- •Contents
- •Preface
- •Part I. Print media Unit 1 mass media: general notion
- •Control Questions
- •Practical Tasks
- •It’s wrong to portray fathers as domestic incompetents – but women still
- •Unit 2 newspaper headlines and their linguistic peculiarities
- •Control Questions
- •Practical Tasks
- •Unit 3 lexical features of newspaper articles
- •Names of some organisations, establishments, parties
- •Abbreviations
- •Acronyms
- •Neologisms
- •Colloquial words
- •Shortened words
- •Control Questions
- •Practical Tasks
- •Former Mandela Fund Official Says Model Gave Him Diamonds
- •The International Herald Tribune, August 6, 2010
- •A. Too many clichés, at the end of the day
- •B. Social class affects white pupils’ exam results more than those of ethnic minorities – study
- •C. Blair’s job was done by 1997: to numb Labour, and to enshrine Thatcherism
- •In Downing Street, Blair never fulfilled his early promise and let Brown in.
- •Question time in Oldham Data profiling is helping Oldham police analyse the work of its community support officers
- •Airport and station get walk-in nhs centres
- •People's peers take back seat in the Lords
- •Not off to uni? What an excellent idea...
- •VIII Welsh Assembly launches £44m learning grants
- •4. Three men jailed for rape in Oxford after victim sees film on mobile.
- •Unit 4 grammatical and syntactical properties of newspaper articles
- •Control Questions
- •Practical Tasks
- •Cronyism alert on plan for more people’s peers
- •Revealed: Queen’s dismay at Blair legacy
- •Victim / radiation / in £50m drugs / cancer / is denied
- •Unit 5 feature articles: essence, structure, lexical means, stylictic properties
- •Control Questions
- •Practical Tasks Task 1. Read Article a and comment on its genre. What sphere of public life does it reflect? a. After 40 years, the terrorists turn to politics
- •In the East Belfast Mission hall, the uvf, uda and Red Hand Commando announced they had put weapons “beyond use”
- •С. A slice of Middle England Ruaridh Nicoll journeys in search of the perfect pork pie and finds himself seduced by the olde worlde charms of... Leicestershire
- •D. Gordon Brown: There is life after No 10
- •In his first major interview since losing the election, the former Prime Minister tells Christina Patterson why he’s thriving as a constituency mp – and happily living without the trappings of power
- •Unit 6 analytical genres of print media: editorial, op-ed, column, lte
- •I. Editorial
- •III. Сolumn
- •IV. Letters to the editor
- •Control Questions
- •Practical Tasks
- •How Not to Fight Colds
- •The New York Times, October 4, 2010
- •Clean and Open American Elections
- •It’s our class, not our colour, that screws us up
- •Task 12. Read the two ltEs below. What motive was behind writing those letters?
- •I. Giving an Edge to Children of Alumni
- •The New York Times, October 4, 2010
- •II. Childhood misery
- •Task 13. Read the two letters again, and observe the difference between them. What arguments does the author of first letter put forward to drive his message across?
- •Unit 7 print media: revision
- •Task 3. Read the article below and define its genre. What are the constituent parts of the text? House prices: Heading south
- •I was a terrible teenage drinker – I couldn't get hold of alcohol How do young people drink so much today? And how do they get served, asks Michael Deacon
- •Task 7. Read the article below and say what genre it is. Translate the italicised words and word combinations, analyse them. Twitter: Bad sports
- •Test 1. Print media
- •Variants 1-16.
- •Part II. Broadcast media Unit 8 learning to understand broadcast media texts
- •Control Questions
- •Practical Tasks
- •Unit 9 learning to differentiate broadcast media news and analytical genres
- •The press conference and the statement are an integral part of the live reporting and are not accompanied by the news presenter’s comments.
- •Fragments of the press-conference, the statement, as well as the parliamentary debate could be quoted in the video brief news, the report and the commentary that are part of the news bulletin.
