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Рекомендуемая и цитируемая литература:

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of the book "Basics of Social Management"

written by Alexander P. Gorbunov,

edited by Boris Y. Gershkovich

(Pyatigorsk Federal Linguistic University)

The book "Basics of Social Management" deals with the wide range of issues of theory and practice of management as a social function and a constantly developing system of social relations embracing all levels and subsystems of human society. The book is designed to help undergraduate and graduate students of Management, Business Administration and Government become familiar with and better understand the field of Management. They may use this book as a textbook and as a source of systematized ideas stimulating their process of study and research activities.

To accomplish this purpose, the issues covered are presented and discussed in four sections divided into nineteen chapters.

Section I, "Theoretical and Methodological Basics of Management. Integral Proccesses in Management" includes chapter 1, "Essence and Matter of Management", chapter 2, "Evolution of Theory and Practice of Management", chapter 3, "Internal Variables of Organization", chapter 4, "External Environment of Organization. Sociofactors and Ethics in Modern Management", chapter 5, "Communication in Organizations", chapter 6, "Management Decisions and Modelling of Situations".

Section II, "Functions of Management" includes chapter 7, "Essence, Matter and Composition of Functions of Management", chapter 8, "Planning and Purposefulness in Management", chapter 9, "Organizational Relationships in Management, their Structural Forms", chapter 10, "Motivation and Stimulation in Relationships of Management", chapter 11, "Control as a General Function in Management".

Section III, "Group Dynamics, Leadership and Organizational Culture" includes chapter 12, "Managing a Man and a Group: Formal and Informal Intercourse", chapter 13, "Managerial Power and Leadership", chapter 14, "Managing a Conflict and a Stress", chapter 15, "Organizational Culture".

Section IV, "Factors and Tendencies of Effective Functioning of Modern Management Relationships System" includes chapter 16, "Managing Personnel as a System", chapter 17, "Managing Operational System of Organization", chapter 18, "Innovative Management", chapter 19, "Society, Management, Organization and Manager on the Eve of the XXIst Century".

The book has got several specific features.

Firstly, it is oriented to giving a profound knowledge of theoretical basics of management in social (socio-economic) systems providing further proper practical application of this knowledge.

Secondly, it is based on the theory (conception) of management as an economic relationship. This theory which has been worked out by the author of the book under the scientific supervision by Honoured Scientist of Russia Boris Y. Gershkovich interprets management as a system of relationships having its core in socio-economic structure of society. In other words, management is interpreted as a historically formed system of relationships embracing (penetrating through) all levels and subsystems of human society. The key aspect of this system of relations is considered to be not an organizational-functional or organizational-economic, but a socio-economic (to be more precise, a "politico-economic") aspect.

This new conceptual approach to management, based on the understanding of the socio-economic plane of management relationship (i.e. plane of relationship of property, plane of an interaction of economic interests) as determining concrete situational (historical) essence of this relationship in all other planes, allows to integrate with the help of a dialectical methodology the whole number of existing approaches to management (systems approach, process approach, contingency approach, social units interaction approach, etc.).

Thirdly, according to the conception of management as an economic relationship, all phenomena and processes, functions and types of management relations and processes which are inherent in microlevel of society (a firm, an enterprise, an institution) are analyzed as the manifestations of general unified processes embracing all levels and links of social relations. So the human society is understood as an entity, as a unified socio-economic organism, which has been persistently developing and which links and relations have been becoming more and more mature. Besides, management relationships as the system of relations inherent in this organic entity are to be viewed as a multi-planed and "stereo-metric", more precise – spatial-temporal, system.

Fourthly, the book shows that modern society in its most advanced segments and structures (first of all, leading developed countries and leading transnational and national companies are meant) on the eve of the XXIst century has come to a point of formation of a new type of systemic connections – an integral organic relationship. That's why the author grounds the necessity of an integral, holistic approach to management and leadership in social (economic) organizations as the most adequate to the new stage of development of human society as a single whole organism.

Fifthly, the author tries to show future general tendencies in socio-economic development and development of relationship of management, considering the answers to the questions "what to do" and "where to go" to be the priority things in management and leadership. From this point of view he interprets the acute necessity for Russia to formulate approaches to management adequate to the objective demands of social progress and thinks over the possibility of applying to Russian soil those theoretical and practical management achievements that have been made by the developed states and leading business organizations of the West and East.

Sixthly, the book is specially designed not only to "chew over" the basic knowledge in Management and Leadership, but also to provide the advancement of students abilities in analytical thinking. Every chapter has been designed as a subsystem in an integral structure of the book, and in a number of cases a reader is to come to the conclusions together with the author.

Seventhly, the book is based on the definite value system – it stands for really professional (i.e. scientific, dialectical and systemic), leader-type and innovative approach to managing organizations. It shows an objective necessity of rejection the relations of "superior-subordinate", "manager-executive" type and an acute need for transition to the relationships of a new type – relationships of partnership, of synergistic cooperation.

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