- •Unit 1.
- •The Court System of England and Wales
- •The Court Structure in England and Wales
- •Unit 2.
- •Judges in Great Britain.
- •Unit 3.
- •Solicitors and Barristers
- •Unit 4.
- •Coroners
- •Unit 5.
- •Unit 6.
- •Criminal law in England and Wales
- •Unit 7.
- •Criminal trials
- •In self defence
- •Unit 8.
- •English Criminal Law
- •Unit 9.
- •Causation
- •Liability for Omissions
- •Unit 10.
- •Prosecutor
- •Unit 11.
- •Plaintiff
- •Unit 12.
- •Defendant
- •Unit 13
- •Witness
- •Вилли Вебер ответит за лжесвидетельство?
- •Unit 14.
- •Unit 15.
- •Unit 16.
- •Perjury
Unit 1.
Ex. 1. Look through the text, mark the words and word combinations concerning the court system.
The Court System of England and Wales
The most common type of law court in England and Wales is the magistrates' court. There are 700 magistrates' courts and about 30,000 magistrates.
More serious criminal cases then go to the Crown Court, which has 90 branches in different towns and cities. Civil cases (for example, divorce or bankruptcy cases) are dealt with in County courts.
Appeals are heard by higher courts. For example, appeals from magistrates' courts are heard in the Crown Court, unless they are appeals on points of law. The highest court of appeal in England and Wales is the House of Lords. (Scotland has its own High Court in Edinburgh, which hears all appeals from Scottish courts.) Certain cases may be referred to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. In addition, individuals have made the British Government change its practices in a number of areas as a result of petitions to the European Court of Human Rights.
The legal system also includes juvenile courts (which deal with offenders under seventeen) and coroners' courts (which investigate violent, sudden or unnatural deaths). There are administrative tribunals which make quick, cheap and fair decisions with much less formality. Tribunals deal with professional standards, disputes between individuals, and disputes between individuals and government departments (for example, over taxation).
Ex. 2. Translate the expressions.
Magistrates’ court
Crown Court
higher court
County court
court of appeal
European Court of Justice
European Court of Human Rights
juvenile court
coroners' court
administrative tribunal
criminal case
civil case
violent death
1. The …………………………… (суд Короны) is based at 77 centres across England and Wales. 2. It deals with ………………………..(делами) transferred from the Magistrates' Courts. 3. The Crown Court deals with more …………………………………… (серьезными уголовными делами) such as murder, rape or robbery, some of which are on appeal or referred from Magistrates' courts. 4. It also hears …………………….. (апелляции) against decisions of Magistrate's Courts, and deals with cases sent for sentence from ………………………………..(мировых судов). 5. Scotland treats youth ……………………. (правонарушителей) through its own system of children's panels. 6. The Prison Officers Association has recently concluded a critical, two-year report into the whole …………….. ……………. …………. (система правосудия для несовершеннолетних). 7. Simpson has seen the profile of youth crime changing over the years - there is, he says, more gun and knife crime, girls appear more frequently, and for increasingly …………….. (насильственные) offences, while gangs are another growing concern. 8. Claims by an England fan convicted of hooliganism that his Portuguese trial was ………………… (несправедливым) have been rejected by the country's leading judges. 9. Britain could be stuck with more than a dozen international terror suspects after a devastating ruling by the …………………………………………………. (Европейским судом по правам человека). 10. Originally ……………. …….. (гражданское право) was one common legal system in much of Europe, but later it became fractured into separate national systems. 11. Her Majesty's ……………… ……………… (Апелляционный Суд) is the second most senior court in the English legal system, with only the Judicial Committee of the House of Lords above it.
Ex. 3. Make up sentences.
The most common type of |
fruit-tree in our region building in London books read today illness in autumn advertisement transport in city flower in spring winter sport bird in a city |
is semi-detached house. is pigeon. is flu. is skiing. is apple-tree. is car. are detective stories. is primrose. is advertisement of cigarettes. |
Ex. 4. Combine the letters into the words covering the text.
P |
E |
T |
I |
T |
I |
O |
N |
G |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. |
D |
G |
D |
F |
C |
D |
F |
U |
F |
H |
S |
I |
B |
O |
B |
F |
I |
A |
C |
A |
S |
E |
R |
T |
E |
F |
I |
I |
P |
P |
K |
O |
J |
N |
J |
R |
V |
P |
U |
M |
N |
S |
D |
U |
B |
I |
E |
T |
V |
E |
Z |
E |
S |
T |
L |
A |
E |
L |
R |
N |
R |
T |
U |
A |
L |
E |
G |
A |
L |
H |
I |
D |
S |
O |
D |
I |
V |
O |
R |
C |
E |
L |
A |
W |
C |
G |
S |
Y |
E |
D |
Ex. 5. Translate the sentences. Change the following statements into Active Voice.
1. Civil cases are dealt with in County courts.
2. Appeals are heard by higher courts.
3. Appeals from magistrates' courts are heard in the Crown Court.
4. Petitions were sent to the European Court of Human Rights.
5. Practices were changed by the British Government in a number of areas.
6. Offenders under seventeen are dealt with in juvenile courts.
7. The sudden death of our neighbour was investigated by a coroner.
8. Certain cases may be referred to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.
9. The decision on this case was made in the administrative tribunal.
10. Disputes between individuals and government departments are dealt with in tribunals.
Ex. 6. Link the following notions with proper statement.
