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In Byelorussia

Formation{Education} in Byelorussia is one of the main priorities of a state policy.

In Byelorussia two-level system of higher education. The first step provides preparation of experts with the higher education, possessing fundamental both special knowledge and skills, and comes to the end with reception of the qualification giving the right to borrow{occupy} a post for which requirements to an educational level and qualifications are when due hereunder certain. Duration of training at 1-st step of higher education makes 4-6 years depending on a speciality, namely:

4 - 4,5 years - specialities of pedagogical, economic, agricultural, humanitarian structures, in the field of art and design, some specialities of technical and technological directions, law-enforcement activity, military science;

4,5 - 5 years - natural-science specialities, technical with orientation to development of the high technology manufacture and creation of complex{difficult} technics{technical equipment} and technologies, specialities of architecture and construction, pharmaceutical, specialities in sphere of a safety;

Up to 6-ти years - medical specialities.

For foreign citizens duration of training on 1-st steps can be reduced.

The second step of higher education (magistracy) is directed on preparation for training in postgraduate study (адъюнктуре, ассистентуре-training) and formation of knowledge and skills of research and scientific and pedagogical work and comes to the end with assignment of the academic degree "master" (duration of training in a magistracy makes now 1-2 educational years).

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