- •Control Questions
- •Practical Tasks
- •Audio Track 6
- •Audio Track 7
- •Bonfire of the quangos? It’s more like a barbecue: Despite all the fanfare, just 29 will be completely abolished
- •Control Questions
- •Practical Tasks
- •A shot in the arm – поиск наркотика; стимул (перен.) a soft touch – обходительный человек; pie in the sky – журавль в небе, пустые посулы
- •He wants the Scottish government to give a shot in the arm to the tourist industry (Sky News)
- •A flop – unsuccessful film or play gazumping – cheating a potential buyer of a house
- •Nifty – very good or attractive (nifty fifties – «золотой возраст»)
- •Some examples of former slang words to booze – to drink alcohol
- •Control Questions
- •Practical Tasks
- •Unit 12 stylistic and syntactical peculiarities of broadcast media discourse
- •Control Questions
- •Control Questions
- •Practical Tasks
- •Hungarians battle to hold back toxic sludge spill from Danube
- •Vessel mishap
- •Test 2. Lexical and syntactical propertires of broadcast media discourse
- •Variants 1-16.
- •In class:
- •In class:
- •Unit 13 grammatical properties of broadcast media discourse
- •Control Questions
- •Practical Tasks
- •Uk’s official economic growth estimates revised down
- •Austerity won’t trigger double-dip recession, economists say
- •Ireland’s economic outlook worsens
- •Ireland’s economic outlook worsened on Monday as the country’s central bank
- •Unit 14 learning to work with broadcast media texts
- •Sun turns its back on Labour after 12 years of support
- •General election 2010: did it really happen?
- •The coalition government: Sweetening the pill
- •Test 3. Morphological properties of broadcast media discourse
- •Variants 1-16.
- •In class:
- •Unit 15 regional accents of british broadcast media (scottish, welsh, irish)
- •Control Questions
- •Practical Tasks
- •Unit 16 broadcast media: revision
- •Murder rate at lowest for 20 years
- •Rogue Trader at Société Générale Gets Jail Term
- •The Guardian, October 5, 2010 Task 9. Find special terms in the second half of the material (they are not marked). Read the piece again, find clichés and idioms in it.
- •Task 38. Read the article below and say what crime is reflected in it. What are its underlying reasons?
- •Sham marriages on “unprecedented scale”
- •Final test on mass media discourse
- •Variants 1-16.
- •In class:
- •In class:
- •References
- •Учимся понимать и интерпретировать медийные тексты на английском языке
Final test on mass media discourse
Variants 1-16.
Task 1
At home:
1.1. Watch Video File Task 1 in your designated Folder (V1 – V16). Write down all the newspaper headlines you see in the clip.
1.2. Transribe the news presenter’s commentary that accompanies each headline (be careful not to transribe the news presenter’s words referring to the front page photos (or images)).
1.3. Print the material. Get ready to work ith the script in class.
In class:
1.4. Translate all the newspaper headlines in the Video into Russian (in writing). Do not translate the news presenter’s commentary, simply take it into account as it contains some background knowledge that will help you better understand the headline.
1.5. Make syntactical analysis of two headlines of the Video file features – one from a quality paper and another from a tabloid.
Task 2
At home:
2.1. Listen to Audio File Track 2 in your designated Folder (V1 - V16). Transcribe it and define its genre.
2.2. Print the material.
In class:
2.3. Name the piece and write down the title.
2.4. Identify several cliches, idioms, realia, phrasal verbs and colloquial words in the script, uderline them and translate the word (word combination) into Russian.
2.5. Identify one stylistic device in the material, translate the sentence(s) contaning it into Russian (in writing).
2.6. Identify either a complex or a compound sentence in the script and underline it. Indicate its type in English, single out its constituent parts.
2.7. Identity a grammatical construction or an infinitive complex in the script. Underline the phenomenon and indicate it in writing, translate it into Russian.
