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Facts and Figures

"MegaFon" is the second largest telecom operator in the country based on the length of its backbone network. After acquiring "Synterra," the total length of the "MegaFon" fiber-optic network is 75.5 thousand km. According to analytical data, in 2009, the volume of Internet traffic in Russia amounted to about 14 petabytes. This year it could grow by 2.5 times - up to 35 PB. If the operators will be able to run the LTE (Long-Term Evolution) network that enables reaching speeds of 326 Mbit/s at the reception and 173 Mbit/s transfer per user, it is possible to predict the growth of Internet traffic at 2-3 times by the end of 2011. The optical fiber with its high capacity makes it possible to transmit information at high speeds that are not achievable via other communication systems. The date of birth of the Internet is considered to be October 29, 1969, when the first session was held between the first two nodes in the network ARPANET (the predecessor of Internet), who were at a distance of 640 km - University of California, Los Angeles and the Stanford Research Institute.

The First Situation Center Nochevnov Dennis, Director of New Technologies and Services:

"Who owns the information, owns the world"- it is not my invention, it is an old truth. Over the years, it has become even more exact because information, its volume and the speed of its transmission are constantly growing. We support the transfer information throughout the country. The Situation Center is needed in order to make sure that this thread of information is uninterrupted regardless of the situation. On the contrary - if something happens, our technology will allow people to receive vitally important information on time."

When faced with a natural or man-made disaster, any of us will need a reliable connection. To ensure that our family and friends are safe, to find reliable information about an incident, to receive instructions for further action, or to signal for help - all of these circumstances require a properly working mobile phone. Mobile telephony may be the only thread that connects people to life when caught in the midst of a disaster. So our subscribers must be sure that whatever happens, they always have the ability to stay in touch. Taking into account that "MegaFon" is the only mobile operator that launched a mobile network in all regions of Russia is a task that deserves the status of almost national importance. Russia's first Situation Center of mobile communication, which was launched in the spring of 2010, is designed to solve the need for critical communication access. The Center's mission is to provide "MegaFon" network operation without interruption in any region of Russia in the event of emergencies. Through it, the company can interact with all relevant special services and coordinate emergency operations through all types of communication devices.

The specialists of the Situation Center have been using “real time” monitoring of emergency situations and the fluctuations in the line load in a mobile network that may occur during emergencies. The data are fed to "MegaFon’s" remote operational duty station, and if necessary, state agencies and regional emergency services are notified.

In addition, the "special forces" of "MegaFon" are in constant combat readiness. That is, the operative technical support service whose specialists are always ready to provide stand-alone power supply for communication devices, and repair in the event of equipment failure.

Of course, the Situation Center is not only busy with technical issues. Its capabilities can be used to notify subscribers about actions to be taken in an emergency, and also define “hot line” numbers that can be accessed to obtain important information. In March 2010, this activity was organized for the first time in connection with the terrorist attacks in the subway stations "Lubyanka" and "Park Kultury (Culture Park)" in Moscow, and a bit earlier when an explosive device detonated on the "Nevsky Express" train. In addition, the formal signing of the agreement on information exchange and interaction means that the exchange of operational and planning information for solving problems of disaster recovery and prevention of emergency situations is currently ongoing.

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