1. Law |
a) a part of the Supreme Court of judicature. The Court exercises appellate jurisdiction over all judgments and orders of the High Court and most determinations of judges of the County Courts. |
2. Crown Court |
b) an officer of the Crown whose principal function is to investigate deaths either by ordering a postmortem examination or conducting an inquest. |
3. County Court |
c) the whole system of rules that citizens of a country or peace should obey. |
4. Court of Appeal |
d) a part of the Supreme Court of judicature and has unlimited jurisdiction over all criminal cases tried on indictment. |
5. Coroner |
e) a magistrates court exercising jurisdiction over crimes committed by juvenile offenders and other matters relating to children under 17. |
6. Juvenile Court |
f) a court which does not try criminal cases, but hears actions in the law of contract; tort*; family law. |
* tort - юр. деликт, гражданское правонарушение, причинения вреда
Ex. 7.
А. Use the proper prepositions.
The most common type ………. law court ………. England and Wales is the magistrates' court. More serious criminal cases then go ……….. the Crown Court, which has 90 branches …….. different towns and cities. Civil cases (…….. example, divorce or bankruptcy cases) are dealt ………. ………. County courts.
Appeals are heard …….. higher courts. The highest court ………. appeal ……… England and Wales is the House of Lords. Certain cases may be referred ………… the European Court ……… Justice ……… Luxembourg. The British Government changed its practices …….. a number …….. areas as a result ……… petitions ……… the European Court of Human Rights.
Juvenile courts deal …….. offenders ……… seventeen. Coroners' courts investigate violent, sudden or unnatural deaths. Administrative tribunals deal …….. professional standards, disputes ………… individuals, and disputes …………… individuals and government departments.
В. Translate the sentences.
Мировой суд - в ряде государств низшее звено судебной системы. Мировой суд как суд первой инстанции рассматривает в упрощенном порядке мелкие уголовные и гражданские дела, а также дела об административных правонарушениях. Впервые был создан в Англии (XIV в.), затем в Северной Америке (в XVII в.), во Франции (в конце XVIII в., в 1959 г. - ликвидирован), в России (1864-1889 и 1912-1917 гг.).
в Англии в XIX-XX веках были приняты законы, которые четко разграничивали понятия «Суд», «Магистраты» и «Мировые судьи». Законы о мировых судьях в Англии были приняты в 1979 и 1997 г.; законы о магистратских судах был приняты в 1952, 1980 г.; в 1981 г. был принят закон о правилах производства в магистратских судах; закон о полиции и магистратских судах - в 1994 г.
Решения мировых судей и малых сессий могут быть обжалованы в Отделение королевской скамьи Высокого суда Великобритании.
Судьи палаты лордов образуют собою так называемый судебный комитет, в который входит в качестве председателя лорд-канцлер и 11 пожизненных пэров (два - от Шотландии), именуемых ординарными апелляционными судьями или лордами-юристами.
В дополнение ко всем этим функциям палата лордов выступает в качестве высшей судебной инстанции страны. Она имеет юрисдикцию Высшего апелляционного суда, а по некоторым делам - суда первой инстанции. Апелляции рассматривает обычно три или пять лордов юристов, хотя могут принимать участие и все члены судебного комитета.
Ex. 8. Tell what is stated in the sentences. Give the adequate translation of the sentences. Pay attention to the underlined words.
1. The government obtains revenue through direct and indirect taxation. 2. He took his case of unfair dismissal to the industrial relations tribunal. 3. As a result of pilots’ strike, all flights have had to be cancelled. 4. If you are not satisfied with the decision of the court, you can appeal. 5. The police are investigating the crime. 6. The defendant told the court that he had never seen this woman before. 7. She has been convicted but her lawyer says she will make an appeal. 8. The coroner recorded a verdict of death by natural causes. 9. He read about a prolonged legal dispute over the ownership of the land. 10. I intend to appeal against this sentence. 11. Civil war broke out after the President’s death. 12. They don’t usually imprison first offenders. 13. They have at last received compensation, so justice has been done. 14. The case of your redundancy* will be heard by an independent tribunal. 15. There has been a sharp increase in bankruptcies in the last two years. 16. About 30% of known offenders are juveniles. 17. Your main duty is to deal with complaints from customers. 18. Will you sign a petition against using animals in scientific experiments?
* redundancy – сокращение штатов; увольнение рабочих или служащих
Ex. 9. Translate the sentences.
1. После расследования стало ясно, что этот человек умер насильственной смертью. 2. Дело было направлено в суд Короны. 3. Приговор был справедлив, но правонарушитель подал на апелляцию. 4. Коронеры имеют медицинское или юридическое образование. 5. Один из персонажей старого фильма сказал: «Наш суд – самый справедливый суд в мире!» 6. Магистральный (мировой) суд не решает дел о налогообложении. 7. Преступник был отправлен в тюрьму на год. 8. Слушание его дела продолжалось несколько дней. 9. Гражданский кодекс определяет порядок гражданского судопроизводства (judicial/legal proceeding). 10. Решение суда может быть обжаловано в вышестоящей инстанции. 11. Частное лицо имеет право обратиться в суд (to take it into court) за защитой своих прав. 12. Гражданские дела в судах первой инстанции рассматриваются магистратами.
