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Chapter 17: CORBA/IDL Code Generation and Reverse Engineering

Elements in the .idl files will be mapped to Rose elements using the mapping described throughout this chapter.


In this chapter, we examined how the different types of elements in your Rose model are generated in CORBA /IDL. We looked at the different code−generation properties for classes, packages, attributes, operations, associations, aggregations, and other model elements, and discussed how these properties affect the generated code.

Again, the steps needed to generate code are:


Set the CORBA/IDL code−generation properties.


Select the class(es) or component(s) to generate on a Class or Component diagram.


Select Tools → CORBA → Generate CORBA.

Once these steps are complete, you will have CORBA/IDL files that were generated from your model. To reverse engineer CORBA source code, select Tools → CORBA → Reverse Engineer CORBA. Select the files to reverse engineer, and Rose will load information from the code into the model.

So far, we've examined how Rose can be used to model an application. An important aspect of many applications, however, is the database. In the next chapter, we'll take a look at how Rose can be used for data modeling. Through the powerful Data Modeler feature within Rose, you can model your database as well as your application, and ensure that your data model and object model are consistent with one another.