Task 3
At Home:
3.1. Watch Video File Task 3 in your designated Folder (V1 - V16) at home. Determine the regional accent you hear.
3.2. Write down the idea of the interview you have watched in one sentence.
Богомолова, М.А. Социальная психология печати, радио и телевидения / М.А. Богомолова. – М. : МГУ, 1991.
Гальперин, И.Р. Stylistics / И.Р. Гальперин. – М. : Высш. шк., 1981.
Жанры советской газеты / под ред. С.М. Гуревича. – М. : Высш. шк., 1972.
Егоров, В.В. Терминологический словарь телевидения: Основные понятия и комментарии / Е.В.Егоров. – М. : Ин-т повышения квалификации работников телевидения и радиовещания, 1997.
Кунин, А.В. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка / А.В. Кунин. – М. : Высш. шк., 1996.
Кузнецов, Г.В. Методика телевизионной журналистики / Г.В. Кузнецов. – М. : МГУ, 1979.
Лаптева, О.А. Живая русская речь с телеэкрана / О.А.Лаптева. – М. : УРСС, 2000.
Луконина, Е.К. Идиоматическая фразеология в языке и речи: На материале современного английского языка / Е.К. Луконина. – М., 1986.
Заводовская, Т.А. Стилистические особенности функционирования просторечной лексики в языке английской газеты / Т.А. Заводовская. – М., 1989.
Могилевцев, С.А. Формирование социокультурной компетенции на основе англоязычных информационных материалов спутникового телевидения / С.А. Могилевцев. – Минск, 2002.
Осинский, В.Г. Телевизионная публицистика / В.Г.Осинский. – СПб. : Санкт-Петербургский ун-т, 1992.
Полюхин, В.М. Некоторые структурно-композиционные и языковые особенности радиоинформации: На материале передач «Би-би-си» и «Голос Америки» на английском языке / В.М.Полюхин. – М., 1978.
Светана, С.В. Телевизионная речь / С.В.Светана. – М. : Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1976.
Солганик, Г.Я. Лексика газеты: функциональный аспект / Г.Я. Солганик. – М. : Высш. шк., 1981.
Телевизионная журналистика / под ред. Г.В.Кузнецова, В.Л.Цвик. – М. : Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1994.
Bell, A. The Language of Mass Media / A. Bell. – Blackwell, 1991.
Cohler, D.K. Broadcast Journalism. A Guide for the Presentations of Radio and Television News / D.K.Colher. – New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1985.
Faircough, N. Media Discourse / N. Faircough. – London: Arnold, 1995.
Hartley, J. Understanding News / J. Hartley. – London: Routledge, 1982.
Hickey, R. Irish English: History and Present-day Forms / R. Hickey. – Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007.
Macafee, C. Scots and Scottish English / C. Macafee // Legacies of Colonial English: Studies in Transported Dialects. – Cambridge: CUP, 2004.
Reath, D. The Language of Newspapers / D. Reath. – London: Routledge, 1997.
Stuart-Smith, J. Scottish English: Phonology in Varieties of English: The British Isles / J. Stuart-Smith.: eds Kortman, Upton – N. Y. : Mouton de Gruyter, 2008.
Potter, D. Handbook of Independent Journalism / D. Potter [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access : http:www.usinfo.state.products/pubs/journalism/ gov.gov/ journalism.pdf. – Date of access : 16.10.2010.
Материалы британских и американских газет “The Guardian”, “The Times”, “The Financial Times”, “The Independent”, “The Daily Mail”, “The Daily Express”, “The Sun”, “The New York Times”, “The Washington Post”.
В качестве видеоприложения использованы информационные материалы британских телевизионных каналов “BBC World News”, “BBC News”, “Sky News”, англоязычной версии телеканала “EuroNews”.
Радиоприложение составляют материалы информационных выпусков британских радиоканалов “BBC Radio 4 LW” и “BBC Radio 4 FM”.
Учебное издание
Могилевцев Сергей Александрович
Карпилович Татьяна Павловна
Позюбанова Галина Ивановна