Ex. 10. Choose the proper words and fill the sentences in.
appeals, cases, coroners' , County, court (2), criminal, disputes, House of Lords, individuals, Justice, juvenile, referred, tribunals |
1. The lowest ……… in England and Wales where magistrates hear and decide on less serious cases is the magistrates'……….
2. The Crown Court hears more serious ……… cases.
3. Civil cases are dealt with in ……… courts.
4. ……… are heard by higher courts.
5. The highest court of appeal in England and Wales is the……….
6. Certain ……… may be ……… to the European Court of ……… or to the European Court of Human Rights.
7. Court which deals with young people who are not adults yet are called ……… courts.
8. ……… courts investigate violent, sudden or unnatural deaths.
9. Special problems and complaints especially concerning someone’s place of work are examined by ………
10. ………. between ……… and government departments are decided with in administrative tribunals.
Ex. 11. Use the verbs in proper form. (Use the Passive voice)
1. More serious criminal cases (hear) in the Crown Court.
2. Civil cases (deal) with in County courts.
3. Appeals (hear) by higher courts.
4. All appeals from Scottish courts (decide) in High Court in Edinburgh.
5. Certain cases may (refer) to the European Court of Justice or to the European Court of Human Rights.
6. Juvenile courts and coroners' courts also (include) in legal system of England and Wales.
7. Verdicts about professional standards (decide) in administrative tribunals with much less formality.
Ex. 12. Translate the sentences.
1. Решение суда принимается немедленно после разбирательства дела. 2. Гражданское судопроизводство (judicial/legal proceeding) ведется в соответствии с законами. 3. В апелляции должны содержаться доводы для возможного пересмотра решения суда. 4. Частное лицо может предъявить иск (to bring a suit against smb.) организации. 5. Решение суда было несправедливым. 6. При рассмотрении этого дела в суде выяснилось, что оно было принято к производству с нарушениями правил. 7. Ему пришлось заплатить все налоги. 8. Европейский суд по правам человека вынудил правительства нескольких стран изменить процедуры судопроизводства. 9. В последнее время в судах для несовершеннолетних рассматривается все больше дел. 10. Латинское выражение «Закон – суров, но это - закон» известно всем. 11. Его собственная корона валялась на земле. 12. После банкротства этого банка они боялись хранить деньги в банках.
Ex. 13. Make up sentences.
All these cases The child’s screamings The burglar The criminal Petitions Offenders Many civil cases The election results Practices of British Government |
is was are were |
announced changed heard heard caught noticed punished referred settled |
in the Hillbrow small claims court. by neighbours who called the police. by the owner of the house. in the restaurant. to the European Court of Justice. very strictly. out of court. at midnight. in a number of areas. |
Ex. 14. Give the adequate translation of the sentences.
А. 1. Civil disorder was suppressed by the police. 2. The court rejected his appeal. 3. Divorce is legal in Britain, though not in Ireland, and can be given for a failure of a marriage. 4. The shop referred the complaint back to the makers of the articles. 5. My case against the local council will be heard today. 6. Over 90% of all criminal cases are heard in Magistrates’ Courts, which are open to members of the public. 7. If you break the law, you must expect to be punished. 8. His appeal for forgiveness went unanswered. 9. The new art organization includes dancers, singers and musicians. 10. The proposal will have to be referred to the Finance Committee. 11. The rights of the individual are perhaps the most important rights in a free society. 12. Magistrates do not have a special education or training in law and are not paid for their work. 13. There ought to be a law against that sort of antisocial behaviour. 14. The company is threatened with bankruptcy. 15. A first time offender is treated less severely than one who already has a criminal record.
В. Структура права в англо-американской правовой семье (деление на отрасли и институты права), сама концепция права, система источников права, юридический язык, совершенно иные, чем в романо-германской правовой семье.
В английском праве отсутствует деление права на публичное и частное, здесь его заменяет деление на «общее право» и «право справедливости». Отрасли английского права выражены не столь четко как в континентальных правовых системах, и проблемам их классификации уделялось гораздо меньше внимания.
Отсутствие резко выраженного деления права на отрасли обусловлено преимущественно двумя факторами. Во-первых, все суды имеют общую юрисдикцию, то есть могут разбирать разные категории дел: публично и частноправовые, гражданские, торговые, уголовные и т.д. Разделенная юрисдикция ведет к разграничению отраслей права, а унифицированная юрисдикция действует очевидно в обратном направлении. Во-вторых, английское право развивалось постепенно, путем судебной практики и законодательных реформ по отдельным вопросам. В Англии нет кодексов европейского типа, поэтому английскому юристу право представляется однородным. Английская доктрина не знает дискуссий о структурных делениях права. Она вообще предпочитает результат теоретическому обоснованию.