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UP Mod glagoli Kravchenko.doc
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1.3 Make up sentences according to the model.

Model: My friend has broken his leg.............................……………..

My friend has broken his leg. He can't walk now.

1. I haven't slept the night...................... 2. My friend hasn't come to the college..................... 3. I haven't seen this film yet......................... 4. I have lost my railway ticket ......................... 5. Our chief has left for London ......................... 6. We have spent a week-end in the country......................... 7. We haven't had lunch yet ......................... 8. I haven't done my homework yet......................... 9. My brother has lost his watch......................... 10. I have left my driving licence at home........................ 11. I have forgotten my colleague's telephone number........................ 12.1 have already heard this story......................... 13.1 have already written an application........................ 14. We have found a good specialist at the university. ........................ 15. My brother has made a lot of mistakes in his exercises......................... 16. Our neighbour hasn't bought a new computer yet......................... 17. My magazine has fallen down into the water........................ 18. I haven't sent a letter to my friend yet......................... 19. I have found these documents in the street.

1.4 In this exercise you have to use can or be able to; sometimes only be able to is possible.

e.g. George has travelled a lot. He can (or is able to) speak four laguages. I haven't been able to sleep very well recently.

1.Tom .......................drive but he hasn't got a car. 2. I can't understand Martin. I've never ..................... understand him. 3. I used to ...................... stand on my head but I can't do it now. 4. Ask Ann about your problem. She should ..................... help you.

1.5 In this exercise you have to complete the sentence with could ………….

1. He can't play tennis very well now but he........…………. quite well when he was younger.

2. She can't run very fast now but when she was at school she.................... faster than anyone else.

3. I can't swim very far these days but ten years ago I .................................. from one side of the lake to the other.

1.6 This time you have to answer the questions with was/were able to.

e.g. Did you persuade them?

Yes. It was difficult but we were able to persuade them.

1. Did they find your house?

Yes, it took them a long time but they……………………………..

2. Did you win the match?

Yes, it wasn't easy but I……………………………………………..

3. Did the thief escape?

Yes, the policeman chased the thief but he…………………………

1.7 Now you have to complete a sentence with could, was/were able to or couldn't.

e.g. My grandfather was very clever. Нe could (or was able to) speak five language.

I looked everywhere for the book but I could't find it.

The fire spread quickly but everyone was able to escape.

1. He had hurt his leg, so he ……………… walk very well.

2. She wasn't at home when I phoned but I .………….........contact her at her office.

3. I looked very carefully and I …………….. see a figure in the distance.

4. They didn't have any tomatoes in the first shop I went to, but I ....……… some in the next shop.

5. My grandmother loved music. She ………………... play the piano very well.

6. The boy fell into the river but fortunately we …...…… rescue him.

1.8 Ask permission in these situations. Use Can I...?, Could I...?, Can't I...? or Couldn't I...? (Be careful how you use my, you, your, and we in your answers.)

You want.….

1. ...another drink. => Can I have another drink? 2. ...to leave your books with me. (be particularly polite) 3. ...to call your brother from my phone. 4. ...to talk to me about your job application, (be particularly polite) 5. ...to park your car on my drive. (I've already refused once) 6. ...to ask me exactly what my job is. 7. ...to pick some of the apples off the tree in my garden. (I've already refused once) 8. ...to come with me to my summer house. (I've already refused once) 9. ...to have the last piece of my birthday cake, (be particularly polite)

1.9 Make situations using the modal verb can in the correct form. Use the words and word combinations from the table.

e.g. Can you show me the way? I'm a stranger here.

1. .......you.............. ? I'm cold. 2. You.......here. Look for another place to park your car. 3.I....................when I was three. My father taught me. 4. She...................... . She is afraid of water. 5.I.....................him yesterday. I didn't remember his number. 6. We..........................him. He is a liar. 7. She........................... . She was in a hurry. 8.......you..............him? I think he is speaking English.

