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Unit 1 What is PR p 97 - 287.doc
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to be produced — делаться, производиться

partly — частично

analyzing broadcast programmes — анализируя вещательные програм­мы

printers — издатели

can be achieved — может быть достигнуто

deadline — дедлайн, дата (время) окончания приема материалов в но­мер

continuous job — постоянная работа

finding out — выяснение деталей, узнавание

nature of the press — природа СМИ

editorial policy — редакционная политика

business appointments — назначения на должности

frequency of publication — периодичность

fortnightly — раз в две недели

quarterly— один раз в квартал (три месяца)

copy date — окончание приема материалов в номер

circulation area — территория распространения

urban — городской

suburban — пригородный

readership profile — портрет аудитории

age — возраст

sex — пол

distribution method — метод распространения

book store — книжный магазин

newsstand — киоск с газетами

subscription— подписка

retail — розница

door-to-door— адресная доставка

by request — по запросу

Questions to the text:

  1. Is knowing about media a major part of the PR practitioner's job?

  2. How can one understand how the newspapers are published and TV programmes produced?

  1. Why should a PR manager telephone journalists and editors?

  2. What is a continuous job of PR manager?

  3. What will happen if a PR manager will not find out?

  4. What is the editorial policy?

  5. What types of frequency of publication are mentioned in the text?

  6. What is the copy date?

  7. What is a circulation area?

  8. What distribution methods are mentioned?

Exercise A. True/false

  1. It is necessary to understand how magazines are researched.

  2. Visits to publishers, printers and studios are not very impor­tant.

  3. Better understanding of the media can be achieved by calling journalists and editors and asking them questions about their media.

  4. PR manager must continuously find out.

  5. PR manager can make a mistake after the publication has been published.

  6. Frequency of publication can be only daily, monthly and an­nually.

  7. Printing process is with what technology is the journal being printed.

  8. Readership profile tells PR manager what kind of people read, listen or watch the medium.

  9. Among the distribution methods are retail, mailed and door-to-door delivery.

Exercise B. Finish the sentences:

  1. It is necessary to understand how newspapers and magazines are ...

  2. Visits to publishers, printers and studios are ...

  3. Better understanding of the media can be achieved by ...

  4. If the PR practitioner cannot find out, he or she will ....

  5. The editorial policy is ...

  6. Copy date is the last ...

  7. Readership profile is what sort of ...

  8. Methods of distribution can be ...



Exercise Translate into English:

  1. Пиарщику необходимо понимать, как издаются журналы и газеты и как изготавливаются телевизионные программы.

  2. СМИ можно исследовать частично, наблюдая' за публикация­ми и анализируя программы в эфире.

  3. Лучшее понимание СМИ достигается после телефонных раз­говоров с журналистами и редакторами.

  4. Постоянной работой специалиста по связям с общественно­стью является выяснение (разведка).

  5. Редакционная политика — это философия издания и тип ма­териалов, которые в нем публикуются.

  6. Дата подписки в печать — это дата (время), до которого (-ой) можно сдать материал для следующего номера.

  7. Территория распространения может быть международной, национальной, региональной, городской и пригородной.

  8. Профиль читателей — это какой тип людей читает журнал, их возраст, пол, профессия, особые интересы и националь­ность.

  9. Метод распространения включает в себя продажу в розни­цу, подписку, доставку по адресам, и т. д.

Text В Organization of publishing houses

Publishers are like four different businesses combined under one roof. These four departments of the publishing house are:

1. The editorial department. This department produces the edi­torial content of the jornal and sets its character.

2.The advertisement or marketing department. This is a sales department which earns income for the publisher by selling ad­vertisement space to advertisers. The cost of the space depends on the circulation figures (number of copies sold) and the readership figures (number and kind of people who read the publication).

3. Production department. This department manages the print­ing of the journal which contains the editorial and the advertise­ments. Working with the other departments (including circulation), the production department has to forecast sales and produce the required number of copies.


4. Circulation department. This is another sales department which has responsibility for selling copies through its circulation representatives to wholesalers, newsagents and street vendors, and for organising distribution by road, rail, sea or air.

The PR specialist works with the editorial department. It is not necessary to contact the advertisement side. That is the work of the company advertising manager and the advertising agency space buyer. However, if the PR manager is responsible for both adver­tising and public relations he or she should remember the distinc­tions. The PR practitioner should not talk to an editor about ad­vertising or to an advertisement manager about editorial matters. The editor and advertisement manager have separate functions. PR specialist should hot try to buy space if editorial coverage is given or agreeing to buy advertisement space because editorial coverage is offered. The two should be kept apart. A PR story being pub­lished because it is worth printing and advertisement space being bought because it is worth buying.

Adapted from F. Jefkins

PR manager or consultant must not pay for the editorial. This would be a breach of the IPR Code of Professional Conduct.

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