Evidence |
is a person is the action of the police is information is a person is a group of people is a person is someone is a lawyer |
to take a person into custody. which is given in a court of law to prove that someone is guilty. who govern a country or state. who advise people about laws or speaks in court. who has a responsible position in an organization. who has been officially accused of a crime in a court. who has done a criminal action for the first time. who represents the person who is bringing a criminal charge against someone. |
Ex. 127. Translate the sentences.
1. In France, the prosecutor, or Procureur de la République is assisted by deputies (substituts). 2. He opens preliminary enquiries, and if necessary asks for the nomination of an investigating magistrate (a Juge d'Instruction) to lead a judiciary information. 3. In the case of an information led by a judge, the prosecutor does not lead the enquiries, but simply lays down the scope of the crimes that the judge and law enforcement forces investigate upon. 4. He may, like defense attorneys, request or suggest further enquiries. 5. During a criminal trial, the prosecutor has to lay the case in front of the trier of fact (judges or jury). 6. He generally suggests a certain sentence, which the court has no obligation to follow — the court may decide on a higher or lower sentence. 7. The procureur has also some other duties regarding more generally the administration of justice.
Ex. 128. Translate the sentences.
1. Великая Хартия Вольностей, подписанная королем Иоанном Безземельным, ограничивала власть монарха. 2. Из всех юридических профессий ему больше всего нравилась профессия судьи, поскольку она давала власть над другими людьми. 3. За время работы следователем ему пришлось столкнуться с самыми различными смертями. 4. Говорят, что чиновники в нашей стране работают не очень эффективно, но получают самые высокие зарплаты. 5. Перри Мейсона считали самым успешным адвокатом, поскольку он не проиграл ни одного дела. 6. Им не оставалось ничего иного, как подчиниться. 7. В английской системе правосудия существует одновременно несколько профессий адвоката. 8. Статуя Свободы была привезена в Нью-Йорк из Франции в 1884 году. 9. Полицейским приказали арестовать преступника, но он сбежал. 10. Она считала, что ей вынесли несправедливый приговор, и собиралась подать апелляцию.
Ex. 129. Fill in proper words.
charge, court, criminal case, government, in law, lawyers, prosecutors, pursue, responsibility, state, subordinate |
Prosecutors are typically ………………. who possess a university degree ………………. and are recognized as legal professionals by the ………………. in which they intend to represent the……………….. They usually only become involved in a ………………. once charges need to be laid. They are typically employed by an office of the ………………. with safeguards in place to ensure such an office can successfully ………………. the prosecution of government officials.
Prosecutors are usually subject to special professional ………………. rules in addition to those binding all lawyers as a whole.
In many countries, the prosecutor's administration is directly ………………. to the executive branch. This relationship sometimes leads to situations, where the public accuser will either falsely ………………. people.
In a smaller number of countries ………………. are only responsible to the parliament.
Ex. 130. Fill in the crossword and find the hidden word.
governmental control, syn. to authority |
the action of the police to take a person committed a crime into custody |
an effect, result |
to follow, esp. in order to catch |
to declare untrue, syn. to deny |
having the power to carry out government decisions and laws |
to demand by right, give an order |
the fact of having broken a moral rule or official law |
a person who holds an office in a position of power |
the larger number of amount, esp. of people; syn. to most |
the most important ministers of the government who meet as a group to make a decisions or to advise the head of the government |
Ex. 131. Translate the sentences.
1. I had to recognize he was right. 2. The Democrats have a slim majority in the House. 3. They had to subordinate their own needs to the needs of the group. 4. It was our aim to complete the work before the end of the month. 5. After only a year in the sports club, the youngest player was elected to the committee. 6. We had to debate with two speakers expressing the opposing view. 7. They are deeply involved in debt. 8. He recognized that he was not qualified for the post. 9. Mr. Demirel failed to win an absolute majority in that election. 10. This sportsman aimed to attain better results. 11. How long have you been employed at this job? 12. The police are currently pursuing several lines of inquiry into the case. 13. It was a criminal proceeding where defendants have the right to confront their accusers. 14. After talking to the monarch the Prime Minister began to form a Cabinet. 15. The judge dismissed all charges. 16. The authorities finally disclosed the facts to the press. 17. Success is never blamed.
Ex. 132. Read.
generally quarrel because they cannot argue. "
for fun!
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Ex. 133. Find the synonyms.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
Ex. 134. Translate the sentences.
1. Они сфабриковали (trump up) обвинения против этого полицейского, чтобы избавиться от него. 2. Земля, находящаяся в собственности города, должна быть отведена под парки. 3. Болгарскому шахматисту пришлось признать свое поражение, несмотря на все уловки, к которым он прибегал, чтобы опорочить ротивника. 4. Ему везет во всем. 5. Они решили вовлечь в проект актеров и певцов, чтобы зрителям было интереснее. 6. Бывшая республика решила стать независимым государством, но его правительство превратилось в марионточный режим. 7. Когда я приду требовать то, что мне причитается, я обнаружу, что не так-то просто это получить. 8. В дополнение к своей зарплате, он много зарабатывает на авторских гонорарах (royalties). 9. У меня не было никаких официальных дел, которые бы ограничивали мою свободу. 10. Она потребовала, чтобы на собрание явились все. 11. Подсудимый отрицал свою вину столь настойчиво, что судья назначил еще одно слушание по этому делу. 12. Во время оглашения показаний один из присяжных упал в обморок. 13. Один из современных детективных романов назывался «У прокурора век недолог». 14. В 1812 году все генералы были подчинены фельдмаршалу. 15. Его небрежность (neglect behaviour) привела к возникновению опасной ситуации.
Ex. 135. Translate the sentences.
1. Его главной политической целью было добиться места в правительстве. 2. Когда его ложно обвинили в подделке документов (forgery), он подал на журналистов в суд. 3. Они отказались иметь дело с представителями этой фирмы. 4. Ложное обвинение этого человека стало началом одного из самых громких судебных процессов. 5. Они не предусмотрели всех последствий своего решения. 6. Врачи сочли, что он умер от ран несовместимых с жизнью. 7. Кромвеля объявили протектором и с большой торжественностью официально ввели в эту должность. 8. Он хотел, чтобы его избрали президентом компании. 9. Их агенство провело независимое расследование и выяснило, кто в действительности украл деньги. 10. Его заключили в тюрьму пожизненно. 11. Создание регионального правительства не привело к уничтожению терроризма. 12. Бывший президент поселился на собственном острове в Средиземном море.