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9. English phraseology: definition, approaches and classifications.

Phraseological units (idioms) are stable word-groups characterized by a completely or partially transferred meaning, lack of motivation.

Classification based on the semantic principle:

Fusions (completely non-motivated idiomatic word-groups: to bell the cat ("to take a risk for the good of others"), a white elephant (" a present one can't get rid of), once in a blue moon ("hardly at all" or "hardly ever"))

Half- fusions (stable word-groups in which the leading component is literal, while the rest of the group is idiomatically fused: to pay through the nose ("to pay unreasonably much"), to rain cats and dogs ("to rain heavily")

Unities (metaphorically motivated idioms)

Half-unities (binary word-groups in which one of the components is literal, while the other is phraseologically bound:black frost ("frost without ice or snow")

Phraseological collocations (groups with the components whose combinative power is strictly limited: to make friends (but not to do friends ).

Phraseological expressions (proverbs, sayings and aphoristic familiar quotations: Birds of a feather flock together (Лисий лисого бачить здалека)

The Koonin’s classification is the latest outstanding achievement in the Russian theory of phraseology. The classification is based on the combined structural - semantic principle and it also considers the quotient of stability of phraseological units. Koonin’s classification – structural and semantic:

- nominating PhUs: well and good;

- nominating-communicative PhUs (transformation in a sentence is possible): to beat the drum – the drum is beaten;

- neither nominating, nor communicatice PhUs: mostly interjectional combinations: Don’t be a goose! God damn!

- communicative PhUs (mostly proverbs, sayings, etc.): Can the leopard change its spots? If you want peace, be prepared for war.


1. Stylistic classification of the English vocabulary.

2. The notion of style in the language. Notion of language expressive means and stylistic devices. Convergence of stylistic devices.


  • Style is proper words in proper places (J. Swift)

  • Style is the art of speaking and writing clearly, correctly and with ease and grace (Chesterfield)

  • Style is the choice and disposition of words (Young)

  • Style is a contextually restricted linguistic variation (Enkvist)

  • Style is an emphasis (expressive, affective or aesthetic) added to the information conveyed by the linguistic structure (Riffaterre)


  • Phonetic, morphological, lexical, syntactical forms which exist in the language-as-a-system for the purpose of logical, expressive, emotional intensification of the utterance are called EM

child, kid, youngster, tot;

  • In a paradigm, we are confronted with the language expressive potential called "expressive means” which are marked members of stylistic oppositions, having their invariant meaning in language. They are "those phonetic, morphological, word-building, lexical, phraseological and syntactical forms which exist in language-as-system for the purpose of logical and/or emotional intensification of the utterance" (Galperin)


  • SD are formed in speech thanks to linear, syntagmatic relations between speech units in a text or between stylistically marked and stylistically unmarked speech units

  • Kyiv Stylistics School define a SD as "an intentional change of a fixed (usual) distribution of language units in speech”.

  • Prof. I.R.Galperin: a SD is "a conscious and intentional intensification of some typical structural and/or semantic property of a language unit (neutral or expressive) promoted to a generalized status and thus becoming a generative model".