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gerund vs infinitive.docx
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XI. Use either infinitive or ing-form of the verb: forget

1. Someone stole my stereo, because I forgot (lock) the door of my car. 2. Jack forgot (ask) by his wife to pick her up on the way from work and drove straight home. When she finally got home on her own she was furious. 3.The general never forgot ... his boys out for a drive one Sun­day day in June, (ro take) 4. Don't forget ... the door when you decide to go to bed. (ro lock)


1. After his GCSEs, at which he didn't do very well, Peter said he was fed up with exams and schoolwork, but his parents were sure that later he would regret (leave) school at 16 and insisted on (he, stay) on for two years more. 2.The examiner filled in his form and without looking at me said, "I regret (inform) you that you have failed (reach) the required standard."


5. She tried ... an interest in my work, (to take). 6. To learn to write I tried ... words or the order in which they I were set. (to alter) 7.Why didn't you try ... yourself a job? (to find) 8.She tried but her fingers were numb, (to knit). 9. When we moved here we tried (make) the place look more cheerful. We tried (paint) the walls a lighter shade, (change) the curtains, (move) the furniture. Nothing worked, it remained as gloomy as fiver.


1. He proposed ... tickets to the theatre to go that night that night, but Elisa said she was tired, (to get). 2. In the following pages I propose ... the story of Goethe's life, (to tell). 3. One of them proposed ... out later on to watch the children I dancing, (to go) 4.He propose ... a boat with the money, (to buy).5. We usually propose … things in advance. (to do). 6. Peter proposed … books well-arranged (to make)


1. Visitors to Great Britain should remember (look) right first before crossing the road. 2. I must remember ... the others not to mention it to Willy, (to tell. 3. Yes, I remember ... the letter on the mantlepiece. (ro see) 4.I remember ... for a drive by a kind lady who wanted to show me round, (to take) 5. I must remember ... through my pockets, (to look) 6.I remember ... to hear endless incidents from my mother's childhood, (ro have)

Be afraid

I'm afraid (ask) my boss for a pay rise, because I'm afraid (make) him angry. 2. I’m afraid (swim) in the river, I cant swim. 3. I’m afraid going outside yesterday because late night you may be robbed in the street. 4. I’m afraid (to climb) the trees. 5. I ‘m afraid (to jump) over the puddle as it is easy to fall into it. 6. I ‘m afraid (to come close ) to unknown dogs. I was bitten by one in the childhood.

Recommend, allow, advise, encourage

1I wouldn't recommend (stay) at that hotel. 2. She doesn't allow anyone (drive) her car. 3. They don't allow (talk) in the examination room. 4.What would you advise me (do)? 5. I wouldn't advise (tell) anyone what's happened. 6. He's always encouraged me (have) confidence in myself. 7. The teachers of this school encourage (develop) individual interests. 8. What would you advise me (do)?. I wouldn't advise (tell) anyone what's happened. 10. I wouldn't recommend (drive) through the city centre now. 11. The traffic is terrible at this time of the day. 12. The invigilator didn't permit anyone (leave) the classroom during the exam. 13. They don't permit (use) dictionaries during the exam


1. We can't afford ... you. (to waste).You are so in demand. 2. She asked him whether he hated ... as much as she did. (ro fly) 3. Moving to a foreign country means (change) your way of life. 4. If honestly I prefer … this tomorrow, not today,(to discuss). 5. It was already getting dark, but the boys went on (play) football. 6. He stopped ... and went into the bathroom to turn the water on for the bath, (to whistle).7. He went on ... about his children, (to talk). 8. Will you stop (treat) me as if I were a baby? 9. She hates ... for television, (to work). 10. Outside, the church bells started ... . (to ring). 11. The article went on ... that Miss MacLean was born in Dublin ■ and still had relations living there,(to say). 12. On the way back we stopped (have) lunch at a small cafe outside Epsom. 13. I'm sorry I meant (tell) you about it earlier, but couldn't find a suitable moment. 14. Let's go on (consider) the next item on the agenda. 15. She could not begin ... . (to unpack) 16.Harriet cleared her throat and began ... her pockets for cigarettes, (ro search). 17.I liked ... lodgings of my own, where I could be by myself, (to have)18.He liked ... up late into the night smoking his pipe and drinking a glass of whiskey, (to sit). 19.I hated ... of her wishes being forced in any way. (to think). 20. I'm ashamed (confess) that I got frightened and ran away. 21. I'm ashamed (do) such a cowardly thing, but what is done cannot be undone.

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