I park (your car), show me the way, ride a bicycle, understand, trust, wait for us, close the window, swim, phone.

1.10 Fill in the gaps with can, could, be able to.

I. I.....drive now but next year I.... drive. 2. Last year he.........speak English as well as he........speak this year. 3. I've never...............remember his name. 4. I.......cook a month ago but I'm taking a course and next month I...........to cook. 5. She might.............baby-sit but I'm not sure of that. 6...........I help you? Do you need help? 7..................you do the shopping in the evening? The fridge is empty. 8.....................skate when you were six?

1.11 Fill each of the gaps with a form of be able to followed by an appropriate verb.

e.g. I don't think I will be able to drive you to the airport.

1. I never....……………..out the difference between a PC and a Mac.

2. I would really love…….…….myself more interestingly on paper.

3. You………………..… him on this number, but 1 have my doubts.

4. They ……….……... just……………the drowning man to safety, thank goodness.

5. If you don't feel ………………………...a contribution, just say so.

1.12 Choose the correct form of the verbs.

1. I loved staying with my grandparents when I was a child. They let me read all the books in the house and told me I could / was able to go to bed as late as I wanted.

2. This carpet was priced at £500, but I could / was able to get a discount because of this little mark in the corner.

3. I couldn't have found / haven't been able to find my diary for days. It's terribly inconvenient.

4. As soon as she opened the door I could / was able to see from her face that something terrible had happened.

5. I've no idea where my brother is living now. He can/could be at the North Pole for all know.

6. It's difficult to understand how explorers survive the conditions they encounter in the Antarctic. I'm sure I can't/couldn't.

7. The day started off misty, but by the time we had reached the mountain the sun had appeared and we could/were able to climb it quite quickly.

1.13 Six weeks ago a man and his wife were flying over the jungle when their plane came down in the trees. Last week their bodies were found about twenty miles from where the plane crashed. The woman had written a diary. Read the diary below and say what happened to the two people. Use could, couldn't and was/were able to.



We were able to climb down from the plane. We couldn't think clearly because we were so shocked.


Climbed down from plane. Too shocked to think clearly.


Too hot to sleep. Heard the noise of insects all night.


Got water from a steam. Saw some smoke from the south.


Too wet to travel. Kept dry.


Walked several miles along the bank of a river. River too wide to cross.


Killed and ate a monkey. Heard a plane somewhere above us.


Both too ill to walk. Slept for several hours.

1.14 The Psycho-Clinic in London helps people with their problems. Below is an advertisement for the clinic. Complete the sentences using can, could, was/were able to, 'II be able to or their negative forms. (Sometimes more than one answer is correct.)


The answer to your problems


Rosemary, Manchester

Psycho-Clinic is wonderful. My problem was that I ... fly. I was afraid of aeroplanes. As soon as my course was over, I ... take a flight to the Canary Islands! I had a super holiday. Now I ... fly where I like. Next summer I ... go to the West Indies. (I ... do that every year because I haven't enough money.) I ... thank Psycho-Clinic enough.


Bernard, Southampton

Now at last I ... stand up in front of a group of people! From now on my life will be different. I ... do my job much better in future. I often have to give talks to sales people at work. I just . . . avoid it. In the old days I ... sleep for a week before a talk. I ... hardly do my work. But now I ... give a talk without feeling too nervous. Last week I ... get a good night's sleep before talking to a group of twenty people the next day. It's marvellous!


Margaret, Cornwall

Yesterday someone asked me for my telephone number, and for the first time in my life I ... give the number without looking in my book. Before I went to Psycho-Clinic I always forgot numbers and names. I ... remember them at all. Now, thanks to Psycho-Clinic, I ... remember much more. If I see someone in the street tomorrow, I won't need to hide - I . . . stop and say hello to them.


