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Темы к экзамену:

  1. Business travelers’ problems

Today business trips become a very important part of some people’s lives. More and more businessman need to travel all over the world to establish good relationships with their foreign business partners. And if the businessman wants to have the maximum degree of mutual understanding with his counterpart – he must have as much business trips as necessary.

And it’s obvious that in business trips traveler face with different types of problems, for which he must be prepared and which he need to overcome as an obstacle on his difficult and thorny path.

First of all, every traveler must know basic information about the destination country. It’s very important because in different countries there are unlike traditions, special cultural aspects, and rules, including legislation. In this case any ignorance of the rules of this country can be a cause of loss business relationships and serious consequences up to the punishment, prison or even the death penalty if you do something wrong and you are very unlucky person. So, knowledge of country’s laws, traditions and rules is vital for any business traveler.

The second thing I want to talk about is transport problem. It’s not a secret that in different transport – public especially, there is breeding ground for the problems. For example – jet lag after long flights or air rage incidents, whose number is increasing every year. All business travelers should be prepared for such problems and try to avoid them or mitigate with some measures, which are worked out in advance.

And the last point, but not the least, is about planning. Every business trip should be carefully planned in advance. Businessman must have information about prices in hotels, transport, food and others. Also, he must book two way tickets in few weeks before his trip. And certainly to discuss all moments of his arrival and residence in this country. Also he must have clear schedule of his trip.

All things considered, preparation for the business traveler is the main point of his business trip and he must take into account a very big range of aspects, which are very important for the successful business visits and negotiations with the foreign counterparts.

  1. Business travelers’ priorities

Nowadays travelling for business people became integral part of their lives. And in their trips they have some basic or not priorities.

The first of them is organization. It’s obvious that every business traveler must have good organization and plan for his trip to travel with pleasure and comfort. Organization include accommodations in hotels, book tickets, finance planning, transport order – from and to the airport for example.

The second business travelers priority is prices calculating. So, however it’s a part of organization, but it is very important part, on which is necessary to paid attention. Primarily, cost include – transport costs, then hotel rooms costs and other expenses, which business traveler plans to have during his trip. It’s important to balance costs with the need for comfort for the traveler. And in this case every person must decide to themselves what he need in his trip and what level of comfort he need for his own money.

The third thing is nerves saving. Often when you have a trip some accidents can happen. It can be flight delays, air rage incidents on the board; you can be even being robbed. But in every way you must be clear-minded and patient. You should not be subject to the senses, because if you even don’t know exactly what to do in some situations – you can have a little break and think about everything that happened to you – and in this way you will not do spontaneous decisions because they will be certainly well thought out.

As the fourth thing as business traveler priority can be indicated agreements on the responsibilities of the sides. You should be aware of obligations and plans of your partners about you and your trip. This is very important because it will be not very good if you booked hotel room and your partners also do the same thing. So, before your trip it’s necessary to discuss all aspects of your visit with your business partners and define the responsibilities of each other.

In conclusion I want to say that every business traveler must have some priorities and it is vitally for successful trip if you have a clear grading and description of your priorities, which are the basis of any business trip.

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