Eugene, Maryland, USA

I didn't like crowds of people. I ... go to the theatre or the cinema. I love horse racing, and I ... go to the races. But the people at Psycho-Clinic . . . stop me feeling afraid. Now I ... do all those things. Yesterday I ... stand in a crowd at a baseball game. I ... lead a normal life now. There's an interesting show at the local theatre next week, and I …….. see it.

1.15 Translate the sentences using the verbs can or manage.

1. Я не сумел сдать экзамен, так как был не очень хорошо готов.

2. Дети не могли разбить вазу. Их не было дома.

3. Я не могла с ней спорить.

4. Я старалась с ней не спорить, но не смогла.

5. Ты мог сделать это без моей помощи?

6. Как ты смог сделать это без моей помощи?

7. Дети не смогли повторить слово, так как оно было трудным.

8. Я мог повторить все еще раз, но не захотел.

1.16 Read and add a sentence logically connected:


  • The glasses are dirty.

  • The glasses are dirty. Can/could you wash them up?

1. The room smells of smoke. 2. There is still food on the table. 3. The floor is dirty. 4. The ash-trays are full of cigarette-ends. 5. The lights are all on in the house. 6. There is a lot of rubbish in the kitchen. 6. The TV-set has been on for 8 hours on end. 7. The carpet is dirty. 8. There is something wrong with my car.

to air smth

to empty smth

to turn off smth

to clear the table

to switch off smth

to take to the dry-cleaner's

to wash smth

to throw away smth

to have a look at smth

1.17 Translate into English

1. Могу я задать вам вопрос? 2. Я не смогу прийти вовремя. 3. Тед не смог прочесть слово. 4. Я не мог этому поверить. 5. Ребенок должен уметь кушать сам. 6. Она не может хорошо работать в последнее время. 7. Я смогу купить что-нибудь на ужин. 8. Она не умет ездить верхом. 9. Кто сможет ответить на вопрос? 10. Я никогда не могла с ним спорить. 11. Как давно вы умеете плавать? 12. Как вам удалось починить радио?

1.18 Use the modal verb could in a polite request.


Will you answer my question? - Could you answer my question?

1. Will you wait for me ? 2. Will you show me your computer ? 3. Will you pay for sandwiches? 4. Will you translate this article? 5. Will you give me your mobile telephone? 6. Will you bring some food? 7. Will you make tea for us? 8. Will you come to me tomorrow? 9. Will you give me your pen? 10. Will you phone me on Sunday?

1.19 Choose can, could or be able to (or negative forms) to complete these sentences. If two answers are possible write them both and underline the more likely one.

1. Peter has a computer that.................fit into his jacket pocket. 2. I had some free time yesterday, so I ...................write a few letters. 3. From where we're standing, this land belongs to me for as far as you..................see. 4. My teacher's given me a translation to do for homework, but I...................understand it. 5. Watch this, Mum; I...................stand on one leg. 6. When's Megan's birthday?' 'As far as I.....................remember, it's in June.' 7. The plans were destroyed before they.....................be read by the invading army. 8. Until you..................repay some of your present debt, we cannot lend you any more money. 9. The game.....................be played by up to six people. (from the instructions for a board game) 10. When I was younger I was hopeless at sports. I..................throw or kick a ball properly.

1.20 Complete these sentences with could or was/were able to. In one of each pair you can use either, so write them both. In the other it is more appropriate only to use was/were able to.

1. a) Despite yesterday's snowfalls, we...............drive home in less than an hour. b) I only lived a mile from the office and.....................drive to work in less than an hour. 2. a) When she was the manager of the company she ............take holidays when she wanted to. b) I was very busy at work, but I.....................take a short holiday over Christmas. 3. a) In the 16th century, fishermen................... smuggle (провозить контрабандой) wine into the country without fear of being caught by the authorities. b) Bennett....................smuggle the knife on board the plane without being detected by the security system.

1.21 Complete these sentences with can followed by one of the verbs below. If it is inappropriate to use can, use a form of be able to instead.

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